Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I guess the UN has decided that its role as governing / authoritative body includes articulating Israeli government policy.

Yes, it would be an advantage for the Pally terrorists if they didn't have to waste their welfare money on medicine but could use it instead to attack fish in the sea by launching missiles at them.

Why is the Israeli government responsible for providing Wuhan virus vaccinations to the.... wait for.... here it comes... ''country of Pal'istan''?

As Israelis get vaccinated against coronavirus at record rate, the UN says Israel has obligations to vaccinate Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza as well.
Canada and the UN face quite a challenge when it comes to combating domestic violence in Islamic backwaters such as the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

With the PA issuing statements such as: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎, you just know there are going to be problems.

Ad against domestic violence in the PA – funded by Canada, produced by the UN
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 18, 2021
Are the international supporters aware
that the PA preaches the exact opposite?

  • Abbas’ advisor about PA having signed the international Convention on the ‎Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎
The Palestinian Authority is currently running a TV ad that speaks out ‎against domestic violence and informs women (and male victims as well) ‎where they can get help. The ad stresses that domestic violence is more than ‎just physical blows, and includes psychological violence, sexual coercion, ‎and also the withholding of resources. The ad is paid for by Canada and ‎produced by the UN. (See below):

Narrator: “Violence is damage that harms women, young women, ‎men, and young men. It has many forms such as physical blows, ‎psychological violence, or sex against your will.‎
Violence is not only physical, [but] also threats, coercion, and ‎withholding resources such as studies, monetary expenditures, ‎inheritance, and access to services.‎
Did you know that last year, 243 million women suffered from sexual ‎or physical violence worldwide?‎
In Palestine, 29% of the women were subjected to violence by their ‎husbands…‎
Violence is not inevitable. Violence is unacceptable. You can always ‎get help. ‎
You can find information on the protection and support services for ‎victims of violence at:‎
The gender-based guide for violence services”‎
[Official PA TV, several times since Jan. 4, 2021]‎

Canada and the UN face quite a challenge when it comes to combating domestic violence in Islamic backwaters such as the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

With the PA issuing statements such as: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎, you just know there are going to be problems.

Ad against domestic violence in the PA – funded by Canada, produced by the UN
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 18, 2021
Are the international supporters aware
that the PA preaches the exact opposite?

  • Abbas’ advisor about PA having signed the international Convention on the ‎Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎
The Palestinian Authority is currently running a TV ad that speaks out ‎against domestic violence and informs women (and male victims as well) ‎where they can get help. The ad stresses that domestic violence is more than ‎just physical blows, and includes psychological violence, sexual coercion, ‎and also the withholding of resources. The ad is paid for by Canada and ‎produced by the UN. (See below):

Narrator: “Violence is damage that harms women, young women, ‎men, and young men. It has many forms such as physical blows, ‎psychological violence, or sex against your will.‎
Violence is not only physical, [but] also threats, coercion, and ‎withholding resources such as studies, monetary expenditures, ‎inheritance, and access to services.‎
Did you know that last year, 243 million women suffered from sexual ‎or physical violence worldwide?‎
In Palestine, 29% of the women were subjected to violence by their ‎husbands…‎
Violence is not inevitable. Violence is unacceptable. You can always ‎get help. ‎
You can find information on the protection and support services for ‎victims of violence at:‎
The gender-based guide for violence services”‎
[Official PA TV, several times since Jan. 4, 2021]‎

There is NOTHING left for a two state solution.. This map is a decade old.

Do you want failed state on your border? I can't think of another country that wants that.

Canada and the UN face quite a challenge when it comes to combating domestic violence in Islamic backwaters such as the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

With the PA issuing statements such as: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎, you just know there are going to be problems.

Ad against domestic violence in the PA – funded by Canada, produced by the UN
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 18, 2021
Are the international supporters aware
that the PA preaches the exact opposite?

  • Abbas’ advisor about PA having signed the international Convention on the ‎Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎
The Palestinian Authority is currently running a TV ad that speaks out ‎against domestic violence and informs women (and male victims as well) ‎where they can get help. The ad stresses that domestic violence is more than ‎just physical blows, and includes psychological violence, sexual coercion, ‎and also the withholding of resources. The ad is paid for by Canada and ‎produced by the UN. (See below):

Narrator: “Violence is damage that harms women, young women, ‎men, and young men. It has many forms such as physical blows, ‎psychological violence, or sex against your will.‎
Violence is not only physical, [but] also threats, coercion, and ‎withholding resources such as studies, monetary expenditures, ‎inheritance, and access to services.‎
Did you know that last year, 243 million women suffered from sexual ‎or physical violence worldwide?‎
In Palestine, 29% of the women were subjected to violence by their ‎husbands…‎
Violence is not inevitable. Violence is unacceptable. You can always ‎get help. ‎
You can find information on the protection and support services for ‎victims of violence at:‎
The gender-based guide for violence services”‎
[Official PA TV, several times since Jan. 4, 2021]‎

Domestic violence is so prevalent in the US that we have a body of law just to deal with it.
Canada and the UN face quite a challenge when it comes to combating domestic violence in Islamic backwaters such as the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

With the PA issuing statements such as: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎, you just know there are going to be problems.

