Who are the Palestinians? An Arab Invention.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 61768
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In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.
Oh please. Israel was like a barren wasteland before the Jews returned to it and put their hand to that soil. Then? It blooms like a rose in the middle of the desert! Just as God said it would! Read Mark Twain's account of what it looked like over there before the Jews returned to their land.
Yes. A barren wasteland. The Jews return to their homeland after their long exile had come to an end and suddenly Arabs are claiming they were there all along! Baloney! I can tell you now that Mark Twain's testimony is the precise opposite and I'll take his account of what it looked like.

Now, after seeing the facts you move the goal posts and now claim that there was nothing in Palestine before the Jews invaded. The Palestinians were there and were the overwhelming majority as late as 1896, we have film documentary evidence of the fact. Zionist propaganda no longer works, the facts are available to all. This was Palestine in 1896.

You call that a film documentary? I call it propaganda (poorly done at that).
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.
Should the English claim the USA because most people there speak English, I wonder.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.

LOL, you destroy your own argument the Romans used those terms as derisive terms directed at Jews not the Arabs living in the land of Israel at that time!

Well yes, many of the ancestors of the Arab Palestinians were Jews. Arab defines a language group. Arabian defines a person whose ancestry is from Arabia. By 380 AD, those practicing any religion besides Christianity had to convert to Christianity to be a legal inhabitant of Palestine. In 380 AD the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. You see, you know very little about the real history, you only spout propaganda. By the time the Muslims conquered Palestine in 630 or so AD, the land was exclusively Christian.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.
Should the English claim the USA because most people there speak English, I wonder.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.
According to Mark Twain the land was void of human life. Were the ancestors of your people invisible too? Can't trace your ancient money, your ancient language, your flag, no sign of any archaelogical finds OR any sign that they were there in the flesh by eyewitnesses? What to do? Make it up as you go along? There is a problem with that. You have to keep coming up with more lies (as you are doing here) to cover up the ones you told before. It's a vicious cycle isn't it?
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.

LOL, you destroy your own argument the Romans used those terms as derisive terms directed at Jews not the Arabs living in the land of Israel at that time!

Well yes, many of the ancestors of the Arab Palestinians were Jews. Arab defines a language group. Arabian defines a person whose ancestry is from Arabia. By 380 AD, those practicing any religion besides Christianity had to convert to Christianity to be a legal inhabitant of Palestine. In 380 AD the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. You see, you know very little about the real history, you only spout propaganda. By the time the Muslims conquered Palestine in 630 or so AD, the land was exclusively Christian.
So the Arab Palestinians used to be Jews? THAT's YOUR EXPLANATION??
Where are my boots?
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.
Oh please. Israel was like a barren wasteland before the Jews returned to it and put their hand to that soil. Then? It blooms like a rose in the middle of the desert! Just as God said it would! Read Mark Twain's account of what it looked like over there before the Jews returned to their land.
Yes. A barren wasteland. The Jews return to their homeland after their long exile had come to an end and suddenly Arabs are claiming they were there all along! Baloney! I can tell you now that Mark Twain's testimony is the precise opposite and I'll take his account of what it looked like.

Now, after seeing the facts you move the goal posts and now claim that there was nothing in Palestine before the Jews invaded. The Palestinians were there and were the overwhelming majority as late as 1896, we have film documentary evidence of the fact. Zionist propaganda no longer works, the facts are available to all. This was Palestine in 1896.

You call that a film documentary? I call it propaganda (poorly done at that).

Propaganda? It is a documentary from 1896, before there was an Israel you idiot.
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.

LOL, you destroy your own argument the Romans used those terms as derisive terms directed at Jews not the Arabs living in the land of Israel at that time!
Why all this meaningless argument about names? What were Native Americans called before it was America? Were they different people? Did they self identify as Native Americans?

This whole thing is blowing smoke.
Should the English claim the USA because most people there speak English, I wonder.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
Mein Kampf was at one time the number one best seller in the Arab Muslim World right after the Koran. Speaking of which, if the land of Israel and the capitol of Israel, Jerusalem, is part of Arab history why wasn't Jerusalem ever mentioned in the Koran? It was never mentioned once. Don't you find that strange? What to do? What to do? Rewrite the Koran and add in Jerusalem somewhere? What about the millions of copies that have no trace of Jerusalem in it? What will you do with those? Would you like to know how many times the Tanach /Torah mentions Israel and Jerusalem? How about the Holy Bible New Testament? Any idea how many times the name Jerusalem comes up? Yet your Koran doesn't mention Jerusalem a single time.

