Whom The Gods Would Destroy....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....they first make mad.

Today, they are known as Democrats/Progressives/Liberals.

The bad news is that they will take all of us down with them.

1. "The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers
This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical pieces about the “existential threat” climate change allegedly poses to human life.

2. As I do after almost every piece I read on the internet, I read comments submitted by readers.
One provided me with an epiphany.
It was a comment submitted by New York Times reader “Sophia” of Bangor, Maine:

“I have one child, a daughter, who told me age 8 that she would never have a child because of global warming. She’s now 34 and has never changed her mind. So I will not experience a grandchild. For her wisdom, I am grateful. I would be heartsick if I did have a grandchild who would have to experience the onslaught of changing climate.”

3. It is hard to imagine greater proof than that comment of the power of mass media and of the left. That a normal woman would celebrate her daughter’s choice not to be a mother and not to make her a grandmother can only be described as deranged. No normal-thinking human being would think that way. Jews had children during the Holocaust and made sure to have children if they survived the Holocaust.

4. Does this deranged woman know how few people are dying due to weather-related incidents in the era of global warming?
Danish statistician and economist Bjorn Lomborg noted this past week:

“Over the past hundred years, annual climate-related deaths have declined by more than 96%. In the 1920s, the death count from climate-related disasters was 485,000 on average every year. In the last full decade, 2010-2019, the average was 18,362 dead per year, or 96.2% lower.
“In the first year of the new decade, 2020, the number of dead was even lower at 14,893 — 97% lower than the 1920s average …
“The preliminary estimate of 2021 climate-related deaths (is) 5,569 or 98.9% lower than the 1920s …
“The newest Lancet study of heat and cold deaths show(s) that cold ‘vastly’ outweigh heat, and that climate actually has dramatically lowered (the number of) total death(s) … ”

5. Of course, none of that matters to Sophia — because she relies on The New York Times (and probably NPR and CNN) for her understanding of the world.
For more proof of how deranged many New York Times readers — and Washington Post readers, CNN viewers and NPR listeners — are because they rely on these sources for what they believe about the world, here are some replies to Sophia’s comment from other New York Times readers:

B. Rothman, New York City: “I completely agree. I have 6 grandchildren and weep inside for the calamitous life that is ahead for them.”

Ida Martinac, Berkeley, California: “I weep with you, Sophia. Whenever I look my 11 year old daughter in the eyes I feel so many emotions: guilt for bringing her into this dying world.”

Liberal, Texas: “I feel your pain. I have 2 sons. Neither one will have children and their partners agree. I’ll never have grandchildren. But I also realize that their decisions have in some way been molded by me. I am proud of their decision.”

Liz, Portland: “Frankly, as someone who has been concerned about climate change, and observing what is happening over the last ten years with real dread, I do not understand why anyone in the last ten years would voluntarily have a child.”

CC, Sonoma, California: “My only daughter shares your daughter’s feelings. I will have no grandchildren. As I watch my peers enjoying their final years surrounded by grandchildren, I can’t help feeling a little jealous. At the same time … our daughters are stepping up to the challenge. I’m proud of them.”

Marisa Leaf, Brooklyn, New York: “I, too, am coming to terms and accepting that my 36 year old son will not have a child as well — for stated reasons. It is painful for me when I watch other young men and women his age going about town with their children. But I understand, and concur, on an intellectual level, that of course they’re right. Bringing more children into the world these days is an existential worry. And irresponsible. So, as I grieve for our planet, I also grieve for the grandchildren that I will never have.”
It's a personal choice to have or not to have a child and it doesn't matter to me what they do because that is their liberty to live...
There is a reason that Leftist thought and delusional view of reality is considered a form of mental illness. ... :cuckoo:

....they first make mad.

Today, they are known as Democrats/Progressives/Liberals.

The bad news is that they will take all of us down with them.

1. "The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers
This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical pieces about the “existential threat” climate change allegedly poses to human life.

2. As I do after almost every piece I read on the internet, I read comments submitted by readers.
One provided me with an epiphany.
It was a comment submitted by New York Times reader “Sophia” of Bangor, Maine:

“I have one child, a daughter, who told me age 8 that she would never have a child because of global warming. She’s now 34 and has never changed her mind. So I will not experience a grandchild. For her wisdom, I am grateful. I would be heartsick if I did have a grandchild who would have to experience the onslaught of changing climate.”