Ad against domestic violence in the PA – funded by Canada, produced by the UN
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 18, 2021
Are the international supporters aware
that the PA preaches the exact opposite?

  • Abbas’ advisor about PA having signed the international Convention on the ‎Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: “The PA is only ‎committed to that which is “consistent with Islamic law”‎
The Palestinian Authority is currently running a TV ad that speaks out ‎against domestic violence and informs women (and male victims as well) ‎where they can get help. The ad stresses that domestic violence is more than ‎just physical blows, and includes psychological violence, sexual coercion, ‎and also the withholding of resources. The ad is paid for by Canada and ‎produced by the UN. (See below):

Narrator: “Violence is damage that harms women, young women, ‎men, and young men. It has many forms such as physical blows, ‎psychological violence, or sex against your will.‎
Violence is not only physical, [but] also threats, coercion, and ‎withholding resources such as studies, monetary expenditures, ‎inheritance, and access to services.‎
Did you know that last year, 243 million women suffered from sexual ‎or physical violence worldwide?‎
In Palestine, 29% of the women were subjected to violence by their ‎husbands…‎
Violence is not inevitable. Violence is unacceptable. You can always ‎get help. ‎
You can find information on the protection and support services for ‎victims of violence at:‎
The gender-based guide for violence services”‎
[Official PA TV, several times since Jan. 4, 2021]‎

Domestic violence is so prevalent in the US that we have a body of law just to deal with it.

Rather poor attempt at ''what about'ism''.

When the Koran is your ''constitution'', you're entitled to all sorts of hellacious behavior.

Article Five:
Time extent of the Islamic Resistance Movement: By adopting Islam as its way of life, the Movement goes back to the time of the birth of the Islamic message, of the righteous ancestor, for Allah is its target, the Prophet is its example and the Koran is its constitution. Its extent in place is anywhere that there are Moslems who embrace Islam as their way of life everywhere in the globe. This being so, it extends to the depth of the earth and reaches out to the heaven.

Can I help you with your koran'ology?

Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like .
Sura 2:223

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme."
(Dawood's version of the Koran, Quran, 4:34)

Good times
Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
Oh, dear. It’s so... you know... racist™️, maybe even islamophobic™️ that the cash strapped country of Pal’istan™️ should be expected to provide for its citizens.

There‘s apparently plenty of cash to pay for weapons and ammo for the gee-had, PA and Hamas member personal bank accounts and Islamic terrorists enjoying the hospitality of Israeli jails but Wuhan virus vaccines, not so much. Somebody else should pay for that.

The cash-strapped PA is forced to fend for itself as Israel excludes Palestinians in occupied territories from its COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
When did Israel legally acquire any land?

Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
When did Israel legally acquire any land?

At what point during the Islamic occupation did the land become Pally land?

Rashida Tlaib, always a class act.

In between her calls toward Israel as a ''racist state'' and her finding common ground with Islamic terrorists, she's hoping her tirades will win friends in Israel.

I would be curious to know if she has asked any of the Islamic terrorist franchises why it is the "country of Pally'land" can support legions of convicted criminals, and can make Hamas the second richest Islamic terrorist organization in the world but can't afford vaccines.

Rashida Tlaib Takes the Idiocy up to Another Leve

By Bonchie | Jan 19, 2021 9:00 PM ET

Tom Elliott on Twitter: "Rep. @RashidaTlaib on Israel not vaccinating Palestinians: “It’s really important to understand that Israel is a racist state, in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine, that they don’t believe she’s an equal human being who deserves to live." https://t.co/vPCeXjdqrZ" / Twitter
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Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
When did Israel legally acquire any land?

Where does it say that to become a legit country (which it already is) , did Israel have to “acquire land” ? Link?

Also, when did the Palestinians legally acquire any land? Specific date(s) with links .....

