Who Hates Sarah Palin?

I'm not feeling the pain, myself. The myth of the horrible shape of the country doesn't hold water.

for you, that may be the case....not everyone is as fortunate as you seem to be....

i bought my house up here in 2006, it is now worth 30% less than what we paid, our gasoline bill has near doubled, our heating oil bill has doubled in 2 years, our health care insurance for the two of us, went up 32% this year alone, food is up more than 35% up here, primarily due to transportation costs to get it up here...oh, and my hubby got a 5% raise to compensate...yeah....so things are NOT pretty....
Oil was rationed under Carter.
He was responsible for shutting down industry in the forests and seas and decimating the economy.
He was responsible for the bottom falling out of the beef industry in 76.
He left office while we were in a hostage crisis, which was HIS FAULT.
Anyway. You get the idea. You want to see what inflation is really like? What it's like to be in a recession? Look at Carter's term.
As for Carter being the reason for the fall of the beef industry that is not true, it was Nixon years that established the policy and Carter was not president until 77' . My mother was a lobbyist for the beef and ranchers at this time. And as for the hostages Carter is the reason why they were released, he lost the election and therefore they were released. And Carter raised interests rate to stop the inflation! Get your facts strait.
Point being, it's a US messageboard about US politics, and as I already stated, one wonders why you feel compelled to come here and piss and moan about our political scene, when there's no place on earth where the people are more free, more rich, or better protected.

I also wonder what compels a foreigner to hit these messageboards, post hatred, drivel, and garbage in general...and then to neg rep with the most insulting and personal sorts of comments he can think of. What's that about? Why do you feel compelled to fantasize about the physical characteristics of posters you don't agree with? Why can't you just stick to the topics?

I'm sure I don't know. Perhaps you could bring one of your countrymen to the board, and they could explain it to us.

For a start, I've been on this board a good year longer than you and it's not all politics, but being a right-wing whackjob, you probably don't realise this.

You might be richer, but IMO you are definitely not freer nor more protected than I am. I feel compelled to "piss and moan" because your retard of a president has policies that affect the rest of the world. If you want to put "rules" on posters from other countries commenting on your little part of the world, then please feel free not to talk about Iraq, Afghanistan, N Korea, Georgia or any other part of the world that is not part of the US.

Considering you've had verbal dihorrea from the second you started posting, it's a bit rich you saying I post drivel.

As for neg repping, you handed it out first. If you can't handle it, don't dish it out, but being a whining, whinging neocon religious whackjob, also means you are a hypocrite.

As for fantasising, you're the one who stated you were a Teletubbie, not I. And if me dissing you is your definition of foreplay no wonder you come across as totally confused ALL the time...thicko...
I guess his advisors missed something pretty important and yet he is a mere heart beat from the Presidency in the event Obama dies. It is easily just as likely that Osamabama will die in office as McCain, after all, he is Charlie Manson's dream President, one if eliminated could create the race war he wanted. There are plenty of assholes out there that would love to see that happen.

Great. Now, no black man can be president of the USA because he might get assassinated and a race war will ensue. I guess no woman can be president because she might get assassinated and a gender war will erupt.
I'm not feeling the pain, myself. The myth of the horrible shape of the country doesn't hold water.

Rising unemployment, rising gas prices, $200 billion dollars a year down the tube in Iraq, the Big Three automakers on the verge of bankruptcy, the U.S. totally dependent on foreign oil, record trade deficits, record home foreclosures, and a HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT.

No offense, but are you really this clueless?
Rising unemployment, rising gas prices, $200 billion dollars a year down the tube in Iraq, the Big Three automakers on the verge of bankruptcy, the U.S. totally dependent on foreign oil, record trade deficits, record home foreclosures, and a HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT.

No offense, but are you really this clueless?
She really is!
Great. Now, no black man can be president of the USA because he might get assassinated and a race war will ensue. I guess no woman can be president because she might get assassinated and a gender war will erupt.

