Who does or does not support Israel?

Who supports Israel as an Ally?

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As compelling and intelligent an aguement you present, I must respectfully disagree.

I cannot imagine what evidence you have of Israel being a "reliable ally" nor which country bordering Israel represents a "significant threat" to the USA.

Are you expecting Syria to launch an invasion? Perhaps hitting Miami Beach any day now?

We have a HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (Iran) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel..

Just sayin'


Did we have the same HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (IRAQ) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel?

Apart from offering a secondary target for SCUDS, what did Israel do?

Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who is a threat in the ME? I don't see one.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:
Stupid remarks. The US alliancewith Israel is based on shared democratic principles and Israel being one of the few reliable allies in a region of the world that is a significant threat to the West.

Keep your dumb thoughts to yourself, fool

As compelling and intelligent an aguement you present, I must respectfully disagree.

I cannot imagine what evidence you have of Israel being a "reliable ally" nor which country bordering Israel represents a "significant threat" to the USA.

Are you expecting Syria to launch an invasion? Perhaps hitting Miami Beach any day now?

This is a reliable ally...


Yes a very impressive list you no doubt cut-and-pasted from the Israeli Lobby Website (since you offer no source, you leave me to guess).

I found the inclusion of:

"Five universities in Israel welcomed displaced American students from the affected areas and invited both undergraduate and graduate students to continue their studies in Israel"

especially compelling.

I'm not saying that welcoming displaced American Students (whatever the fuck that means) isn't a nice thing, but I'll be damned if I'm going to support sending US troops to defend Israel to make sure the invitation remains open.

Still waiting to hear how Israel has defended USA during an attack on the USA.
That would be a qualified yes from me.

They are a democracy, they have UN recognition, and the feisty bastards and bastardetts have fought for survival like few nations have.

Having said that, they really need to stop the West Bank land grab.

Of all people on the Earth they should know Yahweh is a capricious God, and if you over reach it all ends in tears.
Israel also needs to be included in any nuke and WMD talks since they have it all.
We have a HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (Iran) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel..

Just sayin'


Did we have the same HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (IRAQ) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel?

Apart from offering a secondary target for SCUDS, what did Israel do?

Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who is a threat in the ME? I don't see one.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:

After combing through the barage of listings designed to be more impressive in quantity than quality (because the obvious answer simply isn't available), I found these:

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

Israelis provided the Most Expensive Military on the face of the planet with:
1. Critical Intelligence
2. Training
3. Consulting
4. Weapons Development

Frankly, none of these things are necessary to "contract out." I'm quite confident that the USA's Eastern Seaboard will be safe from Syrian Invasion without Israeli intelligence, training, or consultants.

Did we have the same HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (IRAQ) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel?

Apart from offering a secondary target for SCUDS, what did Israel do?

Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:

After combing through the barage of listings designed to be more impressive in quantity than quality (because the obvious answer simply isn't available), I found these:

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

Israelis provided the Most Expensive Military on the face of the planet with:
1. Critical Intelligence
2. Training
3. Consulting
4. Weapons Development

Frankly, none of these things are necessary to "contract out." I'm quite confident that the USA's Eastern Seaboard will be safe from Syrian Invasion without Israeli intelligence, training, or consultants.

Tell us what great things you have done for America. Masturbating all day in your bedroom doesn't count.
Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:

After combing through the barage of listings designed to be more impressive in quantity than quality (because the obvious answer simply isn't available), I found these:

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

Israelis provided the Most Expensive Military on the face of the planet with:
1. Critical Intelligence
2. Training
3. Consulting
4. Weapons Development

Frankly, none of these things are necessary to "contract out." I'm quite confident that the USA's Eastern Seaboard will be safe from Syrian Invasion without Israeli intelligence, training, or consultants.

Tell us what great things you have done for America. Masturbating all day in your bedroom doesn't count.

Interesting you'd mention masterbating all day. Fixation Much?

I pay part of the $$$ that supports the US Army, Airforce, Navy, and Marines in Defense of My Country.:cool:
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Beware of entangling alliances.
We never fought one war on their behalf. We have never sent one soldier to fight in any of there wars. You can't say the same for any of our other natural and historical allies!

That certainly does not mean I cannot fault them for their behavior if I think it does not serve USA interests.
Nor should it! They do a lot of things that civilized people today don't comprehend. Nevertheless, they do face direct threats at nearly every border they have. They have a tough situation inregards to the Palestinians which are broken into two camps with truly neither liking or accepting a Jewish State at their borders.

Many people here would have faulted them for striking the Arabs in '67 before the Arabs attacked, which was just days away from happening. That would have been catastrophic. They are the rich kids in a tough neighborhood, most of the time that requires drastic measures.

People like Kalam would like a doscile Jewish State that would fold easily, but that will never be the case for them. God help the middle east if Israel is ever close to destruction, because it won't be pretty picking up after 100s of nuclear bombing droppings!

If anything it means that I MUST fault them for their behavior (in some cases) since (to some extent) the US taxpayers are funding it.
We don't fund all of it.

Israel has got to do what Israel thinks is in its best interests.

So does the USA.

