Who Really Loves Russia?

12. Sooooo......'collusion'????

You betcha’!!!! But by whom?????

Democrats and Communists have always been inseparable.

"Earl Russell Browder (May 20, 1891 – June 27, 1973) was an American political activist and leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Browder is best remembered as the General Secretary of the CPUSA during the 1930s and first half of the 1940s.

... Browder was the most recognizable public figure associated with American Communism, authoring dozens of pamphlets and books, making numerous public speeches before sometimes vast audiences, and twice running for President of the United States. Browder also took part in clandestine activities on behalf of Soviet intelligence in America ..."
Earl Browder - Wikipedia

13. Franklin Roosevelt had a close relationship with Earl Browder, head of the CPUSA. Both the President and Mrs. Roosevelt interested themselves in the case of Mrs. Browder, who was in this country illegally and was facing deportation to her native Russia. Finally, in1941, an order for Mrs. Browder's deportation was vacated...
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,'p.53

"...the Browders, infamous communists of the 1930s and 1940s. Earl Browder, who led the American Communist Party, went to prison for passport fraud. President Franklin D. Roosevelt commuted his sentence.

Browder's wife, Raisa, entered the country illegally and was put into deportation proceedings. She received a legal visa at an American consulate in Canada, apparently under orders from the head of the INS, Earl Harrison. [FDR appointee].

.... the Browders were out to subjugate the United States." Keeping Extremists Out
And they has the best interests of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Of course, FDR was not the only Democrat guilty of such collusion….right up to this very day.
All USMB participants ...
Notice how these Russian trollers NEVER say anything negative about their master, Putin.
They don’t dare!
Putin critics lose their jobs. Some get killed.

Similar to you never hear about Wikileaks hacking Al Queda, ISIS, ISIL, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, etc… Either these terrorist organizations have unhackable computer systems (they’d be the only ones on the planet if that is true)or Wikileaks just targets America and it’s allies.

Keep that in mind when you consider the truthfulness and motives behind these “releases”.
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?
....and always has?

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.

1.As so aptly put by wanna-be American, George Santayana, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Such is the curse under which government school grads, the Democrats/Liberals, must labor.

Luckily for those so deprived, I am here, like Mighty Mouse, to save the day. I teach what was lacking in government schooling.

2. Today’s lesson deals with the attempt to tie President Trump’s thumping of the Democrats to Russia. The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for the Democrats to come along and give it meaning.

Fact is, it is the Democrats who have had a long and storied history….love affair….with Russia and Communist Russians.

3. "Since the day Trump was elected, Russia has been the reason they lost, according to the left. However, there is a strange dichotomy. Over the years, the left has loved Russia.

4. Democrats have always had a love affair with the Russians. In truth, they love the communist and socialist philosophy that has been used to control the citizens and liberate the government. The goal of liberals is to be more like Russia, which makes it strange why they hate the former Soviet Union so much now.

5. During the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, a sitting United States senator, liberal Democrat Teddy Kennedy, wrote a letter to Soviet General Yuri Andropov stating he was eager to “counter the militaristic policies” of President Reagan in an attempt to thwart the president’s reelection bid. Kennedy was the one who was colluding.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Earlier….this Democrat demigod made his affection clear:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

More 'Democrat history' to follow.
I don’t love Russia...but I’m from the realist school of foreign policy...so I understand Putin’s moves and Trumps.
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?
He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Multiple reports said they launched attacks from the same runway after we "bombed" it. Maybe the Syrians were using solar planes???
He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Multiple reports said they launched attacks from the same runway after we "bombed" it. Maybe the Syrians were using solar planes???

Assad has one the most active propaganda machines on the Planet. His junk is always showing up at USMB. After NK and Iran. What sources?
Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Multiple reports said they launched attacks from the same runway after we "bombed" it. Maybe the Syrians were using solar planes???

Assad has one the most active propaganda machines on the Planet. His junk is always showing up at USMB. After NK and Iran. What sources?
U.S.-led airstrike won't stop Assad's chemical capabilities, experts say
Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Multiple reports said they launched attacks from the same runway after we "bombed" it. Maybe the Syrians were using solar planes???

Assad has one the most active propaganda machines on the Planet. His junk is always showing up at USMB. After NK and Iran. What sources?
Assad Shrugs off Trump’s Strike, Uses Just-Hit Airbase to Bomb Rebels
He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Of course, the blob had a much different explanation than the one you furnished:

"The reason you don't generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!" the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Trump defends decision not to hit runway on Syrian air base

Which brings up a question; if it's so easy and inexpensive (like trade wars) to fix...why not take them out too if we're going to use them for relief agencies and all of the other nonsense you stated?
He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.

Are those craters on the same runway they did bombing runs on the day after the "attack"?

You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Of course, the blob had a much different explanation than the one you furnished:

"The reason you don't generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!" the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Trump defends decision not to hit runway on Syrian air base

Which brings up a question; if it's so easy and inexpensive (like trade wars) to fix...why not take them out too if we're going to use them for relief agencies and all of the other nonsense you stated?

The (snicker) "freedom fighters" are what we refer to as ISIS, just another version of CIAlqeada. Why is Syria any business of USA.INC? That's easy...the ones that own USA.INC don't own Syria and it galls them. It galls them that Russia is standing in their way of taking it over. Russia defied the Barrypuppet so the ROOSKIES are public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse of sniveling morons.
You doubting American Intelligence? What are you? A spawn of Putin? LOL.....

No. I think Trump hit exactly what he meant to hit...and missed exactly what he meant to miss. We have missiles that can hit a specific window in a building. And we have a lot of them. We could have turned the entire nation of Syria into the 6th Great Lake... But, for some reason, the greatest military in the world didn't do any damage at all?

Can you explain it?

Surely can darling. It's not rocket science. All the storage and fueling facilities and hangers that could support air operations for chemicals got dusted. Which leaves an airstrip. Which is useful to US and relief agencies trying to get supplies and personnel in/out of the war zone. No need to pebble a entirely good runway, when you've zeroed out it's use as a military asset to launch sorties from. I've been around. I can appreciate the wisdom if that was the plan.

Why you bitchin? It was a beautiful fireworks display was it not?

Multiple reports said they launched attacks from the same runway after we "bombed" it. Maybe the Syrians were using solar planes???

Assad has one the most active propaganda machines on the Planet. His junk is always showing up at USMB. After NK and Iran. What sources?
U.S.-led airstrike won't stop Assad's chemical capabilities, experts say

I don't know why you chose this gopher mound to stand on -- but this piece doesn't contradict what I told you. BEST quote is ---

"I think he's feeling reasonably good right now," Lute said of Assad. "Some of his facilities were struck, but it doesn't really challenge his hold on the country."

That's just a true statement. His chemical weapons capability won't really determine his future. You're also TOTALLY ignoring the 2nd strike on Syria that moved the targets to GOVT facilities in and around his power centers. About 4 military research centers ---- GONE !

Are you trying to prove that Trump was going SOFT here? Compared to the PREVIOUS admin? Be serious.

And as to Assad shrugging it off -- WTHell did you expect? Him shown crying in his falafel sandwich? Why is THIS proof of loving Russia?

I'll tell you one thing. Under the PREVIOUS rules of engagement from the youknowwho Admin, :auiqs.jpg: when 100 Russian mercenaries are marching on the position of a faction WE SUPPORT and Russia opposes, the US commanders would need a LAWYER CONSULT and cabinet meeting before taking immediate action. Putin got it handed to him when THAT bad news hit the Kremlin. I can tell ya that.

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