3. It is hard to imagine greater proof than that comment of the power of mass media and of the left. That a normal woman would celebrate her daughter’s choice not to be a mother and not to make her a grandmother can only be described as deranged. No normal-thinking human being would think that way. Jews had children during the Holocaust and made sure to have children if they survived the Holocaust.

4. Does this deranged woman know how few people are dying due to weather-related incidents in the era of global warming?
Danish statistician and economist Bjorn Lomborg noted this past week:

“Over the past hundred years, annual climate-related deaths have declined by more than 96%. In the 1920s, the death count from climate-related disasters was 485,000 on average every year. In the last full decade, 2010-2019, the average was 18,362 dead per year, or 96.2% lower.
“In the first year of the new decade, 2020, the number of dead was even lower at 14,893 — 97% lower than the 1920s average …
“The preliminary estimate of 2021 climate-related deaths (is) 5,569 or 98.9% lower than the 1920s …
“The newest Lancet study of heat and cold deaths show(s) that cold ‘vastly’ outweigh heat, and that climate actually has dramatically lowered (the number of) total death(s) … ”

5. Of course, none of that matters to Sophia — because she relies on The New York Times (and probably NPR and CNN) for her understanding of the world.
For more proof of how deranged many New York Times readers — and Washington Post readers, CNN viewers and NPR listeners — are because they rely on these sources for what they believe about the world, here are some replies to Sophia’s comment from other New York Times readers:

B. Rothman, New York City: “I completely agree. I have 6 grandchildren and weep inside for the calamitous life that is ahead for them.”

Ida Martinac, Berkeley, California: “I weep with you, Sophia. Whenever I look my 11 year old daughter in the eyes I feel so many emotions: guilt for bringing her into this dying world.”

Liberal, Texas: “I feel your pain. I have 2 sons. Neither one will have children and their partners agree. I’ll never have grandchildren. But I also realize that their decisions have in some way been molded by me. I am proud of their decision.”

Liz, Portland: “Frankly, as someone who has been concerned about climate change, and observing what is happening over the last ten years with real dread, I do not understand why anyone in the last ten years would voluntarily have a child.”

CC, Sonoma, California: “My only daughter shares your daughter’s feelings. I will have no grandchildren. As I watch my peers enjoying their final years surrounded by grandchildren, I can’t help feeling a little jealous. At the same time … our daughters are stepping up to the challenge. I’m proud of them.”

Marisa Leaf, Brooklyn, New York: “I, too, am coming to terms and accepting that my 36 year old son will not have a child as well — for stated reasons. It is painful for me when I watch other young men and women his age going about town with their children. But I understand, and concur, on an intellectual level, that of course they’re right. Bringing more children into the world these days is an existential worry. And irresponsible. So, as I grieve for our planet, I also grieve for the grandchildren that I will never have.”
Just because you have the parts to birth new humans doesn't mean you should.
Did you miss the central reason why these fools are denying having children?

These are fanatics whose ability to think has been corrupted by the Left.
No. I didn't miss it. Not all women would make good mothers, regardless of their reasonings. Best they refrain from adding to the human race for the child, and for other humans.
No. I didn't miss it. Not all women would make good mothers, regardless of their reasonings. Best they refrain from adding to the human race for the child, and for other humans.

Is global warming a good enough reason to not have children?

They don't want children, much less grandchildren...

Would you give up having children to save the planet? Meet ...​

https://www.theguardian.com › world › jun › give-up-h...

— The environmental toll of having even one child is enormous - 58.6 tonnes of carbon each year. So is going child-free the answer to our climate ...

Except for organ harvesting via Planned Butcherhood.
6. There is the noire joke that goes ‘When I see a Palestinian with a suicide vest, I know what makes those people tick.’

“Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom. There is a great difference between he who loves the hereafter and he who loves this world. The Muslim loves death and [strives for] martyrdom." Saudi Sheikh Abd Al-Muhsin Al-Qassem in Al-Madina added: "The Jews preached permissiveness and corruption, as they hid behind false slogans like freedom and equality, humanism and brotherhood... They are cowards in battle... they flee from death and fear fighting... They love life."

Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah revealed in an interview after the recent prisoner swap between Israel and his group: "We have discovered how to hit the Jews where they are the most vulnerable. The Jews love life, so that is what we shall take away from them. We are going to win, because they love life and we love death." http://old.nationalreview.com/comment/stalinsky200405240846.asp

This is how we describe/explain fanaticism, the embrace of death rather than life.

7. And the same fanaticism infects Democrats/Progressives who believe this insanity:

Whenever I look my 11 year old daughter in the eyes I feel so many emotions: guilt for bringing her into this dying world.”

