WHO is Obama supposed to be campaigning for?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy

Obama is campaigning for the one thing he is truly passionate about. He sure as hell doesn't care about Black people that's obvious, hates Police, he did nothing but undermine America every way he could. But there is one thing he cares about more than anything....
they played some of his speech on my local station today,,,,Obambi sounded as if he was choking on his chicken. voice was 95% gone


Bring manufacturing plants and manufacturing jobs back to the United States? “Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” “He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDfA-pxmU0AE_srE.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fjackposobiec%2Fstatus%2F1004371214792523777&docid=yd5X0IpH5rXz_M&tbnid=L-6CXqLWCaYHwM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwipzvLp-L7eAhUJwlkKHf5ZCl0QMwhMKAYwBg..i&w=540&h=539&itg=1&bih=901&biw=1280&q=Bary%20Obama%20and%20his%20magic%20wand&ved=0ahUKEwipzvLp-L7eAhUJwlkKHf5ZCl0QMwhMKAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8']upload_2018-11-5_23-46-15.jpeg [/URL]



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Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy

I watched part of the speech and I don't think he mentioned who he was suppose to be talking about. He is not a good speaker and seems to loose the subject sometimes. I look at it this way he had a full eight years to get it done, and did not it. I used the words get it done cause a fat county comic used them and it funny no matter what.
Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy

He's just trying to remind people who he was.
The GREAT FUCKING ORATOR... the little kenyan muslim TWIT... this jackass is a MORONIC BUFFOON...

I got a call from Obama ( a recording) campaigning for the dems .. I never got one from Trump stumping for the Repubs.

squeaking wheel gets the grease.
I got a call from Obama ( a recording) campaigning for the dems .. I never got one from Trump stumping for the Repubs.

squeaking wheel gets the grease.
Trump had the decency to leave people the hell alone at home. :p
I got a call from Obama ( a recording) campaigning for the dems .. I never got one from Trump stumping for the Repubs.

squeaking wheel gets the grease.
I got one from President Trump, and I never gave squeaking wheels a thought.

It matters not. It would be a cold day in HELL before I'd ever for a radical democrat mongrel regardless of a phone call.
I got a call from Obama ( a recording) campaigning for the dems .. I never got one from Trump stumping for the Repubs.

squeaking wheel gets the grease.
I got one from President Trump, and I never gave squeaking wheels a thought.

It matters not. It would be a cold day in HELL before I'd ever for a radical democrat mongrel regardless of a phone call.

LIAR - you got dick from Donnieboi.
Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy



A terrible mental disease.

Please donate to help cure (or at least restrain) the afflicted.
Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy


A Femininny's Pickaninny Doll

This lawn jockey from the segregated Liberal gated communities reminds me of Sean Young in Bladerunner. He's a robot that thinks he is a real person. That's what makes him so desperate to reinforce his imaginary identity.
Obabble is campaigning for the same cause for which he has always campaigned: his Narcissistic Ego.
Obama closes by talking about himself 89x during campaign stop...

"Barack Obama is ending the midterm campaign by the way he started: Talking about himself. A lot. During a Sunday appearance in Chicago, the former president referred to himself no fewer than 89 times during a roughly 46-minute speech."

SSDD - sounds like his speeches when he was President.

The media whore could not stand all the success and attention President Trump was getting, how his 'Legacy' was being wiped off the books, his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the history books. He has come out to attempt to claim President Trump's economic success as his own.

Evidently snowflakes / liberals are not only stupid, they also have an extremely SHORT-term memory:

"During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric.

“He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer.”

As usual, President Trump responded with a Tweet earlier this year:

Donald J. Trump

“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
9:42 AM - Sep 10, 2018


By the comments from the snowflakes on this board, they have not let facts / recorded history sway them from believing Obama's claim that HE is responsible for the current economic success HE said 2 years ago was impossible to achieve'without a magic wand'. :p

Jealous and desperate to claim Trump's success as his own, Barry has rushed in front of his beloved Fake News cameras and spot lights to shovel more BS to his devoted worshippers, hoping to rewrite history.

It's hard to call what he id doing 'campaigning for others' when it's all about 'me, me, me'!

Trump hits Obama for 2016 'magic wand' comment about economy

Poor trumpanzees.......can't quit Former President Obama. Dang! He's so uppity!

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