Their best interests and ours are not always aligned.

As to entrangling alliances?

That phrase means much more than just sending troops, GH.

It has to do with every aspect of how nations interact.

try telling that to the armies of jordan, syria, iraq and the host of other countries that tried to destroy us and gottes pummled.

Butler hey, whatever gets you (and them) through the night...lol

How much of Lebanon did Lebanon lose?

How much of Syria did Syria lose?

How much of Jordan did Jordan lose?

How much of Egypt did Egypt lose?

The war was called to an end by a UN resolution not any surrender.

Lebanon ost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Syria lost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Jordan lost (Most of) the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Egypt lost (Most of) the Israeli land they wanted to conquer.

and all together lost 10,000-15,000 troops to the IDF.

any more questions?
I do NOT support Israel as an ally.

I think the USA needs to revise their list of allies Post Cold War.

The alliance with Israel is a Cold War Anachronism that serves no purpose other than to continue to involve the USA in regional conflicts about which there is nothing to be gained, and much to be lost. As long as Israel is allied with the USA, they have no incentive to develop and expand more meaningful alliances with regional partners.

In Short:

Israel needs to Grow The Fuck Up.

A. The equation that Israel is the only one the profits from the Israel-US relationship is wrong.

B. With which one of the countries that want us obliterated from the map should Israel form a regional alliance?
try telling that to the armies of jordan, syria, iraq and the host of other countries that tried to destroy us and gottes pummled.

Butler hey, whatever gets you (and them) through the night...lol

How much of Lebanon did Lebanon lose?

How much of Syria did Syria lose?

How much of Jordan did Jordan lose?

How much of Egypt did Egypt lose?

The war was called to an end by a UN resolution not any surrender.

Lebanon ost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Syria lost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Jordan lost (Most of) the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Egypt lost (Most of) the Israeli land they wanted to conquer.

and all together lost 10,000-15,000 troops to the IDF.

any more questions?

Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.
I Tariq do NOT support the Zionists in Israel. The land is ours, the Jews took it with the help of america. We will regain control, ultimately the land and the world will be ours.

Allah Akbar
We have a HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (Iran) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel..

Just sayin'


Did we have the same HUGE advantage to our threats in the Middle East (IRAQ) thanks to our strong Alliance with Israel?

Apart from offering a secondary target for SCUDS, what did Israel do?

Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who is a threat in the ME? I don't see one.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:

Christians and Jews from the US and around the world visit ME countries regularly and walk the streets in safety.

Amira Hass, an Israeli Jew, has lived in Palestine for decades. She has even spoken to Hamas and lived to tell about it.

So, where is the threat?
I Tariq do NOT support the Zionists in Israel. The land is ours, the Jews took it with the help of america. We will regain control, ultimately the land and the world will be ours.

Allah Akbar

Wrong, you sand rat. Arab trash invaded Palestine in the 7th century when Jews and Christians had been there for centuries.

You losers have the entire Middle East and what have you done with it: Nothing. You live in cesspools and still drive camels.

You're just an ignorant nomad.
How much of Lebanon did Lebanon lose?

How much of Syria did Syria lose?

How much of Jordan did Jordan lose?

How much of Egypt did Egypt lose?

The war was called to an end by a UN resolution not any surrender.

Lebanon ost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Syria lost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Jordan lost (Most of) the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Egypt lost (Most of) the Israeli land they wanted to conquer.

and all together lost 10,000-15,000 troops to the IDF.

any more questions?

Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.

The legally binding Palestine Mandate allocates all of Palestine to the Jews.

You're the Forum Dunce.
How much of Lebanon did Lebanon lose?

How much of Syria did Syria lose?

How much of Jordan did Jordan lose?

How much of Egypt did Egypt lose?

The war was called to an end by a UN resolution not any surrender.

Lebanon ost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Syria lost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Jordan lost (Most of) the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Egypt lost (Most of) the Israeli land they wanted to conquer.

and all together lost 10,000-15,000 troops to the IDF.

any more questions?

Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.

Liberate??? don't make me laugh (yet again....to late :rofl:). What kind of liberty did egypt and jordan give the palestinians during their occupation? they brutally repressed them in both countries. of course, no one was screaming "palestinian state" back then. yet another example of the hypocracy of the world community whenit comes to israel.

and you keep hanging on to that "no one lost land" and "no one lost the war" illusion. i guess it is the only thing that keeps you and your likes from going crazy from shame.

Look at Marc Posted, that will answer your question about Iraq.

Who isn't a threat? :eusa_eh:

After combing through the barage of listings designed to be more impressive in quantity than quality (because the obvious answer simply isn't available), I found these:

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

Israelis provided the Most Expensive Military on the face of the planet with:
1. Critical Intelligence
2. Training
3. Consulting
4. Weapons Development

Frankly, none of these things are necessary to "contract out." I'm quite confident that the USA's Eastern Seaboard will be safe from Syrian Invasion without Israeli intelligence, training, or consultants.

Tell us what great things you have done for America. Masturbating all day in your bedroom doesn't count.

then i guess you won't be getting that medal of freedom, will you?

tant pis

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