who was best president of usa ?

who was best president of usa ?

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • jfk

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • barak obama

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
But for the 2nd Amendment FDR would have rounded up everybody and not just the Japanese and tucked us all away in reeducation camps

and Franky just took the train to crazy town...

...U.S. Was isolationist and .....

And that's what the scumbag liar fdr ran on the first time he was elected.
Well actually the lying fool elitist warmonger ran on an isolationist platform is 1932, 1936, and 1940....lying all the time merely to get elected, and he effectively dupe millions then and the duping continues today.

He was as big a liar as any president...here he is lying while actively instigating WWII. DISGUSTING!!!
...U.S. Was isolationist and .....

And that's what the scumbag liar fdr ran on the first time he was elected.
Well actually the lying fool elitist warmonger ran on an isolationist platform is 1932, 1936, and 1940....lying all the time merely to get elected, and he effectively duped millions then and the duping continues today (evidence Leftnutter and other FDR sycophants).

He was as big a liar as any president...here he is lying in Oct 1940 while actively instigating WWII. DISGUSTING!!
Well actually the lying fool elitist warmonger ran on an isolationist platform is 1932, 1936, and 1940....lying all the time merely to get elected, and he effectively dupe millions then and the duping continues today.

He was as big a liar as any president...here he is lying while actively instigating WWII. DISGUSTING!!!

You do realize he didn't attack the Axis, the Axis attacked us, right.

Bush-43's comments about "Nation building" sounded pretty good in 2000, but after 9/11, they were kind of an embarrassment.

Unlike Bush, however, FDR actually did what you SHOULD do when you are attacked. You get the whole country involved, and if you ain't fighting the war, you are going to pay for it.

As opposed to Bush, who told everyone to go shopping while I attack a country that didn't attack us.
George Washington was not only our Greatest President, he was probably the Greatest Man in History,

He turned down an offer to be Absolute Monarch, the King of America.

I can't think of anybody else in Human History that has done that. Not even Cincinnatus.

Even Edward the VIII abdication was motivate less by 'love' than it was by a power struggle a'la Henry the VIII

George Washington in a walkover.

Ronald Reagan in 2nd place.

FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.

That required some serious amount of stupidity.

Worst? the Lying Cocksucker in Chief. Followed closely by Jimmy The Peanut.
Well actually the lying fool elitist warmonger ran on an isolationist platform is 1932, 1936, and 1940....lying all the time merely to get elected, and he effectively dupe millions then and the duping continues today.

He was as big a liar as any president...here he is lying while actively instigating WWII. DISGUSTING!!!

You do realize he didn't attack the Axis, the Axis attacked us, right.

Bush-43's comments about "Nation building" sounded pretty good in 2000, but after 9/11, they were kind of an embarrassment.

Unlike Bush, however, FDR actually did what you SHOULD do when you are attacked. You get the whole country involved, and if you ain't fighting the war, you are going to pay for it.

As opposed to Bush, who told everyone to go shopping while I attack a country that didn't attack us.
You do realize that FDR instigated WWII in numerous ways. He demanded Poland be belligerent with Germany, giving them worthless words of support and aid, and was covertly working behind the scenes to start the war in 1938. He also actively tried to instigate a German attack on American shipping in the N. Atlantic, in 39 and 40 and 41, all the while providing armaments to Britain against the will of the American people. He set up Japan in the hopes they would strike, he knew when they would strike and where, and failed to warn commanders resulting in cold blooded murder at Pearl Harbor.

If only you knew truth, rather than the lies of the State.
FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.
Where does that figure come from? Real unemployment, meaning the inclusion of government workers as employed, were 9.5% in 1940 and came down to 6% in '41. Even the inappropriate Lebbergott figures that count the government workers as unemployed only claim a 9.9% unemployment rate in 1941.
FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.
Where does that figure come from? Real unemployment, meaning the inclusion of government workers as employed, were 9.5% in 1940 and came down to 6% in '41. Even the inappropriate Lebbergott figures that count the government workers as unemployed only claim a 9.9% unemployment rate in 1941.
According to the BLS, unemployment for the civilian non-institutional population in 1940, the much more accurate number, was an absurdly high 14.6%. Rather amazing that it still was this high, since FDR is considered by some such a great president.
FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.
Where does that figure come from? Real unemployment, meaning the inclusion of government workers as employed, were 9.5% in 1940 and came down to 6% in '41. Even the inappropriate Lebbergott figures that count the government workers as unemployed only claim a 9.9% unemployment rate in 1941.
According to the BLS, unemployment for the civilian non-institutional population in 1940, the much more accurate number, was an absurdly high 14.6%. Rather amazing that it still was this high, since FDR is considered by some such a great president.
That is not an accurate number because it does not include government workers, many of which were busy working on building and improving military installations in preparation for WWll. The figures you are using are obsolete. This data was posted yesterday in a thread you were active in.
Here is the explanation of why your figures are obsolete and inappropriate and the actual numbers. The first two pages explain why your numbers are obsolete. The third page shows real unemployment numbers that compare the two methods.

FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.
Where does that figure come from? Real unemployment, meaning the inclusion of government workers as employed, were 9.5% in 1940 and came down to 6% in '41. Even the inappropriate Lebbergott figures that count the government workers as unemployed only claim a 9.9% unemployment rate in 1941.
According to the BLS, unemployment for the civilian non-institutional population in 1940, the much more accurate number, was an absurdly high 14.6%. Rather amazing that it still was this high, since FDR is considered by some such a great president.
That is not an accurate number because it does not include government workers, many of which were busy working on building and improving military installations in preparation for WWll. The figures you are using are obsolete. This data was posted yesterday in a thread you were active in.
Here is the explanation of why your figures are obsolete and inappropriate and the actual numbers. The first two pages explain why your numbers are obsolete. The third page shows real unemployment numbers that compare the two methods.

So the federal government makes jobs out of thin air and you think that appropriate. I do not. In 1940, the fool FDR was actively preparing the nation for a war he was covertly planning...all the while assuring an isolationist nation that he was not taking us to war....LIAR.

The USSR had zero unemployment...why? Because the State employed everyone.
FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.
Where does that figure come from? Real unemployment, meaning the inclusion of government workers as employed, were 9.5% in 1940 and came down to 6% in '41. Even the inappropriate Lebbergott figures that count the government workers as unemployed only claim a 9.9% unemployment rate in 1941.
According to the BLS, unemployment for the civilian non-institutional population in 1940, the much more accurate number, was an absurdly high 14.6%. Rather amazing that it still was this high, since FDR is considered by some such a great president.
That is not an accurate number because it does not include government workers, many of which were busy working on building and improving military installations in preparation for WWll. The figures you are using are obsolete. This data was posted yesterday in a thread you were active in.
Here is the explanation of why your figures are obsolete and inappropriate and the actual numbers. The first two pages explain why your numbers are obsolete. The third page shows real unemployment numbers that compare the two methods.

So the federal government makes jobs out of thin air and you think that appropriate. I do not. In 1940, the fool FDR was actively preparing the nation for a war he was covertly planning...all the while assuring an isolationist nation that he was not taking us to war....LIAR.

The USSR had zero unemployment...why? Because the State employed everyone.
The jobs were not created out of thin air. They were mostly financed by loans to individual states using gold reserves of the federal government as collateral. But you know, even using your chosen method of unemployment figures which I call inappropriate for determining overall unemployment, the figures you use show a better than 10% reduction in unemployment in the private sector.
George Washington was not only our Greatest President, he was probably the Greatest Man in History,

He turned down an offer to be Absolute Monarch, the King of America.

I can't think of anybody else in Human History that has done that. Not even Cincinnatus.

Except no one really offered him that. It's a myth that has been around since the 19th century, but no one ever offered to make Washington a King.

Did George Washington Turn Down An Offer To Be A King? The Story Behind the Myth

And it would have been meaningless since he had no children to pass a Monarchy down to, anyway.

FDR near the bottom. The man was disaster. Kept us in the Depression years after every other Country had recovered. In early 1941, we had a 14.6% Unemployment rate.

Except that isn't true, either. The unemployment rate in 1941 was 9.6% with a labor force that had grown by 8 million between 1929 and 1941. the number of unemployed dropped from a high of 12 million when he took office to five million in 1941.

Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Except "every other country" got out of the Depression by abolishing Democracy, gearing their countries up for a war, and invading their neighbors.

You are really a stupid person, aren't you?
You do realize that FDR instigated WWII in numerous ways. He demanded Poland be belligerent with Germany, giving them worthless words of support and aid, and was covertly working behind the scenes to start the war in 1938.

seriously, WTF? Can you actually cite a POST that shows that the US took ANY side on the Polish Question in 1939?

He also actively tried to instigate a German attack on American shipping in the N. Atlantic, in 39 and 40 and 41, all the while providing armaments to Britain against the will of the American people.

Uh, guy, if Germans were attacking American shipping, they were the ones in violation of international law, not the other way around. We had already sort of established this in WWI.

He set up Japan in the hopes they would strike, he knew when they would strike and where, and failed to warn commanders resulting in cold blooded murder at Pearl Harbor.

Okay, there's two bits of crazy in this sentence. The one was that we "Set Japan Up". Um, no. We put embargoes on Japan for their illegal and genocidal war against China. The Japanese COULD have sat down to peace talks at that point, instead they decided to seize colonial holdings in Southeast Asia, and with the Europeans engaged in the war in Europe, decided we were the only obstacle.

The other bit of crazy here is that FDR somehow "knew" Pearl Harbor was coming. Uh, guy, this wasn't like Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was about to hit us. As the Japanese were pretending to negotiate, all bases in the Pacific were put on alert that, hey, the Japanese might try something. Kimmel and Short really were negligent.

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