Who (Presidents) has slaughtered the most Americans on American soil?

There never would have been an American Civil War if the south hadn't betrayed the country and fired on Fort Sumter.

Lincoln betrayed the United States, not the South Fort Sumter was South Carolina territory, and federal troops were trespassing on it. Lincoln committed a further act of war by sending ships into South Carolina waters to resupply the fort.
Who (Presidents) has slaughtered the most Americans on American soil?

That question really is out of line. Seldom does the actions of the president cause the deaths of Americans. From Lincoln to Koresh, none of those events can blamed on the presidents at the time. So, saying What president has slaughtered the most Americans on American soil seems totally unfair.

Hogwash. Lincoln ordered the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Americans. He had many executed without a trial. He ordered his troops to murder civilians, to burn their property and to rape their women.
Can confederates be considered Americans? I mean they did leave the union before starting the war.

Rather a good point.

So whether or not the CSA rebels were US citizens depends on who you ask.

To Lincoln they were rebellious US citizens.

But to the Rebs, they were citizens of the CSA.

If that's the case that the President who killed most Americans would be Jeff Davis.

Jeff Davis wasn't a U.S. president. By Lincoln's own standard, he is the one who slaughtered the most Americans.
Can confederates be considered Americans? I mean they did leave the union before starting the war.

If they weren't Americans, then what the hell was Lincoln doing occupying their territory with federal troops at Fort Sumter? What business did he have sending federal troops to invade Virginia?
No one comes close to Lincoln. He killed hundreds of thousand on American soil.

He tried to stop the killing and finally did., is a more accurate statement.

ROFL! He did nothing of the sort. He instigated the killing and continued to escalate it. He had no intention of stopping the killing until union troops occupied every city in the Confederacy.
I thought all the revisionists and apologists for traitors like to claim the Confederacy was no longer part of the United States.

I guess it depends on what is most convenient for a given specious argument at a given time....
Don't forget the AMERICAN CITIZENS who were killed trying to escape FDR's concentration camps and/or died under the conditions there.
I thought all the revisionists and apologists for traitors like to claim the Confederacy was no longer part of the United States.

I guess it depends on what is most convenient for a given specious argument at a given time....

The carpetbagger thugs like to claim both sides of the issue. On the one hand, when discussing Fort Sumter, they like to claim it was still part of the United States. On the other hand, when discussing Lincoln's mass slaughter of innocent human beings, they claim the were citizens of a foreign country, but they were also traitors - that is, they were still U.S. citizens.

Following carpetbagger "logic" is too difficult for mere mortals.
I haven't heard anyone but frustrated revisionists still arguing a lost cause make such a claim.

If they weren't foreign enemy combatants, then how do the carpetbaggers justify Lincoln slaughtering them?

They were traitorous criminals and rightly punished. Is every bank robber who gets shot by the police an "enemy combatant"?

According to the definition in the Constitution, they weren't traitors. Nor were they criminals. What crime did the commit? They weren't arrested, nor were they granted the right of habeas corpus. Lincoln systematically violated almost every clause in the Bill of Rights. He simply killed them. the Constitution simply doesn't grant him that authority.

Who was the real criminal?
The real criminals were the arrogant fools who not only turned traitor themselves but led many good men into violent treason that led to their deaths. Those fools are also forever responsible for the lives of so many good men who died to preserve the Union.

Your attempts at revisionism are doomed to failure, just as the quixotic dreams of the 'confederate' traitors were from the start. You are only making yourself look like a bitter fool. None of your self-debasement will change history no matter how often you repeat it.
Since the American Civil War was almost entirely about slavery, defending the Confederacy is defending slavery.

Yes, the revisionists always try to pretend the Civil War wasn't about slavery. That's why they're revisionists. It never works, but they'll try.
Lincoln +600000-, Jackson thousands of indigenous people, Clinton 76 including women and children, 2 at Ruby Ridge a women holding a baby and a 14 year old boy shot in the back. Not including the dozens of other mysterious deaths under his regime.

Ruby Ridge was under George HW Bush.

Clinton had nothing to do with it.

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