CDZ Why are anti gunners so open all of a sudden about banning guns?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I think that the anti gunners believe they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment, and that is why they feel free to be honest about what they want...banning all semi automatic guns...that would include semi automatic rifles, pistols, ( including revolvers) and shotguns.....which would end concealed and open carry as well.

Why do they think they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment....?

They think the democrats will get control of the House in 2018.

If that happens they will immediately impeach Trump. They also think that with their Never Trump republican allies, they can bully the cowardly moderate Rebublicans in the Senate to actually remove him from office.....and Pence, having been Trump's guy, will be powerless as he fills out Trump's last years.

That is what they hope.

At a minimum, by impeaching Trump they think they will then have the juice to block any new appointments, especially to the Supreme Court, using their Never Trump allies and bullying moderate Republican cowards to go along with it.....

That means if ginsburg and kennedy retire or die, he won't be able to put real Justices on the court, and if Justice Thomas retires or dies, he won't be able to keep the status quo on the court.....and they think they will be able to elect a democrat as President, who will then be the one shaping the court for the next 30 years....

If that happens....the 2nd Amendment will be nothing but ink on paper, just as it is in Mexico.

They will vote on the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ban on Assault weapons, which will ban all semi auto weapons, and they will use the courts to sue gun makers into submission.

That is why the democrats are openly calling for a ban on semi automatic weapons.......which is essentially almost every gun in the country....
One more time, why would any of this be a bad thing?

Do you have a better argument than "The Founding Slave Owners Said I can have any gun I want if you read it the right way"?
How's this one:

Criminals, by definition, don't care about the laws, and therefore will carry/use what ever weapon they choose. With that in mind, and the FACT that humans have the right to self-defense, we must allow people the ability to protect their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Here's another one:

Every single time a government has oppressed a group of people, the first thing they did was dis-arm them, thus leaving them powerless to defend themselves.

And another:
Of the dozens of Cold War era scenarios that the USSR drew up for invading the US, not one included going through Texas. Texas has a history of defending itself with force ("Remember the Alamo!"). Texas also has a very high rate of private gun ownership. Coincidence? You decide.

And if those don't answer your question satisfactorily, from Gun Control -

"Gun control laws are racist. Current gun control laws are frequently aimed at inner city, poor, black communities who are perceived as more dangerous than white gun owners. [94] [95] Charles Gallagher, MA, PhD, the Chair of Sociology at LaSalle University, stated that some gun control laws are still founded on racial fears: "Whites walking down Main Street with an AK-47 are defenders of American values; a black man doing the same thing is Public Enemy No. 1." [96] In the late 1960s, gun control laws were enacted in reaction to the militant, gun-carrying Black Panthers. [97] Adam Winkler, MA, JD, UCLA Constitutional Law Professor, stated "The KKK began as a gun-control organization. Before the Civil War, blacks were never allowed to own guns" so, after the Civil War, there was "constant pressure among white racists to keep guns out of the hands of African Americans because they would rise up and revolt.” [97] In Virginia, in response to Nat Turner's Rebellion (also called the Southampton Rebellion, in which slaves killed 55 to 65 people in the most fatal slave uprising in the United States) in 1831, a law was passed that prohibited free black people "to keep or carry any firelock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead and all laws allowing free black people to possess firearms were repealed."

So, are you a racist? Or maybe you are a Soviet sympathiser? Or a criminal? No? Then why, pray tell, would you wish for people to be unable to defend themselves?
Criminals, by definition, don't care about the laws, and therefore will carry/use what ever weapon they choose. With that in mind, and the FACT that humans have the right to self-defense, we must allow people the ability to protect their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

If no one is manufacturing them, they can't choose them.

And a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

Every single time a government has oppressed a group of people, the first thing they did was dis-arm them, thus leaving them powerless to defend themselves.

That's a nice little cliche, but it's just not true. The Nazis, for instance, loosened the gun laws in Germany. And not one good German ever showed up to resist them. When Goldstein got sent to the camp to explore new career opportunities as a lampshade, the Good Germans did nothing.

Of the dozens of Cold War era scenarios that the USSR drew up for invading the US, not one included going through Texas. Texas has a history of defending itself with force ("Remember the Alamo!"). Texas also has a very high rate of private gun ownership. Coincidence? You decide.

The USSR never wanted to invade the US, period. Next.

So, are you a racist? Or maybe you are a Soviet sympathiser? Or a criminal? No? Then why, pray tell, would you wish for people to be unable to defend themselves?