Hundreds of thousands of UNRWA texts distributed to students disposable gee-had bots in the PA and Gaza madrassah were a bit, how shall we say, “gee-had oriented”? Just an oversight. Nothing to see here. Move along.

I guess it’s time for UNRWA to beg and plead for more welfare money. Training manuals for the gee-had don’t just fall off the Kuffar tree.


UNRWA 'mistakenly' gave Palestinian kids textbooks calling for jihad

One Arabic grammar booklet features phrases like “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.” Another reads that “The Palestinians are lions in fighting the enemies.”

One Arabic grammar booklet features phrases like “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.” Another reads that “The Palestinians are lions in fighting the enemies.”

The United Nations aid agency for Palestinians said it is “taking steps” to address the glorification of “martyrs” and calls for “jihad” in books it handed out to students.

UNRWA made the statements Thursday following a report published a day earlier by the Jerusalem-based Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School, or IMPACT-se, saying the books went to hundreds of thousands of students in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. Many seem to be based on Palestinian Authority resources. Some mislabel Israel as “Palestine” or erase the country from maps of the Middle East.
Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
When did Israel legally acquire any land?


On 5th of Iyyar, 5708.
Upon achieving effective and official independence,
in land allotted by international law for our reconstitution.

Q. Were Arabs ever legal beneficiaries of national self-determination in the land?
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Hundreds of thousands of UNRWA texts distributed to students disposable gee-had bots in the PA and Gaza madrassah were a bit, how shall we say, “gee-had oriented”? Just an oversight. Nothing to see here. Move along.

I guess it’s time for UNRWA to beg and plead for more welfare money. Training manuals for the gee-had don’t just fall off the Kuffar tree.


UNRWA 'mistakenly' gave Palestinian kids textbooks calling for jihad

One Arabic grammar booklet features phrases like “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.” Another reads that “The Palestinians are lions in fighting the enemies.”

One Arabic grammar booklet features phrases like “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.” Another reads that “The Palestinians are lions in fighting the enemies.”

The United Nations aid agency for Palestinians said it is “taking steps” to address the glorification of “martyrs” and calls for “jihad” in books it handed out to students.

UNRWA made the statements Thursday following a report published a day earlier by the Jerusalem-based Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School, or IMPACT-se, saying the books went to hundreds of thousands of students in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. Many seem to be based on Palestinian Authority resources. Some mislabel Israel as “Palestine” or erase the country from maps of the Middle East.
Some mislabel Israel as “Palestine” or erase the country from maps of the Middle East.
Maps are borders defining territory. Those maps are geographically correct.
Odd thing. The PA‘s vision of their mini-caliphate keeps expanding in proportion to their inability to launch a gee-had to make it a reality.

PA to children: Israel's entire coast is really “Palestine,” “under occupation since ‎‎1948”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2021

The Palestinian Authority instructs Palestinian children never to acknowledgeIsrael's ‎right to exist. In a recent TV program, children were taught that Israel's entire coast is ‎part of “Palestine” and its “gateway to the world.” Israeli ports Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, ‎Ashdod, and Ashkelon were listed as part of the “Palestinian coastal plain” that has ‎been “under Israeli occupation since 1948”: ‎

Official PA TV host: “The Palestinian coastal plain (i.e., Israeli coastal plain) is ‎Palestine’s face towards the Mediterranean Sea and the Arab world, and a ‎cultural junction between the East and West. It constitutes Palestine’s gateway ‎to the world. The Palestinian coast stretches from Mount Carmel in the north ‎‎(i.e., in Israel) to Rafah that is on the border with Egypt in the south. It is between ‎the Palestinian mountain ranges in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the ‎west. There are many ports on it such as the ports of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Ashdod, ‎Ashkelon (i.e., all in Israel), and Gaza… Many nations have arrived there ‎throughout the generations out of a desire to exploit its location. The Palestinian ‎coastal plain has been under Israeli occupation since 1948.”‎
[Official PA TV, Farhan and Friends, Jan. 10, 2021]‎
When did Israel legally acquire any land?


On 5th of Iyyar, 5708.
Upon achieving effective and official independence,
in land allotted by international law for our reconstitution.

Q. Were Arabs ever legal beneficiaries of national self-determination in the land?
Nice duck.
It’s a real hoot when Islamic terrorist dictators call for elections, and coincidentally, their Islamic terrorist franchises nominate them as Dictator in charge.

The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction has nominated Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as its candidate for president, PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced on Wednesday.

The London-based Al-Araby TV channel quoted Shtayyeh as saying that there was “consensus” in Fatah that the 85-year-old Abbas will be its candidate in the upcoming election.
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