I know people who actually believe that.

They also think McCain has a better chance of surviving 4 years in the White House with all his medical problems then Obama who is "likely to get shot."

Honestly? If nobody killed Dubya or Cheney in EIGHT years, then I think Obama will be fine for least four.
What is with the worship of "intelligence"?
How can anyone admire "intelligence" over "accomplishment"?

Besides which, what would lead anyone to think Obama is more intelligent than McCain? Have they taken some test or something? Is this assumption based on the fact that he's managed to reach this age without accomplishing one single thing? That he's good at covering up his messes?

I don't get it.:confused:

I agree. You don't get it.

Obama has accomplished a lot, and he is on the verge of being elected president of the United States.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It must take tremendous mental gymnastics to quote an entire article and still not know what it says.

LOL -You beat me to that one. Liberals are known for their complete lack of humor and for taking themselves far more seriously than anyone else ever will. Given that, why expect the guy to know what this article said?
Great. Now, no black man can be president of the USA because he might get assassinated and a race war will ensue. I guess no woman can be president because she might get assassinated and a gender war will erupt.

Never said that, besides, when and if a black man runs for President he will no doubt be a Republican. Only Democrats would run a mixed race guy who was raised by his white Mother and Grandparents as a black man, what a joke.

I guess you don't remember Charlie Manson and his "Helter Skelter" plans. Even though Obamasama isn't a black man, there are enough people(93% of black people)who believe he is or is close enough, that it would work for Charlie's plan.

If Obamosama is so qualified, why is he employing 300 foreign policy advisors? What a pathetic joke he is.
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for you, that may be the case....not everyone is as fortunate as you seem to be....

i bought my house up here in 2006, it is now worth 30% less than what we paid, our gasoline bill has near doubled, our heating oil bill has doubled in 2 years, our health care insurance for the two of us, went up 32% this year alone, food is up more than 35% up here, primarily due to transportation costs to get it up here...oh, and my hubby got a 5% raise to compensate...yeah....so things are NOT pretty....

Well, with Obama you can expect your health insurance costs to at least triple from there in the form of taxes to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage you no doubt believe will end your health insurance costs; gas prices aren't under the control of a President from an oil consuming country, and while many countries in OPEC would love to see the POTUS come begging them to increase supply, since they are the ones making the real killing on the higher prices -it isn't going to happen. So those increased transportation costs which have driven up your food bill will remain. As will paying more for heating oil for your house. What your house is worth today doesn't mean much unless you are planning to sell it today and is the least of your problems.

But the good news is that with Obama, your tax bill will go way up and not just to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage, but all those other entitlement programs he wants to create you won't qualify for anyway -so you will have even less disposable income than ever before. At the end of 4 years, if you are really lucky -your husband will still have a job but with far less purchasing power and if you are really, really lucky still able to hang on to that house.

Obama is offering the very same failed policies of Carter and promising an economy as it existed under Clinton. A con game if I ever saw one since those Carter policies only resulted in a Carter economy and it was Reagan policies that resulted in a Clinton economy -polar opposite policies. The best entertainment available will be the Democrats and liberal media trying to explain why you are so much better off with an economy with so much higher unemployment, interest and inflation rates and far less purchasing power. They did under Carter too who was tossed out in four years. Took years longer than that to fix the damage he did.

The Democrats drag this crap out full force just in time for the next generation too ignorant to learn from history to buy into it. So after personally learning the hard way, you can expect to be among those trying to warn the next generation getting ready to fall for the identical crap. You will be rewarded for it by being told you are ignorant and stupid and lectured about why they are so much smarter than you although more ignorant than any previous generation. Happy days are here again, huh?
Well, with Obama you can expect your health insurance costs to at least triple from there in the form of taxes to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage you no doubt believe will end your health insurance costs; gas prices aren't under the control of a President from an oil consuming country, and while many countries in OPEC would love to see the POTUS come begging them to increase supply, since they are the ones making the real killing on the higher prices -it isn't going to happen. So those increased transportation costs which have driven up your food bill will remain. As will paying more for heating oil for your house. What your house is worth today doesn't mean much unless you are planning to sell it today and is the least of your problems.