Liberal, Texas: “I feel your pain. I have 2 sons. Neither one will have children and their partners agree. I’ll never have grandchildren. But I also realize that their decisions have in some way been molded by me. I am proud of their decision.”

Liz, Portland: “Frankly, as someone who has been concerned about climate change, and observing what is happening over the last ten years with real dread, I do not understand why anyone in the last ten years would voluntarily have a child.”

CC, Sonoma, California: “My only daughter shares your daughter’s feelings. I will have no grandchildren. As I watch my peers enjoying their final years surrounded by grandchildren, I can’t help feeling a little jealous. At the same time … our daughters are stepping up to the challenge. I’m proud of them.”

Marisa Leaf, Brooklyn, New York: “I, too, am coming to terms and accepting that my 36 year old son will not have a child as well —Bringing more children into the world these days is an existential worry. And irresponsible. So, as I grieve for our planet, I also grieve for the grandchildren that I will never have.” The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers - The Dennis Prager Show

Rather than wearing suicide vests, they carry a NYTimes under their arm.
Is global warming a good enough reason to not have children?

They don't want children, much less grandchildren...

Would you give up having children to save the planet? Meet ...

https://www.theguardian.com › world › jun › give-up-h...
— The environmental toll of having even one child is enormous - 58.6 tonnes of carbon each year. So is going child-free the answer to our climate ...

Except for organ harvesting via Planned Butcherhood.
Yes. In my opinion, it's a good enough reason. What future are children going to be exposed to?

Personally, IN MY OPINION, anyone bringing forth more children in TODAY'S WORLD is out of their

PLUS..who knows the real reason someone does not want children. Perhaps that womans kid just told her that to shut her up. Perhaps there are other reasons. Perhaps ma is lying. Who the hell knows?
Try this thought:

If you had a choice to have a child, KNOWING in advance that you could not take care of it properly, didn't really LIKE the idea of having a child, had no help from anyone else to raise that child, were homeless yourself with no money, no job, no anything...and water was polluted, air was poisonous, etc...would you still bring that kid forth KNOWING the misery it will have with you? Or would you make sure that child is never born until the grass is green again, the sky is blue, the water is pure and there is plenty of food?

Try this thought:

If you had a choice to have a child, KNOWING in advance that you could not take care of it properly, didn't really LIKE the idea of having a child, had no help from anyone else to raise that child, were homeless yourself with no money, no job, no anything...and water was polluted, air was poisonous, etc...would you still bring that kid forth KNOWING the misery it will have with you?

None of that is true in our society.

See if this helps you:

Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

Let me repeat the point of the thread: insane individuals eschew having children for fear of global warming.
Is todays so bad for children? the world has seen much worse times. World wars. a great economic depression. Spanish flu. Todays world is not bad.
8. “What do all these deranged reactions have in common? How could so many people living in the healthiest, wealthiest society in human history welcome not having grandchildren?

The answer is they have been brainwashed by the media (and college). They have read and heard nothing — absolutely nothing — by scientists and scholars (such as Steve Koonin of NYU, Richard Lindzen of MIT or William Happer of Princeton, to name just three) who have studied climate change and found the hysteria morally as well as scientifically indefensible.

It is not possible to live a life insulated from left-wing ideas. But it is extraordinarily easy to lead a life insulated from all non-left-wing ideas.

So, then, the epiphany I had was this: A majority of people will believe anything the mass media tell them.

This is especially true of those who received a college education. Colleges teach students not to question, not think for themselves and not to think rationally.

That is why many people believe the world is coming to an end; it is good not to have children or grandchildren; men give birth; Russia colluded with the Trump campaign; Israel is an apartheid state; all-black dormitories on college campuses are progressive; there should be fewer police; it is fair to women to allow biological men to compete in women’s sports; and myriad other absurdities.

There is no other explanation for these deluded readers of The New York Times.

However, I do agree with them on one point. I, too, support their children’s decisions not to have children. The world doesn’t need more fools.”
Op. Cit.
....not to mention the joy of having and raising children.
And again, SOME people do not want children. They will give any excuse they want just to stop someone from making fun of them, calling them crazy, rolling their eyes, etc but the fact is, they do not want children. Period.
And again, SOME people do not want children. They will give any excuse they want just to stop someone from making fun of them, calling them crazy, rolling their eyes, etc but the fact is, they do not want children. Period.

This is not about not h children....read the comments more carefully: these loonies want children, and grandchildren....but pass up the opportunity ......


It is clearly insane.

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