Who Stole the Biden Documents?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
That is downright scary!

How the hell could you position somebody inside fed-ex or UPS to be able to intercept a specific package & walk out with the contents of it?

Because it didn't happen.

The rubes are so dumb they believe even the most amateurish fraud.
Ummm... You OBVIOUSLY didn't support the Russia bit against Trump then. Right?
That is downright scary!

How the hell could you position somebody inside fed-ex or UPS to be able to intercept a specific package & walk out with the contents of it?
If anyone could, it would be a Dem or somebody in the Deep State.

Rumor has it there are a few libs out there where their mothers tossed them out and they had to get jobs.
I hope to God they were not originals. I love Tuck, but to FEDEX documents like that across the nation was not the best choice.
Sounds like a job for Hillary.

---Carlson says that on Monday, Fox News received “a collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family,” which his Fox team believes is authentic. He didn’t name the source. Carlson was in Los Angeles preparing to interview Tony Bobulinski---

My guess is that the FBI stole the documents. They held on to Hunter's laptop for one reason: To use what was on it as leverage against what they believed would soon be a Biden administration. That laptop was never supposed to see the light of day. The only reason it did was because of the owner of the computer shop and Rudy Giuliani who made copies of it, and those media outlets which made it public.

The FBI probably intercepted these documents for the same reason they sat on the laptop for so long: It's all about control. They tried to implicate President Trump and have him removed, during the first three years of term, but they failed. Now they're hedging their bets and collecting evidence against Joe Biden, in the event he becomes elected. That evidence against Biden would make it easier to dump him once he was elected, and put Harris in his place.

Clever, those swamp creatures.
My guess is that the FBI stole the documents. They held on to Hunter's laptop for one reason: To use what was on it as leverage against what they believed would soon be a Biden administration. That laptop was never supposed to see the light of day. The only reason it did was because of the owner of the computer shop and Rudy Giuliani who made copies of it, and those media outlets which made it public.

The FBI probably intercepted these documents for the same reason they sat on the laptop for so long: It's all about control. They tried to implicate President Trump and have him removed, during the first three years of term, but they failed. Now they're hedging their bets and collecting evidence against Joe Biden, in the event he becomes elected. That evidence against Biden would make it easier to dump him once he was elected, and put Harris in his place.

Clever, those swamp creatures.

Thanks for that completely ridiculous tripe, JGullible.
Ummm... You OBVIOUSLY didn't support the Russia bit against Trump then. Right?

I have no opinion, retard.
Ahhh... You obviously feel you got caught on that one. *shrugs*

I'm not against you... Just throwing out a viewpoint. It's a good thing that you don't like being thought of as a hypocrite. That's starting to get lost in this day and age.

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