But the good news is that with Obama, your tax bill will go way up and not just to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage, but all those other entitlement programs he wants to create you won't qualify for anyway -so you will have even less disposable income than ever before. At the end of 4 years, if you are really lucky -your husband will still have a job but with far less purchasing power and if you are really, really lucky still able to hang on to that house.

Obama is offering the very same failed policies of Carter and promising an economy as it existed under Clinton. A con game if I ever saw one since those Carter policies only resulted in a Carter economy and it was Reagan policies that resulted in a Clinton economy -polar opposite policies. The best entertainment available will be the Democrats and liberal media trying to explain why you are so much better off with an economy with so much higher unemployment, interest and inflation rates and far less purchasing power. They did under Carter too who was tossed out in four years. Took years longer than that to fix the damage he did.

The Democrats drag this crap out full force just in time for the next generation too ignorant to learn from history to buy into it. So after personally learning the hard way, you can expect to be among those trying to warn the next generation getting ready to fall for the identical crap. You will be rewarded for it by being told you are ignorant and stupid and lectured about why they are so much smarter than you although more ignorant than any previous generation. Happy days are here again, huh?

Bill Clinton - eight years of peace and prosperity

George Bush - eight years of war and debt

McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.

John McCain.....help him clean up the mess he created.
Never said that, besides, when and if a black man runs for President he will no doubt be a Republican. Only Democrats would run a mixed race guy who was raised by his white Mother and Grandparents as a black man, what a joke.

I guess you don't remember Charlie Manson and his "Helter Skelter" plans. Even though Obamasama isn't a black man, there are enough people(93% of black people)who believe he is or is close enough, that it would work for Charlie's plan.

If Obamosama is so qualified, why is he employing 300 foreign policy advisors? What a pathetic joke he is.

Yep I remember Helter Skelter. Which has what to do with Obama??

WHo are these advisors? When does he speak to all 300 of them? Having lived in Kenya, Indonesia and the States, that alone makes him more qualified than the current ijit in the WH.

That aside, I actually don't have a prob if McSame is elected. I do have a problem if he dies and Dumbya Mark II becomes president. That will be a huge problem. However, if that does occur, you will no doubt find that out yourselves...
Bill Clinton - eight years of peace and prosperity

George Bush - eight years of war and debt

McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.

John McCain.....help him clean up the mess he created.

Bill Clinton - Years of terrorist attacks on American troops and even the World Trade Center, then let OBL go when he had him in his hands.

George Bush - One terrorist attack on America during his term that was the worst in the history of America and wrecked havock on our economy, but yet never another. Bush has kept us safe.

McCain - will keep America safe.

Barack Hussein Obama - doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground about world affairs or protecting America, and his stinking name sounds like a terrorist.
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Bill Clinton - Years of terrorist attacks on American troops and even the World Trade Center, then let OBL go when he had him in his hands.

George Bush - One terrorist attack on America during his term that was the worst in the history of America and wrecked havock on our economy, but yet never another. Bush has kept us safe.

McCain - will keep America safe.

Barack Hussein Obama - doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground about world affairs or protecting America, and his stinking name sounds like a terrorist.

and your point would be.....o on top of your head....
"What is happening" means it hasn't happened yet. So we aren't in a recession.

We're recovering from the imaginary melt down the left has been insisting we are going to suffer, for the past 8 years. We're recovering from market fluctuations caused by PANIC started by ridiculous allegations and "predictions" made by spastic lefties.

At any rate, we're not in a recession. You're lying when you say we are.

