Why American Politics has Turned into a Fraud


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Both parties, the GOP and the Democrats are controled by people the Wall Street bankers want in power. Clinton, Bush the Elder and Younger, and now Obama have appointed no one but friends of Wall Street to key positions in Treaury and other executive branch oversight roles. Most of these guys come from Goldman Sachs, so many in fact that GS nickname among brokers is 'Government Sachs'.

These officials interact far more with the big bankers than the president they supposedly serve. These bankers are greedy, that is a given, and corrupt, also a given, but what is astonishing is how they have managed to inflitrate and take over the two parties and then shut off any challenge from third parties.

The Tea Party movement started as a reaction to the Big Bailouts of the Too Big To Fail Banks. This is why Wall Street and their many minions are desperate to destroy the TPM. They slander TPMers with the labels of racism, know-nothingism, and any other bullshit they think will stick because they know that the TPM is the silver bullet for them and their control of the GOP.

If you doubt that control just look at how the GOP nomination was essentially bought by Romney with the backing of Wall Street and not a peep of protest from the rest of the party, not even a question about the wisdom of letting a bunch of blood suckers run the party. That would get any pundit shunned forever by the GOPe and the media who is also owned by the TBTFB or their surrogates who depend on them for credit to stay in business.

These people also manipulate the American people with advertsing, junk entertainment and various talk shows where they set the agenda, the literature and the celebreties for the rest of the nation. Similarly they can run any politician out of office and burn them so bad that they will never run for office again, if they manage to escape jail. Edwards is an example of this. The guy has been put through the ringer for doing what EVERY OTHER BANKER and BROKER ON WALL STREET DOES EVERYDAY. Edwards mistake was in thinking he could win the Presidency by standing up for what he thought was the average Americans interests.

The parties debate issues that mean nothing to the Wall Street banks. They could not care less about abortion, gun rights, ecology, AGW, or anything else. They just want to keep everyones mind off the real issues they care about that might reak their control. They fear the public becoming aware of how rigged our markets are by HFTs and cheap credit given to favored banks and businesses. And it all coming on the public debt, a debt which is so large now that there is no serious thought of ever paying it off.

This sorruption is so large now it can not ever be defeated at the polls without their being a re-education of the public and the awakening of the good of our old society and restoring that good that was once there. Self-restraint, hard work, respect for education, obeying the law and showing respect and courtesy to other citizens have to come first, and then we can rebuild our political system after our public mind has been restored to sanity and sobriety first.

In all likelihood this will require the replacement of the two current parties from within or without. We need revolution.
The Citizens United decision opened up the floodgates. If things continue as they are we will be nothing more than a corporate oligarchy, if we are not already are.
I find it interesting that our Presidents do usually Govern close to the same -

What I also find fascinating is that guys like Rush are always touting how most Americans are Conservative, while at the same time they never seem to be able to elect one to run for the Presidency. Of course, the paranoid have their answers for that, but they're herbs anyways.
The game is rigged so that there will be no serious challenges to the status quo. If you can narrow the choices down to two and you own both of those choices then you win every time. I agree with the OP and I think the use of the media as a propaganda tool is insidious and evil. Through manipulation of the people they push their agenda not just here but around the world through the use of the our economic and military power. This power was hard won with the blood, sweat and tears of our citizens and it has been perverted and on top of that they managed to convince people that it was their own idea.
The game is rigged so that there will be no serious challenges to the status quo. If you can narrow the choices down to two and you own both of those choices then you win every time. I agree with the OP and I think the use of the media as a propaganda tool is insidious and evil. Through manipulation of the people they push their agenda not just here but around the world through the use of the our economic and military power. This power was hard won with the blood, sweat and tears of our citizens and it has been perverted and on top of that they managed to convince people that it was their own idea.

The media establishment has been corrupted by favors like interviews and leaks. Dont play their game, they hoze the journalist on his. So all journalists play along.

The PTB refuse to allow another Perot 92 again.
Why American Politics has Turned into a Fraud

Simple, we have the best government that money can buy.

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