Because gun nuts scare me a lot more than a communist does.

Because my next door neighbor shot wildly into the parking lot of the complex I live in (possibly hitting myself or one of my neighbors) before he offed himself a few weeks later.

Because other democracies have banned guns, they have less crime, less murder, and are more peaceful.

And generally, because you guys have made no effort to ever comprimise or be reasonable, so there's no reason our side should be when we win.
Criminals, by definition, don't care about the laws, and therefore will carry/use what ever weapon they choose. With that in mind, and the FACT that humans have the right to self-defense, we must allow people the ability to protect their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

If no one is manufacturing them, they can't choose them.

And a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

Every single time a government has oppressed a group of people, the first thing they did was dis-arm them, thus leaving them powerless to defend themselves.

That's a nice little cliche, but it's just not true. The Nazis, for instance, loosened the gun laws in Germany. And not one good German ever showed up to resist them. When Goldstein got sent to the camp to explore new career opportunities as a lampshade, the Good Germans did nothing.

Of the dozens of Cold War era scenarios that the USSR drew up for invading the US, not one included going through Texas. Texas has a history of defending itself with force ("Remember the Alamo!"). Texas also has a very high rate of private gun ownership. Coincidence? You decide.

The USSR never wanted to invade the US, period. Next.

So, are you a racist? Or maybe you are a Soviet sympathiser? Or a criminal? No? Then why, pray tell, would you wish for people to be unable to defend themselves?

Because gun nuts scare me a lot more than a communist does.

Because my next door neighbor shot wildly into the parking lot of the complex I live in (possibly hitting myself or one of my neighbors) before he offed himself a few weeks later.

Because other democracies have banned guns, they have less crime, less murder, and are more peaceful.

And generally, because you guys have made no effort to ever comprimise or be reasonable, so there's no reason our side should be when we win.
When will you stop using that debunked 43 times bullshit?
I think that the anti gunners believe they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment, and that is why they feel free to be honest about what they want...banning all semi automatic guns...that would include semi automatic rifles, pistols, ( including revolvers) and shotguns.....which would end concealed and open carry as well.

Why do they think they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment....?

They think the democrats will get control of the House in 2018.

If that happens they will immediately impeach Trump. They also think that with their Never Trump republican allies, they can bully the cowardly moderate Rebublicans in the Senate to actually remove him from office.....and Pence, having been Trump's guy, will be powerless as he fills out Trump's last years.

That is what they hope.

At a minimum, by impeaching Trump they think they will then have the juice to block any new appointments, especially to the Supreme Court, using their Never Trump allies and bullying moderate Republican cowards to go along with it.....

That means if ginsburg and kennedy retire or die, he won't be able to put real Justices on the court, and if Justice Thomas retires or dies, he won't be able to keep the status quo on the court.....and they think they will be able to elect a democrat as President, who will then be the one shaping the court for the next 30 years....

If that happens....the 2nd Amendment will be nothing but ink on paper, just as it is in Mexico.

They will vote on the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ban on Assault weapons, which will ban all semi auto weapons, and they will use the courts to sue gun makers into submission.

That is why the democrats are openly calling for a ban on semi automatic weapons.......which is essentially almost every gun in the country....

Because they're deluded enough to think they can actually win.

They're putting on the condom before the date.
Because they're deluded enough to think they can actually win.

They're putting on the condom before the date.

Except there's a big difference this time.

This time, people are ignoring the National Rampage Association.

If that were the case why have donations skyrocketed?

I find it to be hilarious that you anti gunners want to use guns to force the American people to disarm.
Surely even you can see the hypocrisy.
I know who is being ignored ... 2018's Cindy Sheehan.


Times nearly up. It's 14 minutes and 30 seconds.
If that were the case why have donations skyrocketed?

I find it to be hilarious that you anti gunners want to use guns to force the American people to disarm.
Surely even you can see the hypocrisy.

Naw, because most people would comply voluntarily. They might even be relieved to have a gun out of their home.

The ones who don't... well, they were scaring the children to start with.
If that were the case why have donations skyrocketed?

I find it to be hilarious that you anti gunners want to use guns to force the American people to disarm.
Surely even you can see the hypocrisy.

Naw, because most people would comply voluntarily. They might even be relieved to have a gun out of their home.

The ones who don't... well, they were scaring the children to start with.

Naive little man.....
I think that the anti gunners believe they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment, and that is why they feel free to be honest about what they want...banning all semi automatic guns...that would include semi automatic rifles, pistols, ( including revolvers) and shotguns.....which would end concealed and open carry as well.

