Who On This Board Can Honestly Say ...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Um well the only things they could investigate is either information that’s already public or financial information. Have I broken the law before? Yeah everyone has. Either you were punished or you got away with it. I never got punished for something criminal. Anything that I got away with had nothing to do with finances or a written record, so there wouldn’t be any evidence that could he found that would charge me with the crime.

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to Trump.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
If they’d caught me I’d probably still be inside. I wonder though what kind of answer we’d get from President Toadstool of they gave him truth pills?
My life has been depressingly law abiding. Underage drinking,speeding and brawling being my youthful misdemeanours.I got done a few times for speeding and that slowed me down. Age and respectability curbed my fighting.It just became not cool.
But I never ripped off students. Never declared bankruptcy, never dodged my taxes, never colluded with a foreign government, never employed illegals.
I never fucked a porn star whilst my wife was in maternity. Nor used campaign funds to hush it up. Never employed a fixer to sort out my problems.

Is this the new right wing stance on trumps guilt ?
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
He would find nothing that could be used to subject someone to criminal prosecution.

Indeed, prosecutors often find evidence of wrongdoing but do not pursue prosecution because it wouldn’t be successful – the evidence may have been illegally obtained, for example.

The question is idiotic, of course, because no prosecutor is given unlimited authority, power, time, and funds to conduct an investigation – he is indeed limited by the Constitution, its case law, precedent, and procedure.
Im clean as a whistle - bring on 10 investigators.
My life has been depressingly law abiding. Underage drinking,speeding and brawling being my youthful misdemeanours.I got done a few times for speeding and that slowed me down. Age and respectability curbed my fighting.It just became not cool.
But I never ripped off students. Never declared bankruptcy, never dodged my taxes, never colluded with a foreign government, never employed illegals.
I never fucked a porn star whilst my wife was in maternity. Nor used campaign funds to hush it up. Never employed a fixer to sort out my problems.

Is this the new right wing stance on trumps guilt ?
Pretty much.

It’s rightwing whining about the Mueller investigation.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?
Perfectly fair question, and if someone snooped around my younger days it wouldn't go well for me.

This will just depend on what's found. If a 70-year old man breaks laws with payoffs and/or by instructing others to break the law, especially a campaign law, and even more especially with international bad actors, holy crap, that's a different deal.

It may well be that some shit has been found in the gray areas, so the shade of gray will matter. You know the Democrats will hype it to the mountaintops and the GOP will dismiss it, if it can, no matter what. That's the game. But assuming the House impeaches him, if enough Republican Senators feel enough heat from what's found....
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.
More circular BS from you.
The problem is the crooked democrats have already set in motion the destruction of America

Their unequal Justice will spread like wildfire for everyone to work cheating and unequal Justice

The jury system is now destroyed ...how can a juror convict for a lower crime when high treason crimes are fine??

Trump will
Take his power the men and set up another govt and with logic ability tests for voters so that crooks will be stopped from fooling the voters
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.
More circular BS from you.

Fun picture, probably been saving it for a while. Now that you got that out of your system, tell me what I said that was BS. Or maybe you think it's great that prosecutors can name a man and find the crime.

I do not. I think it's a travesty of justice actually. But you do you, male Erin.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Hmms, so your defense is everybody has broken the law so nobody should be held accountable? So Trump seems to have committed numerous crimes but should not be held accountable? Why don't we see what you said when Hillary was charged with bringing her work home and ultimately was decided NOT to warrant prosecution.
Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!
Seems pretty odd.... You have changed your mind it seems...
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Hmms, so your defense is everybody has broken the law so nobody should be held accountable? So Trump seems to have committed numerous crimes but should not be held accountable? Why don't we see what you said when Hillary was charged and ultimately was decided NOT to warrant prosecution.
Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!

Justice is dead in this country and, let's face it, these people of weak minds and little imagination cannot fathom why this should matter.

Nero fiddles even louder.
Yes unequal Justice done by crooks is worse than no justice

The democrats are guilty of the highest treason offense in America's history
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Hmms, so your defense is everybody has broken the law so nobody should be held accountable? So Trump seems to have committed numerous crimes but should not be held accountable? Why don't we see what you said when Hillary was charged and ultimately was decided NOT to warrant prosecution.
Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!

Justice is dead in this country and, let's face it, these people of weak minds and little imagination cannot fathom why this should matter.

Nero fiddles even louder.
It's ultimately self serving bullshit. For the record I was on record with Clinton to let the investigation play out. I didn't fault Comey for the reopening and would NOT have objected if Hilary would have been charged in the end.

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