Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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montelatici, et al,

I find it is important for the Arab Palestinians to attempt to draw an association between true patriots defending their homeland during a time of war --- and --- the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters as state and non-state actors in violation of Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

What a blowhard Rocco is. Resistance to occupation is not terrorism. If that were the case the French resistance and the Italian and Yugoslav partisans would have been prosecuted for terrorism after the war. Just shut your ignorant trap Rocco. You don't know what you are talking about.

Anytime one of you pro-Jihadist and Radical Islamic fighters tells me to "shut your ignorant trap," I get that Detective Columbo type feeling that I'm close to something (if not on target).

Oh, just one more thing... The next time one of you Radical Islamic Jihadist does something patriotic; let me know. I get confused between kidnapping and murder, bombing and hijacking, attacks on women and children, and other such criminal behaviors.

Most Respectfully,

When the absurdity of your assertions becomes overwhelming, the suggestion of shutting your trap is a helpful recommendation. The Israeli Jews almost exclusively kill Arab women and children. In Gaza 70% of the casualties were civilians and more than 50% were women and children. The Palestinians are far less reckless.

What would something an occupied resistance could do that would be patriotic in your opinion. Would ANC or Algerian FLN tactics be patriotic? They were successful after all.
montelatici, et al,

I find it is important for the Arab Palestinians to attempt to draw an association between true patriots defending their homeland during a time of war --- and --- the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters as state and non-state actors in violation of Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

What a blowhard Rocco is. Resistance to occupation is not terrorism. If that were the case the French resistance and the Italian and Yugoslav partisans would have been prosecuted for terrorism after the war. Just shut your ignorant trap Rocco. You don't know what you are talking about.

Anytime one of you pro-Jihadist and Radical Islamic fighters tells me to "shut your ignorant trap," I get that Detective Columbo type feeling that I'm close to something (if not on target).

Oh, just one more thing... The next time one of you Radical Islamic Jihadist does something patriotic; let me know. I get confused between kidnapping and murder, bombing and hijacking, attacks on women and children, and other such criminal behaviors.

Most Respectfully,

When the absurdity of your assertions becomes overwhelming, the suggestion of shutting your trap is a helpful recommendation. The Israeli Jews almost exclusively kill Arab women and children. In Gaza 70% of the casualties were civilians and more than 50% were women and children. The Palestinians are far less reckless.

What would something an occupied resistance could do that would be patriotic in your opinion. Would ANC or Algerian FLN tactics be patriotic? They were successful after all.

What a shame you're whining about how unfair it is that Islamics die in greater numbers than Israelis. Your Islamic terrorist heroes create the conditions that cause Israel to retaliate.

Let's be honest here; the deaths of islamic civilians serves as little more than cheap propaganda for you and the Islamic terrorist franchises. How often do we need to hear the "martyr" slogan ascribed to the latest (and now very dead), islamo-bot who was raised from childhood on a steady diet of Islamic hate and direction toward self destruction. This is a core component of islamist religious doctrine; life tends to be cheap because the adherent's believe that life continues after death; that there are rewards for martyrdom and that life is replaceable by the gods. There is an allowance for killing because you are "going to a better place" and an allowance for being the victim because there are rewards for being martyred. Most of stand in shocked disbelief at the carnage that Moslems are so willing to inflict on themselves and others. Or, at least we used to be shocked. Now we just count the bodies.
Who are the Palestinians?

Susan Abulhawa

Palestinian Activist Susan Abulhawa Speaks To Philly Justice Coalition and Black Lives Matter

A handful of knuckleheads and a misfit "activist".

Very strange who Islamic trrrorist huggers define as their heroes.
Who are the Palestinians?

Ali Abunimah

You watch too many of these videos. That's why you are brainwashed.

I hear a lot of complaints, however, nobody has refuted any of the issues.

Refuted what issues?

The issues that I am supposedly brainwashed about.

There must be a YouTube video dealing with the issues you're brainwashed about.
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Music videos for Death Cultists.

The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

I suppose the Death Cultists are just celebrating the glory of grooming their children for acts of murder / suicide.

Such a lovely walk down Death Cult memory lane.

Cheer up. The recent wave of Arab-Moslem Death Cult stabbings aimed at Israeli citizens can cause you to flail your Pom Poms.
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Music videos for Death Cultists.

The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

I suppose the Death Cultists are just celebrating the glory of grooming their children for acts of murder / suicide.

Such a lovely walk down Death Cult memory lane.

Cheer up. The recent wave of Arab-Moslem Death Cult stabbings aimed at Israeli citizens can cause you to flail your Pom Poms.

Israel can stop its war any time it wants.
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Music videos for Death Cultists.

The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

I suppose the Death Cultists are just celebrating the glory of grooming their children for acts of murder / suicide.

Such a lovely walk down Death Cult memory lane.

Cheer up. The recent wave of Arab-Moslem Death Cult stabbings aimed at Israeli citizens can cause you to flail your Pom Poms.

Israel can stop its war any time it wants.

What war? Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?
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