Why do they think they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment....?

They think the democrats will get control of the House in 2018.

If that happens they will immediately impeach Trump. They also think that with their Never Trump republican allies, they can bully the cowardly moderate Rebublicans in the Senate to actually remove him from office.....and Pence, having been Trump's guy, will be powerless as he fills out Trump's last years.

That is what they hope.

At a minimum, by impeaching Trump they think they will then have the juice to block any new appointments, especially to the Supreme Court, using their Never Trump allies and bullying moderate Republican cowards to go along with it.....

That means if ginsburg and kennedy retire or die, he won't be able to put real Justices on the court, and if Justice Thomas retires or dies, he won't be able to keep the status quo on the court.....and they think they will be able to elect a democrat as President, who will then be the one shaping the court for the next 30 years....

If that happens....the 2nd Amendment will be nothing but ink on paper, just as it is in Mexico.

They will vote on the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ban on Assault weapons, which will ban all semi auto weapons, and they will use the courts to sue gun makers into submission.

That is why the democrats are openly calling for a ban on semi automatic weapons.......which is essentially almost every gun in the country....

They're going to do the same thing they did when barry was elected.....
They shot their wad early and didnt expect the blowback after Americans saw what the regressives wanted to achieve.

It'll be the same here......real Americans are going to go ape shit on these fools.
They're going to do the same thing they did when barry was elected.....
They shot their wad early and didnt expect the blowback after Americans saw what the regressives wanted to achieve.

It'll be the same here......real Americans are going to go ape shit on these fools.

Real Americans are tired of worrying about whether or not their kids are coming home in a body bag from school tomorrow.
When will you stop using that debunked 43 times bullshit?

When someone actually debunks it beyond "I don't want it to be true!!!" sure.
The "43 times" claim was based upon a small-scale study of firearms deaths in King County, Washington (Seattle and Bellevue) covering the period 1978-83. The authors state,

"Mortality studies such as ours do not include cases in which burglars or intruders are wounded or frightened away by the use or display of a firearm. Cases in which would-be intruders may have purposely avoided a house known to be armed are also not identified…A complete determination of firearm risks versus benefits would require that these figures be known."

Having said this, these authors proceed anyway to exclude those same instances where a potential criminal was not killed but was thwarted.

Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters

The entire "study" failed every standard
They're going to do the same thing they did when barry was elected.....
They shot their wad early and didnt expect the blowback after Americans saw what the regressives wanted to achieve.

It'll be the same here......real Americans are going to go ape shit on these fools.

Real Americans are tired of worrying about whether or not their kids are coming home in a body bag from school tomorrow.

No, only snowflakes fear that. The odds of being in a school shooting are astronomical.
They're going to do the same thing they did when barry was elected.....
They shot their wad early and didnt expect the blowback after Americans saw what the regressives wanted to achieve.

It'll be the same here......real Americans are going to go ape shit on these fools.

Real Americans are tired of worrying about whether or not their kids are coming home in a body bag from school tomorrow.

Yeah...and real Americans know the solution is to place armed guards in schools NOW!!
Meanwhile you dipshits sit back and continue to allow the killing while you fight a fight you cant win.

Why not place armed security in schools while you try and get rid of the 2nd?
Afraid it'll work thus making your bid to ban guns a moot point?
The entire "study" failed every standard

So you aren't complaining that the 43:1 number was wrong (it wasn't), you are complaining they should have counted "other' stuff, like all the times people scared other people with guns.

So, okay, do we want to also count all the times an abusive family member threatened his family with a gun?

That's not what was counted here. What was counted was.

Total number of deaths by gun

SUicides+ Domestic Murder + Accidents : Times someone was killed in self defense.

and it came out to 43:1.

Here's an easier way to validate that number.

Every year we have 32,000 gun deaths.

But the FBI only records 200 gun deaths that were justified self-defense by civilians.
The entire "study" failed every standard

So you aren't complaining that the 43:1 number was wrong (it wasn't), you are complaining they should have counted "other' stuff, like all the times people scared other people with guns.

So, okay, do we want to also count all the times an abusive family member threatened his family with a gun?

That's not what was counted here. What was counted was.

Total number of deaths by gun

SUicides+ Domestic Murder + Accidents : Times someone was killed in self defense.

and it came out to 43:1.

Here's an easier way to validate that number.

Every year we have 32,000 gun deaths.

But the FBI only records 200 gun deaths that were justified self-defense by civilians.

You're not going to disarm America.

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