Who (Presidents) has slaughtered the most Americans on American soil?

No one comes close to Lincoln. He killed hundreds of thousand on American soil.

The deaths of Confederates don't count. The moment they turned against their country, they ceased to be Americans.
Oh and you can add 3,000 people KILLED in 9/11 to Clinton's ledger!
Gorelick Memo...
"As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997
Jamie Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
It set a procedure where various intelligence operations could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.
At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

And this was done because Clinton had accepted Chinese donations in exchange for missile secrets!
Clinton sells missile technology to China - 1998
Thanks to the Cox Report, we now know that the seven years of the Clinton presidency have coincided with the most massive breach of military security in American history.
Clinton sells high tech missile technology to China - 1998 - Killingsworth Court, Formerly The General Forum - Killer Frogs
9/11 happened during Clinton's presidency? :lol:

in a sense.., YES ! it was planned, trained for and Cliton was the one who signed off for the terrorists to get student visas for flight school, Cliton's malfeasance and Gore-lick's wall building is the heart of the September 11, 2001AD attack that killed nearly 3,000 citizens..........., well ! some of those killed were not citizens but that is irrelevant....., OR ...., at this point in time.., what difference does it make ??
at this point in time.., what difference does it make ??
Because everything that happens is the effect of past events. Because Palestine was taken from the Muslims and given to the Jews, 9/11 happened. Because Abraham had Ishmael from his wife's servant, Islam was created. Because Adam and Eve was deceived by Satan, the world lives with constant suffering. Because Lucifer was envious of Christ, he became Satan.

These are ALL perceptions of the majority of the world. And because the majority "believes" this crap, we all have to live with the effects of it. Cause and effect. The past creates the future. You are living what your ancestors made, that's why we have so many nuclear bombs. And some moron is going to decide that they were made to use. Question is, will it be a Muslim or a Republican? lol
9/11 happened during Clinton's presidency? :lol:

in a sense.., YES ! it was planned, trained for and Cliton was the one who signed off for the terrorists to get student visas for flight school

Uh - right. Because that's what the President of the United States does -- signs student visas for flight schools.

Was the spelling "Cliton" intentional?

You skipped over:
Teddy Roosevelt - Philippines.
Eisenhower - Korea.
Eisenhower/Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan/Bush I - Afghanistan
Bush I - Iraq
Bush II - Iraq/Afganistan

I've missed a lot. Feel free to add.

He said "on American soil", didn't he?
Lincoln +600000-, Jackson thousands of indigenous people, Clinton 76 including women and children, 2 at Ruby Ridge a women holding a baby and a 14 year old boy shot in the back. Not including the dozens of other mysterious deaths under his regime.

Real dumb, rendered more stupid by the fact that Ruby Ridge happened under President Bush. Happened in 1992, Clinton was not President until 20Jan93.

I believe he is talking about Waco. He did mention Koresh.
Odd how no one seems to have mentioned Andrew Jackson.

Or are Native Americans not... Americans?

I think somebody did, but the point is well taken. That opens up a slew of POTUSes, dunnit?

The whole premise of this thread is kinda silly at the start. Did Lincoln "slaughter" everybody on both sides just because some armchair wag 150 years later thinks he could have done X and stopped it? Did Roosevelt "slaughter" the victims at Pearl Harbor on the same basis? Was Nixon in charge of the National Guard at Kent State?

Speciousness ... the final frontier.
It's too bad that the whole point was missed. The point is the power of small s state.

You skipped over:
Teddy Roosevelt - Philippines.
Eisenhower - Korea.
Eisenhower/Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan/Bush I - Afghanistan
Bush I - Iraq
Bush II - Iraq/Afganistan

I've missed a lot. Feel free to add.

or obama's assassination of American citizens and obama's Afghanistan numbers.
Lincoln +600000-, Jackson thousands of indigenous people, Clinton 76 including women and children, 2 at Ruby Ridge a women holding a baby and a 14 year old boy shot in the back. Not including the dozens of other mysterious deaths under his regime.

You left out the black sharecroppers under FDR as they struggled to survive when the government was paying the landowner not to grow crops in an socialist agriculture scheme.
at this point in time.., what difference does it make ??
Because everything that happens is the effect of past events. Because Palestine was taken from the Muslims and given to the Jews, 9/11 happened. Because Abraham had Ishmael from his wife's servant, Islam was created. Because Adam and Eve was deceived by Satan, the world lives with constant suffering. Because Lucifer was envious of Christ, he became Satan.

These are ALL perceptions of the majority of the world. And because the majority "believes" this crap, we all have to live with the effects of it. Cause and effect. The past creates the future. You are living what your ancestors made, that's why we have so many nuclear bombs. And some moron is going to decide that they were made to use. Question is, will it be a Muslim or a Republican? lol

Ironically, only Truman - a DEMOCRAT - has ever authorized the use of nukes and your perceptions are not those of the MAJORITY of the world.
There never would have been an American Civil War if the south hadn't betrayed the country and fired on Fort Sumter.
I wonder if the presidents that fought proper medical care for Americans caused the most deaths?

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