Interesting from a historical perspective, isn't it?

Oh! What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.
Should the English claim the USA because most people there speak English, I wonder.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
I know it is not the Israeli bullshit that you eat with a spoon but it is true. Look it up.
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.

LOL, you destroy your own argument the Romans used those terms as derisive terms directed at Jews not the Arabs living in the land of Israel at that time!
Why all this meaningless argument about names? What were Native Americans called before it was America? Were they different people? Did they self identify as Native Americans?

This whole thing is blowing smoke.
It's called making a case. An iron clad case that proves that your Arab friends who call themselves Palestinians (and are not) have zero claim to the land of Israel and it's capitol Jerusalem and should have already been driven out of there.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
I know it is not the Israeli bullshit that you eat with a spoon but it is true. Look it up.
You sound upset, George. No need to get upset. We're just setting the record straight. If it's too much (for you) find another thread.
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.
Oh please. Israel was like a barren wasteland before the Jews returned to it and put their hand to that soil. Then? It blooms like a rose in the middle of the desert! Just as God said it would! Read Mark Twain's account of what it looked like over there before the Jews returned to their land.
Yes. A barren wasteland. The Jews return to their homeland after their long exile had come to an end, the land is revived and comes to life and then?.......... and then suddenly Arabs are claiming they were there all along! Baloney! I can tell you now that Mark Twain's testimony is the precise opposite and I'll take his account of what it looked like.

He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” - quote from Mark Twain Innocents Abroad

I remember the vast knowledge Mel Fechter had about Israel in the 20's, 30s and 40s. Benyamin Kahane was killed shortly after I got on the forum they were on so I would go back and read the posts between him and Mel and marvel at the heated arguments they would have but both of them were knowledgeable and were well versed in history and the Bible. I am sure that aris2chat ,MJB12741 and Roudy can verify my claims.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
I know it is not the Israeli bullshit that you eat with a spoon but it is true. Look it up.

Keep peddling Timore, you anti-Semite Racist you are a dime a dozen! I'm sure. Hell is only half full and there is a special place all ready for you I am sure.
Should the English claim the USA because most people there speak English, I wonder.
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.
According to Mark Twain the land was void of human life. Were the ancestors of your people invisible too? Can't trace your ancient money, your ancient language, your flag, no sign of any archaelogical finds OR any sign that they were there in the flesh by eyewitnesses? What to do? Make it up as you go along? There is a problem with that. You have to keep coming up with more lies (as you are doing here) to cover up the ones you told before. It's a vicious cycle isn't it?
Holy smokescreen, Batman.

What does that have to do with my post?
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
I know it is not the Israeli bullshit that you eat with a spoon but it is true. Look it up.

Keep peddling you anti-Semite Racist you are a dime a dozen!
The anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump, shill.
In 1922 the word "Palestinian" meant any resident of British Mandate Palestine, Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, Methodist, Jedi ... what have you.

The word "Palestinian" didn't take on its current definition of Arab Only until 1967.
According to one state dept. official it was a term that came out of Baleshinka School ( a subversive technique School in Russia) where the Russians were training Arafat on the propaganda that the Arabs were the long lost people of Palestine. It was a very carefully crafted propaganda plot that has spanned decades and was rolled out in increments (from what we can see). I'd say they ripped a page out of Josef Goebbel's playbook. Tell a lie big enough, often enough and the people (some) will believe it.

Interesting fact. They were not able to hide the fact that these Arab Palestinians never had their own language, money, flag, etc. You know, the things that people who have a history in a country have? That was missing with these long lost Palestinians.