And being a "history buff" doesn't mean you have any particular understanding of the war. I'm a "history buff" too. Whoopee for us both. I also had a dad, 5 uncles (one of which was a Japanese prisoner of war for 3 years) one brother, a son and daughter in law in the military. I have a Laotian friend who told me of being woken up in the middle of the night at the age of 12 by communist soldiers who lined them up outside, walked down the line, pointed a gun at them and told them "Join us or die and your family with you" and then gave them a gun (that's a communist "draft"). They fought with the army until escaping in a boat (and actually swimming the last stretch). I can smell out people who take their liberty and their safety for granted based on the idiotic things they say about the war in Iraq.

Oh Allie, you are so clueless about what's happening in the banking industry.

The Fed is shitting bricks right now because Lehman is going down, right now.

The derivitives market is imploding and the number of banks teettering on the edge of insolvency is in the hundreds perhaps the thousands.

Now, I cannot fault you for not knowing that, because what is happening in the arcane world of high finance isn't often reported in the news, or when it is, it is done in such as way as to prevent a panic, but believe me things are not going well in that world.

Know that the best economists in the world are trying deperately to keep the whole thing from melting down, though.

Know that your government just took on $5 TRILLION dollars in risky mortgages in hopes of keeping things from going CRASH!

Monday is going to be a very interesting day on the market, I suspect.

Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:40pm EDT

By David Lawder - Analysis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Takeover talks for Lehman Brothers are a key test of the government's willingness to bail out large financial institutions -- less than a week after the seizure of home finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve officials, working to broker a deal to sell Lehman Brothers to a stronger financial institution, have made it clear that any buyer of Lehman will not get the same kind financial support granted to JPMorgan Chase & Co. in March in the rescue of Bear Stearns.

"It's time to draw a line. If the government assists Lehman, there's going to be another one coming for a bailout," said William Poole, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "The more often you do it, the harder it becomes to say it's just a special exception."

"If the market is so fragile, so close to the edge, then bailing out Lehman is not going to solve the problem," Poole said. "Letting Lehman go down, if it comes to that, that would clear the air," he said, if such an event "doesn't trigger an enormous crisis. And that would be my expectation."

Paulson in early July called for a stronger regulatory process that can allow big investment banks to fail in an "orderly way" without threatening the stability of the financial system. He said he wanted to avoid the perception that an institution is "too interconnected to fail or too big to fail."

But the Treasury's involvement in quickly finding a buyer for Lehman shows that Paulson is a long way from achieving that goal, and such failures will require a guiding hand from the top of the Fed and Treasury, at least from a deal brokering standpoint.

Alice Rivlin, a Brookings Institution fellow and former Federal Reserve vice chairman, likened the Lehman talks to former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin's recruitment of banks in 1998 to provide loans in a privately funded bailout of hedge fund Long Term Capital Management.

"What they'll try to do is get the people together and say 'don't let this organization fail, which could be very disruptive,'" she said, adding that a sale or multiple asset sales at very low prices is the most likely result. Continued...

It's so complex that I can't understand the details, but the interconnectedness of these big banks makes then more likely to fail when one of them goes down and we're looking right now at some of the largest banks in America facing insolvency.

And, the Feds do NOT ghave the money bil them out, either.

All the Feds can do is try to find another bank with the dorayme to save the ones going down.

You really do not understand how bad things are when the FED make you and I responsibile for $5 TRILLION dollars in dubious mortgages, do you?

Ignorance truly is bliss.

Wish I had some.
The basis of this thread is bullshit.

If we dare criticize Palin, we hate her. If we say that living next to Russian isn't foreign experience, we hate her. If we say that trying to fire a town librarian for not giving her full fealty is bullying, we hate her. ect. etc, tce.

She isn't qualified to be vice president or surely president. Her interview showed that she isn't ready.

Get off your hate shit and face the facts. If people think she isn't qualified to sit one old heartbeat away from the presidency, we have the right to say that.

Hate, Hate, Hate, that's all some on the right can say when you disagree with them.