Why are Americans obsessed with royalty

Couldn't care less about a government ran zoo of narcissists.

The only "royal" I ever cared about was Princess Diana, the only actual HUMAN one. Of course, she was a "nobody" before that. And look what they did to her when she escaped the zoo!!!

How do we know Princess Diana had dandruff?

They found her Head & Shoulders in the glove box.

I'll let myself out...
Every time there is a royal event London is swamped by wierdos obsessed with royalty. It was the same yesterday where most of the idiots seemed to be American or Japanese.

On the news they interviewed a woman from Vermont who never misses a royal event.There were other Americans there as well. All middle aged, vacant looking types.

What is it about royalty that attracts americans and would you like to take thes parasites off our hands ?
Cool post from a royal pain in the ass.
Every time there is a royal event London is swamped by wierdos obsessed with royalty. It was the same yesterday where most of the idiots seemed to be American or Japanese.

On the news they interviewed a woman from Vermont who never misses a royal event.There were other Americans there as well. All middle aged, vacant looking types.

What is it about royalty that attracts americans and would you like to take thes parasites off our hands ?
Take the Queen, she has been around for just over 28% of the USA's entire history, add Victoria's reign to that, both have witnessed about 55% of America's history. The UK has loads of history, even before when England was recognised in 927 at Eamount Bridge.

But this is the thing with the Crown in the UK, it brings tourism and wealth into the UK's coffers.

Each time I went to the States, I was always asked about Sherlock Holmes and the Monarchy. Unfortunately, apart from dire presidents and wars, America has nothing to generate history.
Take the Queen, she has been around for just over 28% of the USA's entire history, add Victoria's reign to that, both have witnessed about 55% of America's history. The UK has loads of history, even before when England was recognised in 927 at Eamount Bridge.

But this is the thing with the Crown in the UK, it brings tourism and wealth into the UK's coffers.

Each time I went to the States, I was always asked about Sherlock Holmes and the Monarchy. Unfortunately, apart from dire presidents and wars, America has nothing to generate history.
They need to be sacked.They dont belong in a modern democratic society. Make David Attenborough head of state.
They need to be sacked.They dont belong in a modern democratic society. Make David Attenborough head of state.
I've always said, those who don't understand the Crown and business are thick as fuck. If you had a company that brought billions in and cost a few hundred million to run, which retard would want to close it down? That's right, the thick retards would.

Do you even know anything about the Crown estate? Doubt it.

Where do you stand with the Royals?
I've always said, those who don't understand the Crown and business are thick as fuck. If you had a company that brought billions in and cost a few hundred million to run, which retard would want to close it down? That's right, the thick retards would.

Do you even know anything about the Crown estate? Doubt it.

Where do you stand with the Royals?
I know that the Crown Estates take £500m out of Wales every year to no benefit to Wales and its people. We should have that money to spend on our schools and hospitals.

They should be put up against a wall and shot the robbing bastards.
We dont say "retard" in the UK. We have higher standards.
Ok, when it comes to the Crown, you're a thick mong.

Love them or hate them, Royals have been throughout UK history, and the thick mong's don't like them. Well, if you don't like them, we suggest you emigrate to the Ukraine or North Korea.

In Wales, they prefer the term "sheep shagger"
Yup its a great place for Ice Cream as well. The metro is shitty though.

Meh, I had no issue with the metro. It got me where I wanted to go. Once I figured out which trains I needed to take to get into the city, it was a breeze. I have an Italian gal to thank for that. She went waaaaay out of her way to make sure I got on the right train the second day I was there. Then she invited me to go square dancing.

Also, the scenery on the metro can be rather nice, too:

The only idiots obsessed with royalty are the ones that keep those relics. Just waiting for the day the government screws up so bad they safely get back on their knees.
Ok, when it comes to the Crown, you're a thick mong.

Love them or hate them, Royals have been throughout UK history, and the thick mong's don't like them. Well, if you don't like them, we suggest you emigrate to the Ukraine or North Korea.

In Wales, they prefer the term "sheep shagger"
I think my family have been here longer than theirs. They can fuck off back to Germany.
I think my family have been here longer than theirs. They can fuck off back to Germany.
The sheep shagging family.

Fucking hell, German descendants only appeared in 1840. You are really clueless. It's difficult debating the Royals against thick ****s.

At least try to grasp some knowledge of the subject before you open your phlegm Welsh gob.
The sheep shagging family.

Fucking hell, German descendants only appeared in 1840. You are really clueless. It's difficult debating the Royals against thick ****s.

At least try to grasp some knowledge of the subject before you open your phlegm Welsh gob.
Get of your knees lad. Take that tory couck out your mouth,
Fucking hell, German descendants only appeared in 1840. You are really clueless. It's difficult debating the Royals against thick ****s
Basically, that is not true. The Jutes, Anglos and Saxons are all the German tribes.

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