whom will be the nominee if

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
drops dead before the Convention if he may be the only one on the ballot in several states?

drops dead before the Convention if he may be the only one on the ballot in several states?

Probably Hillary the Scarcrow...
Probably Hillary the Scarecrow...
From your lips to God's ears...LOL!!

I've always thought that is the way that they should be chosen instead of holding state-wide primaries/caucuses as it's devolved into nothing but a retarded popularity contest.
Popularity = Democratic

Sorry, but that's our system
drops dead before the Convention if he may be the only one on the ballot in several states?

Cenk Uygur????!!!!! I didn't know he was "running"?

Why don't Democrats care about the Constitution? He wasn't even born here! Yeah, it matters.
So why do you think a few thousand party insiders can do better?
I like the primaries. Real people voting instead of party insiders.

Well it's sort of a common sense type of thing.....It's the members of the party that who should decide who their party's nominee is.

That and you only think you have a choice.....nearly every hopeful has been bought and paid for by some entity.

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