Who do you think hates America?

But back to Biden. If he told the Senate he wanted the HR2 law, do you think Schumer would have killed it? I believe Schumer takes direction from Biden.

Immigration seems a major way to discuss your topic. It focuses on a problem that posters can discuss as a way to point out who loves America vs who hates this country.
Sorry, this thread isn't about immigration.
Ok. For the purpose of this thread, hate means exactly what others mean when they say their political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it. A more precise definition is outside the bounds of this thread. I don't want to get into semantics of different kinds of hate. My definition is exactly the same as those who accuse others of hating America. For a more exact definition, you should go ask them.
Yes we can start by asking the View. Daily they rant against Trump. They make things up about him that I cringe over. As a group they hate Trump.

We can profit from learning why the View hates Trump.
Expect more to duck your question given how you duck questions.
Which questions concerning the belief that your opposing party hates and wants to destroy America do you think I ducked? I have no interest in discussing any one specific issue other than if you believe they actually hate America and want to destroy it.
Not Trump. He is not part of the globalist fan club. I am talking McConnell and Schumer and the suck puppies they command.
Trump is a literal globalist. He has properties all over the world.
I say the right is trying to destroy America.

And this is why:

They way they do it? Indeed it is. They have just about finished off our currency.
Yes, thats why I said "duopoly" and "the two main parties"
So, you think both parties hate America, and want to destroy it?
I have no interest in discussing any one specific issue other than if you believe they actually hate America and want to destroy it.
Who is they? Do you have evidence to promote your claim? What is destruction? Do you mean air attacks?
Taking a spin from you post #69 here, this OP is both a very complex question and a rather vague and diffuse one.

Would really help to concur on definitions of Hate and Destroy with regards to the USA (America), because reading through here it seems there are differing definitions and use ~ implications.

For a start one needs to consider the nature of this land two and a half centuries ago when this nation was founded. The social, economic, and government context of how the thirteen colonies got started and the issues they had with mother country, Britain. Also some context of the rest of the world then and also the other European colonizers and their colonies.

250 years ago, the majority of working Americans were farmers who grew most of their own food, and made many of their tools and utensils. And traded for what they wanted/needed but could not provide themselves. The Industrial Age of factories and huge urban populations was in an unforeseen future.

Review your USA history of the time and the issues included taxation without representation (in Parliament), excessive customs duties and fees, restrictions on trade with other nations/lands, assorted infringements upon personal Rights, Liberties, Property, access to Prosperity, unfair treatment in legal and court cases, and many other issues. So start by a thorough read and study of the Declaration of Independence and one gets some scope on what the issues were and why things lead to a War of Independence (from Britain).

The Constitution, drafted with much debate and wrangling, was an effort to form a system of government that would address and correct for the deficiencies, abuses, and issues presented in the Declaration of Independence. Note that since this is nearly a century before Karl Marx and other socialist/communists "thinkers", the Founders are coming from a perspective of self sufficient population; very little need for charities systems (social welfare); need for a reduced, limited, and restricted government; and support of the Free Enterprise, 'Capitalist' economy that was in effect at the time.

To put it loosely then, anyone who objects to the reasons present in the DoI, and the form of government it evolved into, might be thought of as "hating" America, and/or wanting to "destroy" America by applying fundamental change to the Constitution, method of government, and profit focused free enterprise economy.

I have to run errands, might get back here later.
All interesting subjects of discussion, but this thread is about whether you believe your political opponent hates and wants to destroy America. For a better satisfying definition of hate and destroy, you'll have to ask those who make that claim.
Here is where you go to taxes as an issue. #19 post today.

Trump's so called cuts were done because the two parties agreed to cut taxes.
Many Americans got a break. Not clear who you are discussing by efforts to destroy the nation. I like to talk more about destroying the population of this country and giving lots of examples where Democrats did that a lot.
Were tax changes a sign of hate for the country, or the goal of destroying America?
If their agenda and goal is to alter, change the fundamental purpose expressed in the origins, and the intended direction from such, then it's likely they don't like or want an America as it was meant to be, has been, and was intended to develop into.

Since they seek to undermine the for-profit capitalist economy; hinder free speech; violate the laws, especially regards illegal immigration; and as expressed recently "fundamentally change" America, then the answer to both would be "YES"!
I'm not here to define anybody's agenda or goal. I'm just wondering if you think your political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it.
I'm not here to define anybody's agenda or goal. I'm just wondering if you think your political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it.
I think the hardcore partisans, on both sides, live and breathe this vision of politics. The parties sell the idea that their opponent is evil and wants to destroy them. It's the only way the can get people to vote for the cretins they nominate.
I see the tendency to hate America on the left

Some libs go all the way back to Columbus and the discovery of the New World and begin their hate fest there
You think the left hates America and wants to destroy it. Thanks for the direct answer. Very few here have actually answered the question.
It's just my take on the deterioration of American values pushed by leftist dems.....One example of many.
So, you think LGBTQ rainbow-colored lights on the White House is proof that they hate America, and their goal is to destroy the country?
I say the right is trying to destroy America.

And this is why:

Thank you for that wonderful link to a site that wants America to be great. This is my first time to thank you. Again it is wonderful you posted that link.

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