Who Is Checking The Fact Checkers?

The article is from 2013, hardly a new study. It doesn’t link to the study at all, so no one can see what the study actually says, and it seems mostly opinion based.
1. Have these outlets changed their ways since the study? If so, in what ways?

2. I’m sure with a couple of taps on the keyboard you could find it…Does everything have to be presented to you for you to read it?

3. The truth is, that regardless of your weird complaint that the study isn’t provided but, you just know it’s opinion based, if it were linked, you wouldn’t read it anyway.

A new study reveals fact checkers have a bias against Republicans
no shitt.gif

There are no "fact checkers", there are media apparatchiks who attempt to manipulate public opinion. Facts can be viewed in plain sight, and researched. Lazy bed wetting leftist sheep need "fact checkers". Rational adults do not.
1. Have these outlets changed their ways since the study? If so, in what ways?

2. I’m sure with a couple of taps on the keyboard you could find it…Does everything have to be presented to you for you to read it?

3. The truth is, that regardless of your weird complaint that the study isn’t provided but, you just know it’s opinion based, if it were linked, you wouldn’t read it anyway.
Liberals have a sort of double standard. If something comes out of a fellow lib's mouth, they take it as absolute gospel truth. If it comes from a conservative, they find all sorts of reasons to deny it. What has changed in the world of politics since 2013???
Nothing has changed except a different liar is in the white house. Instead of Wacky Baracky Obama, we got his partner in two faced bullshit, Senile Jojo.
1. Have these outlets changed their ways since the study? If so, in what ways?

You are assuming the article is correct.

2. I’m sure with a couple of taps on the keyboard you could find it…Does everything have to be presented to you for you to read it?

It is a 10 yr old study. If the author doesn’t provide link to original material he is referencing, that can be a red flag.

Why do YOU demand links?

3. The truth is, that regardless of your weird complaint that the study isn’t provided but, you just know it’s opinion based, if it were linked, you wouldn’t read it anyway.
If it was linked I would have read it, I usually do when comes to polls and studies because they tend to get misrepresented. Do you? Or, do you just automatically believe their spin on it?

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