Why American Heritage Will Be Reduced To Smoldering Ruins


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the desire for power and control, the gratification of appetites, and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”

2.The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

3. The scions of Karl Marx have latched on to a simple truth that will, I fear, grant them ultimate victory. Do you know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than their conquest of the school system, where the are largely free to impose whatever insane satanic doctrines on the uninformed, the defenseless children under their control.

4. “Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

5. “Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation.” Ibid.

Have you asked teachers if your child can record their lessons? Any ‘teacher’ who denies the request is working to undermine your values.
6. “…as more and more Americans reject critical race theory indoctrination in schools, workplaces, or even the military, educators, HR personnel, and others are feeling the need to engage in a little, uh, CYA. Sophists among academics, the Twitterati, and the political world are rising to support this disinformation, too.

Frankly, the purveyors of critical race theory and related theories are shocked that Americans from all walks of life are speaking up against critical race theory. They thought they could take over classrooms, offices, the military—the whole country, really—without meeting any resistance.

So how can you tell if a teacher, principal, or school board official tells you that, no, there’s no critical race theory here (as a lone heckler briefly interrupted my remarks in Loudoun County to inform me)?

Here is a list (by no means exhaustive) of five key critical race theory principles. If your school or office does anything that includes these ideas, you can confidently call Bovine Manure when they deny it’s critical race theory.” Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask
The Democrats are a dangerous totalitarian political cult

Democrats the Party-of-hate 22.jpg
1. Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the desire for power and control, the gratification of appetites, and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”

2.The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

3. The scions of Karl Marx have latched on to a simple truth that will, I fear, grant them ultimate victory. Do you know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than their conquest of the school system, where the are largely free to impose whatever insane satanic doctrines on the uninformed, the defenseless children under their control.

4. “Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

5. “Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation.” Ibid.

Have you asked teachers if your child can record their lessons? Any ‘teacher’ who denies the request is working to undermine your values.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
AOC is a great example of a person who has been brainwashed by Left Wing academia.
There are millions of people like her coming of age every year.
In ten year she might even be the president.
She remind me of the movie "Idiocracy"
7. “The first and most important bedrock principle of critical race theory is that racism is not an individual, conscious decision to be a racist or act on that belief. No, it’s “systemic.

Racism, according to critical race theory’s purveyors, is written into America’s laws, institutions, and capitalist system. What masquerades as American culture is actually the norms and practices of white people.

“Critical race theory,” writes one of its main architects, Angela Harris, “takes the position that racism pervades our institutions, our beliefs, and our everyday practices.”
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

America is based on considering each of us as an individual.
8. “A second principle follows from the first: Behaviors and beliefs are inherent in identity categories, and thus the members of these categories must not adopt American culture—which, in their telling, is merely a conspiracy to perpetuate white supremacy. Members of minority groups must never assimilate to standard practices or norms, even those that appear neutral on the surface.

“[M]any Latinos naturally view information about time more generally and simply cannot see the judicial system’s need for specificity and exactitude,” writes Maria Ontiveros, a professor at the University of San Francisco, in her book “Critical Race Feminism.” Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

9. “…must not adopt American culture….”

Or any of these characteristics:

chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

“Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

Among other things, this graphic suggests that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian tradition are forms of oppressive “whiteness” that non-white people should reject as part of an oppressive system.

“Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” the Smithsonian “whiteness” page reads. The “teaching tool” suggests that “whiteness” needs to be overthrown in order for non-white people to become liberated from an oppressive “white culture.”

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color,” the Smithsonian page argues. “Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages ...

They cannot allow their 'pets' to assume those traits, and face the fact that they don't need the Democrats.
6. “…as more and more Americans reject critical race theory indoctrination in schools, workplaces, or even the military, educators, HR personnel, and others are feeling the need to engage in a little, uh, CYA. Sophists among academics, the Twitterati, and the political world are rising to support this disinformation, too.

Frankly, the purveyors of critical race theory and related theories are shocked that Americans from all walks of life are speaking up against critical race theory. They thought they could take over classrooms, offices, the military—the whole country, really—without meeting any resistance.

So how can you tell if a teacher, principal, or school board official tells you that, no, there’s no critical race theory here (as a lone heckler briefly interrupted my remarks in Loudoun County to inform me)?

Here is a list (by no means exhaustive) of five key critical race theory principles. If your school or office does anything that includes these ideas, you can confidently call Bovine Manure when they deny it’s critical race theory.” Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

Seriously I wish that you would take your medications on time
1. Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the desire for power and control, the gratification of appetites, and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”

2.The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

3. The scions of Karl Marx have latched on to a simple truth that will, I fear, grant them ultimate victory. Do you know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than their conquest of the school system, where the are largely free to impose whatever insane satanic doctrines on the uninformed, the defenseless children under their control.

4. “Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

5. “Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation.” Ibid.

Have you asked teachers if your child can record their lessons? Any ‘teacher’ who denies the request is working to undermine your values.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
We get you are not a fan of schools and education...................probably got caught plagiarizing and just cutting and pasting, eh?
1. Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the desire for power and control, the gratification of appetites, and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”

2.The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

3. The scions of Karl Marx have latched on to a simple truth that will, I fear, grant them ultimate victory. Do you know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than their conquest of the school system, where the are largely free to impose whatever insane satanic doctrines on the uninformed, the defenseless children under their control.

