Why are American Jews so Stupidly Liberal and Seek to DEFEND ISLAM?


Apr 22, 2007
Here is Bill Maher schooling, in my opinion, a Jewish coward more eager to attack Evangelicals who turn the other cheek and don't fight back, instead of taking on the demonic cult know as Islam!

So why are America Jews so liberal they defend Islam?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IrMGfawJY0]Bill Maher Argues With A College Professor Over Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Excellent interview done by Maher. Bravo.

Bill Maher is also Jewish. Does he sound like a stupid Jew defending Islam? It isn't a matter of being Jewish but rather realizing Islam for what it is. Some people do, some people don't. It isn't about being Jewish.
Excellent interview done by Maher. Bravo.

Bill Maher is also Jewish. Does he sound like a stupid Jew defending Islam? It isn't a matter of being Jewish but rather realizing Islam for what it is. Some people do, some people don't. It isn't about being Jewish.

Everything I've seen or heard about Maher is that he is decidedly anti-religious, including Judaism.

Calling him Jewish seems pretty silly.
Technically, as in 'according to Jewish religious law', Bill Maher is the child of a Jewish mother who doesn't seem to have formally renounced Judaism - but in practical terms, he was raised as a Catholic and didn't even know his mother came from a Jewish background.

He is an 'ethnic' Jew but obviously not a member of the Jewish religious community.
I am a jew---I was brought up like a jew---but in a secular
household----that means ----democrat--pro-union- and
anti segregation. It is my jewish "culture" that got me
involved with muslims early in life-----I was in a place where
there were "foreigners" ---muslims, hindus etc---
and I thought it was my job to protect them from
the local republicans. It's a cultural thing
Excellent interview done by Maher. Bravo.

Bill Maher is also Jewish. Does he sound like a stupid Jew defending Islam? It isn't a matter of being Jewish but rather realizing Islam for what it is. Some people do, some people don't. It isn't about being Jewish.

Everything I've seen or heard about Maher is that he is decidedly anti-religious, including Judaism.

Calling him Jewish seems pretty silly.

I'm sorry. A secular Jew was probably the proper term. Point being that there is no reason to classify who is found defending Islam / or is stupid vs. targeting a specific group. It is to each individual how they feel about islam and whether to defend it.. its across the board so to speak?

Let me add, I know Bill Maher is a liberal and I have always liked him in spite of it! He has a very sharp wit about him.
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I am a jew---I was brought up like a jew---but in a secular
household----that means ----democrat--pro-union- and
anti segregation. It is my jewish "culture" that got me
involved with muslims early in life-----I was in a place where
there were "foreigners" ---muslims, hindus etc---
and I thought it was my job to protect them from
the local republicans. It's a cultural thing

the local republicans?
As to the OP: Jews tend to be 'liberal' because the 'conservative' political groups tend to be xenophobic and unwelcoming of Jews.

I do not believe my faith is the 'One True TRUTH': I do not presume to decide that this or that religion is 'stupid superstition' or 'worthless', let alone 'evil'.

The sage Hillel is known for his iteration of "Do not do unto others that which is hateful to you". He also had another saying:

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am for myself alone, what am I?
If not now, when?
Why are American Jews so Stupidly Liberal and Seek to DEFEND ISLAM?

Because they are not ‘stupid.’

Because they understand and respect the importance of due process and the rule of law.

Because they understand one is innocent until proved guilty.

Because they understand that the actions of the criminal few are not representative of the whole.

And because they are not intellectually hobbled by the ignorance and hate exhibited by a disturbing number of conservatives, such as the OP.
As to the OP: Jews tend to be 'liberal' because the 'conservative' political groups tend to be xenophobic and unwelcoming of Jews.

I do not believe my faith is the 'One True TRUTH': I do not presume to decide that this or that religion is 'stupid superstition' or 'worthless', let alone 'evil'.

The sage Hillel is known for his iteration of "Do not do unto others that which is hateful to you". He also had another saying:

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am for myself alone, what am I?
If not now, when?
I have heard of Hillel some where before but not read any of his work. I do believe in one God, not many. I do think if the fruit of something is evil the source is evil as well. In other words terrorism comes from a religious teaching that is warping the minds of some young people. In my opinion.....does that make all Muslim people bad people? No. They may be very nice folks. Still there is a disconnect happening in that particular religion I don't see happening in any other. I have a friend who believes reformation over time of perhaps another 600 years would bring it to where the roman catholic church is today - from time of crusades. As an evolving religion - I do hope that he's right.
Perhaps because they have a particular perspective on what is at the end to the path of fear and prejudice. Just a thought.

A warped view, because the people they are protecting seek their annihalation! See Europe, the uptick in antisemitism and the flight of Jews from Europe is primarily caused by the increased Muslim population!

Jews should know better what appeasement, pacifism and not confronting evil cult hell-bend on world domination leads to.

They want to place their heads in the sand (like all liberals) and say if we appease them they will leave us alone. The fact of the matter is, their end game is Islamic world domination, with Sharia law the law of the land. The more you give the more they take, they more they take the more they demand!
Perhaps because they have a particular perspective on what is at the end to the path of fear and prejudice. Just a thought.

A warped view, because the people they are protecting seek their annihalation! See Europe, the uptick in antisemitism and the flight of Jews from Europe is primarily caused by the increased Muslim population!

Jews should know better what appeasement, pacifism and not confronting evil cult hell-bend on world domination leads to.

They want to place their heads in the sand (like all liberals) and say if we appease them they will leave us alone. The fact of the matter is, their end game is Islamic world domination, with Sharia law the law of the land. The more you give the more they take, they more they take the more they demand!

The problem being is that the "people" you are talking about don't have the ability to annihilate them or anyone else. The government, otoh, does. So, in order to protect us from people who can at best irritate us you would have us hand over our most important protections to the people who could destroy us. Not the brightest of moves. Again... just a thought.
Excellent interview done by Maher. Bravo.

Bill Maher is also Jewish. Does he sound like a stupid Jew defending Islam? It isn't a matter of being Jewish but rather realizing Islam for what it is. Some people do, some people don't. It isn't about being Jewish.

First off her grew up catholic and now is an atheist. And yes he usually sounds like a stupid liberal must of the time!
As to the OP: Jews tend to be 'liberal' because the 'conservative' political groups tend to be xenophobic and unwelcoming of Jew
Untrue! I am a Jew and the conservatives are much more welcoming as a group. They don't come to me like liberals do and say here is you new HIGHER tax bill, here is where we are going to waste it on and by the way give me that gun it's banned. I am also pro-gay marriage and abortion (in the first trimester) and no conservative has ever made me feel lower than them for having a difference of opinion!
Bill Maher is a poor example of liberal defense of Islam. Anybody who knows anything about Bill Maher knows he is one of the notable exceptions of a liberal who is very critical of Islam, and endorses racial profiling at airports as a means to help combat terrorism.

Find a better example.

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