Who does Obama Owe More: Latinos or Other?

To Whom does Obama Owe More

  • Latinos and/or solutions to immigration problems

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Blacks and/or resolving poverty/welfare/crime crisis

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Women and ending exploitation of abortion politics

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Taxpayers who are paying for bad govt policies

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • All Citizens including the 1/2 who did not vote for him

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • the Constitution of the US above party and politics

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Other (please specify and add comments)

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
REVISED clarification: the poll refers to who is really owed a debt or else they are lost to political exploitation for the sake of winning elections. If you have comments on who "handed Obama the election" please specify that also, but that is not what the poll meant. Sorry this wasn't clear. [For "Other" you can also specify MILITARY, since not only Obama but all of us owe our Troops, Police, and community volunteers thanks for enforcing our security and rights to freely exercise our democratic election process. The Military may not have won him the election, but the debt and thanks owed to them is what the poll is really asking. Thank you!]
Latino Groups are reported to be lobbying Obama, claiming he "owes them the election."
He already signed the Dream Act and another Amnesty ageement (similar to how previous Republican Presidents Reagan and Bush both signed for Amnesty).

Ann Coulter pointed out that immigrants who are not yet citizens aren't "owed" anything, especially next to Black who were wronged and are owed corrections for denying civil rights.

To whom do you feel Obama owes the most?

Do you think it is ethical to pressure the President to back certain agenda in exchange for voter support? Does this help with equal inclusion and protection, or risk putting party or private interests above Constitutional duty to all Americans first?
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I didnt see media up there

I don't mean just who won him the election, but who he needs to listen to that he really owes corrections to who are losing due to politics. Sorry this wasn't clear enough.

I also should have put he owes the Military, especially the people in Benghazi who died while all of us were safe at home exercising our democratic rights to free elections.

That is what I really meant by "owing" (not literally who gave him the election, who are not necessarily owed anything). Thanks for pointing this out!
obama promised the most to latinos. Was he lying or did he really mean complete amnesty and full welfare?
He owes the stupid republicans who stayed home.
Don't blame the customer for the shitty product.

The customers bought Obama by staying home. Now they get to live with it.
My going to Target instead of Wal Mart does not give business to Wal Mart, or K-Mart for that matter.

Blaming those you did not sway for your failure to sway them is the most sour of sour grapes.
Don't blame the customer for the shitty product.

The customers bought Obama by staying home. Now they get to live with it.
My going to Target instead of Wal Mart does not give business to Wal Mart, or K-Mart for that matter.

Blaming those you did not sway for your failure to sway them is the most sour of sour grapes.

Whatever dude. Obama adores you. Remember that.
Obama owes the thousands of volunteers who helped him get elected
Obama owes the unions! They spent tens of millions of dollars of union members' dues and sent out 400,000 members to get out the vote! :mad:

Their main effort will be to repeal one small section of a law to do away with Right To Work states and require open union ballots - Card Check.,

Any questions?
The customers bought Obama by staying home. Now they get to live with it.
My going to Target instead of Wal Mart does not give business to Wal Mart, or K-Mart for that matter.

Blaming those you did not sway for your failure to sway them is the most sour of sour grapes.

Whatever dude. Obama adores you. Remember that.
Your candidate couldn't overcome 10 million fewer votes to the opponent this time around and that's my fault? :lol:

He owes the stupid republicans who stayed home.

Not really. He owes the radical rightwing agenda of the current manifestation of the GOP
Vinnie Vitalis was exactly the kind of mushy, middle-of-thee-road, milqutoast dummkopf that far left hater moonbats like you keep telling republicans that they need to run in order to win, and y'all still hated him anyways. :lol:
My going to Target instead of Wal Mart does not give business to Wal Mart, or K-Mart for that matter.

Blaming those you did not sway for your failure to sway them is the most sour of sour grapes.

Whatever dude. Obama adores you. Remember that.
Your candidate couldn't overcome 10 million fewer votes to the opponent this time around and that's my fault? :lol:

Ya know I love ya oddball, but we owed it to the country to get this jackass out of office and we couldn't do it. Should I have really written in Pat Buchanan cause he's closest to my views? What good does that serve in the end?
obama promised the most to latinos. Was he lying or did he really mean complete amnesty and full welfare?

Technically, it should not matter, and he should not promise to use his office for anyone.
Technically we should hold all govt especially federal officials to the Code of Ethics for Govt Service, where Obama cannot make private promises and cannot put loyalty to party or dept above the US Constitution laws and regulations. This is being violated left and right, like with the health care bill that was pushed by partisan agenda and is Unconstitutional on its face.

Now we have the issue if something is constitutional if the govt "says it is" or if in spirit is not constitutional PER SE, regardless if the govt passes and approves it. What a mess.

The Code of Ethics is posted here: ethics-commission.net
Read it and weep, how far we stray from the spirit of Constitutional laws and govt....
Obama owes the thousands of volunteers who helped him get elected

Dear RW: You bring up the point I am really asking. Thank you.

Do the people elected "owe" the people who got them voted in?
or don't they owe their service to representing ALL of America, not just their supporters.

I understand if you take a position of candidate with a Party, then you owe it to represent that Party whose members elect you. That's within that Party, that's a private group.

But when you take a public position, don't you owe it to the public to represent all the taxpayers and citizens, especially under the Constitution as the President?

How else can we stop this culture of bribing and pandering for votes?
And sticking to Constitutional duty as the contract between people and govt?

P.S. as for the thousands of volunteers, and also the voters who elected him,
what if we hold those people responsible for owing everyone else for the costs of Obama's policies?
if they are the ones that pushed him to be hired, and something goes right or wrong,
shouldn't they receive the credit or the blame? what kind of accountability do we have
if I can decide who you hire to fix houses in the whole neighborhood (against your wishes if you vote no), and if something
goes wrong then you have to pay all or more of the bill than the people who pushed this guy as the contractor for everyone else?
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