Why are Americans so concerned with "big government"?

Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA/TSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?
I'd just like you to consider how many terrorists were caught by the TSA. The answer, of course, is a big fat zero. Now, consider all of the abuses they are responsible for. If you can't think of any, try google. It's sick, what those people get away with.
Given how thorough they are, why would any terrorist be stupid enough to try? Either way, your argument is basically saying they aren't thorough enough.
Did you know there are pedophiles working for TSA? There are also many others with felony records, including murder. I'm not saying we shouldn't have airport security. Just that it shouldn't be the TSA.
I don't know what story you are referring to but it is ridiculous to connect the TSA in general with pedophilia. You will find pedophiles anywhere. Private sector or public.
Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA/TSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?

The last time I checked, a corporation couldn't throw me in jail or fine me for unknowingly violating some obscure regulation written by an unelected bureaucrat.

Just sayin'.
Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA/TSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?

O's feds have been giving wall street 80 billion a month now for six years but you're not outraged at that.
Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA/TSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?

The last time I checked, a corporation couldn't throw me in jail or fine me for unknowingly violating some obscure regulation written by an unelected bureaucrat.

Just sayin'.
Did you know that it is now a crime to make fun of the TSA? Any idea who passed that law? I'll bet you it wasn't Congress.
Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA/TSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?

The last time I checked, a corporation couldn't throw me in jail or fine me for unknowingly violating some obscure regulation written by an unelected bureaucrat.

Just sayin'.
Did you know that it is now a crime to make fun of the TSA? Any idea who passed that law? I'll bet you it wasn't Congress.

Oh, it most certainly wasn't Congress. Some faceless little bureaucrat came up with that one, no doubt.
Why are Americans so concerned with "big government"?

Duh, because I paid more in taxes than the average person earns in a year. Why should I have to work overtime to pay the bills of able bodied freeloaders?
Even if you could make the argument our leaders push the boundaries of their authority, is it really worth the paranoia to fear this vague concept of "big government"? What exactly do people think will happen?

Frankly, the NSA scandal never bothered me all that much. It was definitely eye-opening, but it didn't make me fearful. Yes, the agency was being more invasive than we thought, but there are two things to consider: 1) this invasive behavior was solely in the interest of national security. 2) no one working at the NSA was exempt from this prying. EVERYONE was being monitored. It's not like there is some elite group within the NSA that controls the masses that was poking into people's lives for the fun of it. It all had a purpose.

I also think of the TSA. Libertarians whine about thorough the security procedures are. How can they possibly forget about the purpose of these procedures? They have to be thorough. Can you imagine the implications if the NSA didn't crack down after 9/11? Don't you think we would be open to more attacks? Don't you think these current procedures have discouraged terrorists from future attempts? While I find airport security terribly inconvenient, I understand why it is the way it is. Oh, and again, no one working in the TSA would be above going through these procedures while traveling. No one gets a pass while going in line for their flight.

Where is the outrage at big business? Doesn't the low corporate crime prosecution bother you Rightwingers? It's amazing what big corporations get away with doing. Their biggest punishment is paying petty fines. How about Wall Street corruption? How about the staggering gap income gap and growing poverty rate?

Those business leaders are the people who are above the law. Money has gotten so much louder these days. Where is the outrage, huh?
The people hate the idea of big government but love what it provides. Candidates will promise smaller government because that is what people want to hear and delivery what big government provides because that's what people want.

what the hell do they provide that we DON'T PAY FOR. ? . We all have STATE governments that we pay taxes to do things for us. We don't need this MONSTER Federal government that's it's become and continuously looking for more ways to take money from us to feed it
The people pay for everything that government provides either now or later. One might think that if government eliminates some function, then their taxes will go down. However, we all know that is not necessarily the case. Your taxes may stay the same and mine may go down or there may be other functions added and taxes go up. In other words, elimination of government functions is not synonymous with tax cuts.

Some things only the federal government can provide such as national defense, conducting foreign policy, regulating interstate transportation, regulating communication, maintaining national parks and monuments, global law enforcement (CIA), federal law enforcement, and regulation of customs and immigration. These are obvious functions of the federal government that states would have difficulty providing. However,there are many other functions that aren't.

There's a huge list of functions that states could do, in some cases better than the federal government and other cases worse. However, the public is not particularly interested who provides the function, only that functions they depend on are provided. The family that depends on welfare, foods stamps, disability, or other social service just want those services to continue. State government wants those federal dollars they get to pay state programs. Seniors want that Social Check delivered every month and Medicare payments made. Government workers want to keep their jobs. The list goes on and on of all the stuff people want from the government.

So the charade continues. Every 4 years, candidates promise smaller government and then delivery all the same government functions because that's how you get elected. I'm sure this election will be no different.
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I even wonder about local taxes, too many political fingers are in the pot. You get to a bigger political realm basically were screwed while the government makes the best decisions for themselves and their back scratching rich croonies .
Too funny that some vote for a smaller government and nothing has changed, the same people are running the show, only a different political platform .
maybe this will help the op understand. It's too late for us, when you have people saying they worry about it until they want what IT provides them

CBO: Feds Taxing More, Spending More, Running Bigger Deficit in 2015
April 13, 2015 - 1:21 PM
By Terence P. Jeffrey

(CNSNews.com) - The federal government taxed away more money, spent more money and ran a bigger deficit in the first half of fiscal 2015 than it did in the first half of fiscal 2014, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

“The federal government ran a budget deficit of $430 billion for the first half of fiscal year 2015, CBO estimates--$17 billion more than the shortfall recorded in the same span last year,” the CBO said in its Monthly Budget Review for March 2015, which was published April 8. “Both revenues and outlays were about 7 percent higher than the amounts recorded in the first six months of fiscal year 2014."

The federal fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 and ends on Sept. 30.

In the first six months of fiscal 2014, the government took in approximately $1,323,000,000,000 in revenue, according to CBO. In the first six months of this fiscal year, it took in approximately $1,420,000,000,000—an increase of $98,000,000,000.

Meanwhile, the federal government spent approximately $1,736,000,000,000 in the first six months of fiscal 2014. It spent approximately $1,851,000,000,000 in the first six months of the fiscal year—an increase of $115,000,000,000 over last year.

Last year, the government ran a deficit of $413 billion in the first six months of the fiscal year. This year, it ran a deficit of $430 billion—a $17 billion increase over last year.

The biggest source of additional tax revenue for the federal government was the individual income tax. In the first six months of fiscal 2014, Americans paid the federal government approximately $585,000,000,000 in individual income taxes. In the first six months of fiscal 2015, Americans paid $642,000,000,000 in individual income taxes—an increase of $57 billion (or 9.7 percent) from fiscal 2014.

ALL of it here:
CBO Feds Taxing More Spending More Running Bigger Deficit in 2015 CNS News

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