Who knew the US was founded on socialism

It's right here in its motto.

E pluribus unum "Out of many, one" ie - We all come together as one! Not much chance of wriggle room for individualism there....
Are you striving to be among the many or would you like to strive and rise to be the one, sometime?
It's not very kind of you to hold the US to its word. You're not meant to take it literally, just seriously....
I hope you are being satirical... It means out of many states, we are one nation...
No, not being satirical.

Just like "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed," means you should belong to a militia to have a peashooter and that was the intent of that amendment.
Are you striving to be among the many or would you like to strive and rise to be the one, sometime?
Why not both? Why not strive to be your individual best, and be part of a collective under certain circumstances? Too much black and white in the US, not enough nuance. Too many trying for a 'gotcha' moment with regards to legislation, amendments, local laws etc.

The rights of the individual and the collective mindset need not be mutually exclusive. I think most normal people get that. But there is a considerable, but smaller, minority who just don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. As I mentioned in another thread, if the whole human race had that mindset, and you took it to the nth degree, we'd still be rubbing sticks together to make fire.
The right-wing nuts have supported socialism for decades. But only the socialist policies like those inspired by their former king, Ronald Reagan. All of the federal handouts to Big Business and the nation's 0.1% are socialism the right-wing nuts (now turned trump Nazis) can get behind.

The trump Nazis, like the GOP and corporate controlled moderate Democrats, accept and defend the soaring national debt created by these socialism-limited-to-the-wealthy programs, to the detriment of our societal wellbeing, our national infrastructure, our military preparedness, and the environment on which all life depends.


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