4. “Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

5. “Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation.” Ibid.

Have you asked teachers if your child can record their lessons? Any ‘teacher’ who denies the request is working to undermine your values.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
We get you are not a fan of schools and education...................probably got caught plagiarizing and just cutting and pasting, eh?

A fan of education, certainly.....government schools, no.
Are you a grad of government schooling?

See what I mean?

Now...to address your lie: "probably got caught plagiarizing "
I never plagiarize....you will always find links and sources in my post.

But since you bring up plagiarizing.....

Let's get this straight, and, at the same time, reveal yet another of your lies.

1. I never plagiarize: I always link and source quotes I use to construct an unchallengeable thread.....as you've found.

2. You, and every Liberal, plagiarize in every post.
You quote Obama, MSNBC, the NYTimes, the DNC.....all of the talking points never giving credit to the source of the propaganda.
10. A third bedrock principle is that white people receive unearned privilege at birth, while other Americans are denied it. This “whiteness premium” has prevented the union of the working class.

Segregation, wrote the man widely recognized as the “Godfather” of critical race theory, Derrick Bell, “represented an economic-political compromise between the elite and working-class whites [that] gave to the poor the sense of superiority, while retaining the substance for the rich.”

Do you recall the name Derrick Bell?

"OBAMA: Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell."

Obama Harvard Tapes Exposed on Hannity - President Obama - Fox Nation

Either our Obama-supporting colleagues don't know or don't care that Derrick Bell is the David Duke of the Left.

Harvard law professorships required a) graduation with distinction from a prominent college, b) clerking for the Supreme Court, c) work for a major law firm. Derrick Bell was given a professorship although he had none of these qualifications.

Who Was Obama's Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell? « The Mad Jewess With Breaking News By Donna Spellbound

Startin' to see how all the pieces are connected?
11. “A fourth principle is that meritocracy is myth. Since whites have rigged the system, all the ways we use to measure merit or success in education or work are far from objective. Hiring metrics and workplace benchmarks, and standardized tests for university admissions, must be eliminated.

On this we have, again, the authority of Bell, who wrote in “Popular Democracy,” a chapter in “The Derrick Bell Reader”: “In short, merit serves as the phony pennant of color-blindness, used as justification for opposition to affirmative action.”
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

"OBAMA: Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell."

Obama Harvard Tapes Exposed on Hannity - President Obama - Fox Nation

Either our Obama-supporting colleagues don't know or don't care that Derrick Bell is the David Duke of the Left.
What does that make Hussein Obama????
12." The fifth and last tenet is that equity must replace equality. This may surprise those who think they amount to pretty much the same thing, but under critical race theory, the word equity has become corrupted, and has become the functional opposite of equality. Because the systemic racism that critical race theory’s proponents see everywhere has produced disparities under a capitalist system that rewards the wrong criteria, government must step in and treat individual Americans unequally.

Only in that manner will outcomes be equal.

And on this, we have no less an authority than our Vice President Kamala Harris: “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

Any curriculum or training program that does any of the above is classic critical race theory. Any functionary who denies it has simply not read her Derrick Bell—or may be lying to you. "

.....and 'educators' who practice this child abuse must be banned!
Well you are preaching to the choir. You will need to become a teacher and go into a school to make any luck and if difference.
1. Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the desire for power and control, the gratification of appetites, and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, “…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”

2.The motivation for the Left, in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

3. The scions of Karl Marx have latched on to a simple truth that will, I fear, grant them ultimate victory. Do you know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than their conquest of the school system, where the are largely free to impose whatever insane satanic doctrines on the uninformed, the defenseless children under their control.

4. “Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? 5 Things to Ask

5. “Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation.” Ibid.

Have you asked teachers if your child can record their lessons? Any ‘teacher’ who denies the request is working to undermine your values.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
Yeah, you just keep on thinking that, comrade.
This is alot to do about nothing. The vast majority don't waste time worrying about it. Thankfully.
This is alot to do about nothing. The vast majority don't waste time worrying about it. Thankfully.

‘I won’t be pathologized for being White’: Man resigns, shreds school district over ‘white privilege’ training

An after-school coordinator at a New Hampshire elementary school has gone viral for resigning over the school’s embrace of anti-white critical race theory propaganda.

In a public resignation letter released Monday on Twitter, former Northwest Elementary after-school program coordinator Daniel Concannon, 40, accused his school district of having endorsed the “dehumanization and hatred of White people, as evidenced by their dissemination of the imbecilic ‘White Privilege’ curriculum.”

In the letter, he purposefully referred to the Manchester School District as “The Frankfurt School.” It was a reference to the school responsible for creating contemporary Marxism, which is believed to be at the root of CRT."

‘I won’t be pathologized for being White’: Man resigns, shreds school district over ‘white privilege’ training

A New Hampshire elementary school coordinator has gone viral for his bold resignation letter over his district's CRT propaganda.

It's not too late for you to change your avi to 'Oblivious.'
It is the fantasy of every conservative that recording teachers would catch them in the act of CRT. Wrong. Among serious privacy concerns for students it will force really good teachers to spend time we don't have explaining things we shouldn't have to. For many parents this would be daily. So my question is are we going to get secretaries to field questions that come up from the camera.

This is not a small concern. The general public is rude and demanding theses days. And selfish. Ask anyone in customer service.

(Kids are not, thank God. Kids are superior humans, really)

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