Who Are The Palestinians?

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Europeans have no right to the land. The Palestinians are predominately descendants the people who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Caanites and before, well before the Jews arrived, People who have adopted various religions over time as was the most convenient or the required religion to avoid persecution.

So Abraham, Issac, Jacob & Moses were EUROPEANS? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn from the Palestinian supporters.

Israel is the land of Jewish forefathers Abraham, Issac & Jacob. The land where Moses led his people over 3000 years ago. The land of Solomon's Temple. The land where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years surviving the fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek & Roman empires. That's who the Jews are & their rightful claim to the land. So once again, Who Are The Palestinians? And what are their claims to the land of Israel?

Who said that those Fairy tale characters were European? The Europeans that invaded Palestine were, by definition, Europeans. But if you need more evidence:

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced toother European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Oh yes, I forgot. Those "fairy tale characters" are from the Bible, the book of faity tales. But how do we dispel the myth of the ancient Egyptian Merneptah Stele mentioning the land of Israel & its people.? Were they Europeans?

The Old Testament is a fairy tale to all but the Jews. We Christians have a different Bible.

Hebrews 8:6
But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.

LOL! Oh now I get it. Christians don't believe in the Old Testament. Amazing what we can learn from Monte. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors.
Europeans have no right to the land. The Palestinians are predominately descendants the people who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Caanites and before, well before the Jews arrived, People who have adopted various religions over time as was the most convenient or the required religion to avoid persecution.

So Abraham, Issac, Jacob & Moses were EUROPEANS? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn from the Palestinian supporters.

Israel is the land of Jewish forefathers Abraham, Issac & Jacob. The land where Moses led his people over 3000 years ago. The land of Solomon's Temple. The land where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years surviving the fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek & Roman empires. That's who the Jews are & their rightful claim to the land. So once again, Who Are The Palestinians? And what are their claims to the land of Israel?
You mean their rightful land that they murdered and stole to get, that rightful land?
Europeans have no right to the land. The Palestinians are predominately descendants the people who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Caanites and before, well before the Jews arrived, People who have adopted various religions over time as was the most convenient or the required religion to avoid persecution.

So Abraham, Issac, Jacob & Moses were EUROPEANS? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn from the Palestinian supporters.

Israel is the land of Jewish forefathers Abraham, Issac & Jacob. The land where Moses led his people over 3000 years ago. The land of Solomon's Temple. The land where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years surviving the fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek & Roman empires. That's who the Jews are & their rightful claim to the land. So once again, Who Are The Palestinians? And what are their claims to the land of Israel?

Who said that those Fairy tale characters were European? The Europeans that invaded Palestine were, by definition, Europeans. But if you need more evidence:

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced toother European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

>>Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported. This founding group “fused” with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals. These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated.<<
Europeans have no right to the land. The Palestinians are predominately descendants the people who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Caanites and before, well before the Jews arrived, People who have adopted various religions over time as was the most convenient or the required religion to avoid persecution.

So Abraham, Issac, Jacob & Moses were EUROPEANS? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn from the Palestinian supporters.

Israel is the land of Jewish forefathers Abraham, Issac & Jacob. The land where Moses led his people over 3000 years ago. The land of Solomon's Temple. The land where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years surviving the fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek & Roman empires. That's who the Jews are & their rightful claim to the land. So once again, Who Are The Palestinians? And what are their claims to the land of Israel?

Who said that those Fairy tale characters were European? The Europeans that invaded Palestine were, by definition, Europeans. But if you need more evidence:

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced toother European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

>>Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported. This founding group “fused” with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals. These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated.<<

" Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European"

Europeans have no right to the land. The Palestinians are predominately descendants the people who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Caanites and before, well before the Jews arrived, People who have adopted various religions over time as was the most convenient or the required religion to avoid persecution.

So Abraham, Issac, Jacob & Moses were EUROPEANS? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn from the Palestinian supporters.

Israel is the land of Jewish forefathers Abraham, Issac & Jacob. The land where Moses led his people over 3000 years ago. The land of Solomon's Temple. The land where Jews have lived continuously for thousands of years surviving the fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek & Roman empires. That's who the Jews are & their rightful claim to the land. So once again, Who Are The Palestinians? And what are their claims to the land of Israel?

Who said that those Fairy tale characters were European? The Europeans that invaded Palestine were, by definition, Europeans. But if you need more evidence:

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced toother European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

>>Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported. This founding group “fused” with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals. These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated.<<

" Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European"

You can keep telling yourself that. They have some European blood but they majority of their genomes are middle eastern.
You cannot remove them from the rest of the jews or deny their jewish origins. They are jews and saying they are european is not going to remove the "jews" from their blood.