The word Palestinian was the term used for the inhabitants of the Roman province of Palaestina and an inhabitant of the province was called a
Palaestino and is present in Roman era documents. The ancestors of the current day native Muslim and Christian inhabitants spoke various languages through the centuries. Aramaic, Latin and Greek were the most common languages before the Muslim conquest. But, the Palestinians referred to themselves as the People of Palestine in communications with the British Colonial Office in the 1920s. Repeating Zionist propaganda doesn't make it true.
Oh please. Israel was like a barren wasteland before the Jews returned to it and put their hand to that soil. Then? It blooms like a rose in the middle of the desert! Just as God said it would! Read Mark Twain's account of what it looked like over there before the Jews returned to their land.
Yes. A barren wasteland. The Jews return to their homeland after their long exile had come to an end, the land is revived and comes to life and then?.......... and then suddenly Arabs are claiming they were there all along! Baloney! I can tell you now that Mark Twain's testimony is the precise opposite and I'll take his account of what it looked like.

He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” - quote from Mark Twain Innocents Abroad

I remember the vast knowledge Mel Fechter had about Israel in the 20's, 30s and 40s. Benyamin Kahane was killed shortly after I got on the forum they were on so I would go back and read the posts between him and Mel and marvel at the heated arguments they would have but both of them were knowledgeable and were well versed in history and the Bible. I am sure that aris2chat ,MJB12741 and Roudy can verify my claims.

The most brilliant master of debate I have ever known in my life. There is simply no one to compare him to. He received mail (real mail not email) from Benjamin Netenyahu, had lunch with Ehud Barak (when he was in town) his books are so well written, so eloquent, that few today could truly appreciate it much yet truly comprehend what he was getting at. Melvin Fechter is a very rare man and those who have been given the honor of meeting him, knowing him, are the better for it.
"Well yes, many of the ancestors of the Arab Palestinians were Jews" I love it!!! If they were their ancestors then they would not be Arabs, they would be Jews by your own statement, DUH!!!
We know who founded it and was blessed by God to make it flourish. Ditto for the Hebrews. After 4,000 years they still have their original language. You do realize that Israel is over 4,000 years old now don't you?

What was the language of those long lost Palestinians? Arabic? Ah yes! Perhaps the descendants of the Arabs that tried to assist Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall (see Nehemiah Chapter 4) until Nehemiah told them that they had no part in it. Why didn't Sanballat and the other Arabs have a part in rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem? They were Arabs and they didn't belong there. THEY STILL DON'T BELONG THERE. THEY ARE FOREIGNERS.
Modern Hebrew is a revival language from the 19th/20th centuries. Jews in the time of Jesus spoke Aramaic, you know.
Your mocking tone only makes your prejudice more pathetic.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.
According to Mark Twain the land was void of human life. Were the ancestors of your people invisible too? Can't trace your ancient money, your ancient language, your flag, no sign of any archaelogical finds OR any sign that they were there in the flesh by eyewitnesses? What to do? Make it up as you go along? There is a problem with that. You have to keep coming up with more lies (as you are doing here) to cover up the ones you told before. It's a vicious cycle isn't it?
Holy smokescreen, Batman.

What does that have to do with my post?
What post?
"Well yes, many of the ancestors of the Arab Palestinians were Jews" I love it!!! If they were their ancestors then they would not be Arabs, they would be Jews by your own statement, DUH!!!
Shhh..... don't wake him up just yet.
Forgive the tone, it is the sound of frustration because some of you insist on beating this dead horse. You simply do not realize just how transparent this lie of the long lost Palestinian people is. I'm guessing you're in your early 30's? Go find a set of Encylopedia's pre-1960 and find the word "Palestinian." You won't find it in any of them. Why won't you find it? The Jews never called themselves Palestinians. They called themselves Jews, Hebrews or Israelites. And the long lost Palestinians? They discovered who they were in the 1960's after Arafat told them to start calling themselves Palestinians. Thousands of years of amnesia? Time warp? Lost in space? How to explain. You can't. Cut your losses and drop it. You have nothing and you know it.
Palestinians were created by post WWI treaties. That was merely a name change for the people who already lived there.

Keep writing your fiction I'm sure there are some stupid people who will buy in to it just like those buying copies of Mein Kampf today.
I know it is not the Israeli bullshit that you eat with a spoon but it is true. Look it up.

Keep peddling you anti-Semite Racist you are a dime a dozen!
The anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump, shill.

Your still are an Anti-Semite Jew Hater you troll!

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