Who said, " I don't hate anybody, it's not in my vocabulary."

Nancy is a good Catholic. She blesses dead fetuses and eats their corpses with Communion wafers.
It certainly wasn't me. There are a couple of filthy dirtbags that I hate. Considering how many have done me wrong in life, it's not a bad average.

As it were, Pelosi is upset. Try as they might, with all their effort and the force of MSM behind them, they have been unable to prevent Trump from winning. I think the part of the entire night that really upset her was the smile on McConnells face when Trump credited him with the 184 judges he appointed. Trump than followed up with "and we've got many more in the pipeline". Mitches smile that he beamed should be on a Christmas Card. One of those snarky, humourous ones. I can imagine Pelosi was feeling the rage at that moment, especially with the vote tomorrow.

Obama was leaving so many empty judges spots for the Anointed One when she won in 2016. Instead, one single guy, with no political experience destroys their plans to turn the USA into a European socialist shytehole.
Tears up speech then bangs the gavel like a good ole drunk as everyone is leaving.


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