Why do you try so hard to be so hateful of jews? Did a jewish child step on you toes in the sand box?
Stating fact is hateful? There is nothing shameful about being European.

The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today (October 8) in Nature Communications. .....The new findings contradict previous assertions that Ashkenazi mitochondrial lineages originated in the Near East, or from mass conversions to Judaism in the Khazar kingdom, an empire in the north Caucasus region between Europe and Asia lasting from the 7th century to the 11th century whose leaders adopted Judaism. “We found that most of the maternal lineages don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,”

Stating fact is hateful? There is nothing shameful about being European.

The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today (October 8) in Nature Communications. .....The new findings contradict previous assertions that Ashkenazi mitochondrial lineages originated in the Near East, or from mass conversions to Judaism in the Khazar kingdom, an empire in the north Caucasus region between Europe and Asia lasting from the 7th century to the 11th century whose leaders adopted Judaism. “We found that most of the maternal lineages don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,”


Try the September 2014 issue.
Try accepting facts. Most people in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal have more Semitic DNA than the European Jews.
Try accepting facts. Most people in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal have more Semitic DNA than the European Jews.

since you are accepting facts from that source, you also should accept news evidence and facts from the same source. A lot can change in a year in science. You were looking only at part of the facts. Seems you want to reject newer information from the same source.
..........and you want me to accept facts? Or only the fact that you pick and choose to believe.
The trouble is, the only facts you accept are those promulgated by Jews, which, of course, are politically motivated when it comes to DNA. I look at results that are from neutral sources.
"The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East."

Did Modern Jews Originate in Italy Science AAAS News
"The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East."

Did Modern Jews Originate in Italy Science AAAS News

2000 yrs ago was from the diaspora period moving iraq up and around the black and caspian seas area. You are aware that Abraham came from Mittani as did his father.
Jews from the diaspora period got pushed by the Islamic empires as far as India and China. Why are you surpised they would have been pushed to eastern Turkey and what would become southern Russia?
You can't take the jewish blood out of the jews so easily.
Silly Monty up to his old tricks again.
Just posted a neutral survey where one of the researchers was Israeli. You just can't accept the truth.
Just posted a neutral survey where one of the researchers was Israeli. You just can't accept the truth.

It is from the same same 2013 science magazine you posted as a source before. Mine reference from was just a few months ago. Which is likely more relevant, an article the magazine published more than a year ago or within the last quarter? Only that issue is right and this one wrong? Not making the magazine a very authoritative source. Even the Khazars as a source of the mix are a Turkic people who lived in the Caucasus. Even Aryan DNA was indo-persian. You can't take the middle east out of the jewish people, where ever they were pushed to.
How much polluted blood do you think are in the arabs and palestinians? How many foreign infidels were sold at body slaves in the Islamic empires? Probably as much or more foreign that pure arab. Back in 1925, palestinians called themselves southern syrians, they did not identify as a separate race or nation. Later they called themselves Jordanian. Sometimes they choose to claim that descend from the philistines, but they were aegean people not semitic and came as invaders to Israel and Egypt.
Sorry you can't make the palestinians more native than the jews. Be it history, three major religions or science you can't separate the jews from the land.
Just posted a neutral survey where one of the researchers was Israeli. You just can't accept the truth.

Aw bless you Monte for wanting to deal with facts. So here we go:

Delivered to UN Genral Assembly on November 24, 2014 by Ambassador Ron Prosor.

The State of Israel is the land of our forefathers – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is the land where Moses led the Jewish people, where David built his palace, where Solomon built the Jewish Temple, and where Isaiah saw a vision of eternal peace.

For thousands of years, Jews have lived continuously in the land of Israel. We endured through the rise and fall of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Empires. And we endured through thousands of years of persecution, expulsions and crusades. The bond between the Jewish people and the Jewish land is unbreakable.

Nothing can change one simple truth - Israel is our home and Jerusalem is our eternal capital.
At the same time, we recognize that Jerusalem has special meaning for other faiths. Under Israeli sovereignty, all people – and I will repeat that, all people - regardless of religion and nationality can visit the city’s holy sites. And we intend to keep it this way. The only ones trying to change the status quo on the Temple Mount are Palestinian leaders.

President Abbas is telling his people that Jews are contaminating the Temple Mount. He has called for days of rage and urged Palestinians to prevent Jews from visiting the Temple Mount using (quote) “all means” necessary. These words are as irresponsible as they are unacceptable.
So, why post a load of bullshit from a guy whose most distant ancestors originated in Italy? As the DNA record shows.
Italians, who happen to be Catholics, have DNA similarities among themselves. Too funny to debate a cretin.
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