Who are the Israelis?

Why is the World Obsessed with Israel and the Jews? - A Deeper Look

Anyone objective cannot deny that there is a disproportionate focus on Israel and a double standard applied to the world's only Jewish state. Ollie takes a deeper, mystical look at the world's obsession with the Jewish people.


Smotrich Transfers Ramallah’s Terrorists’ Salaries to Terror Victims


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Sunday afternoon announced at a press conference that he was implementing the government’s decision to transfer an amount of NIS 138.8 million ($39.5 million) from the funds of the Palestinian Authority to the victims of terrorism, following the court ruling in the Litvak case that compelled the PA to pay the families of victims of terrorism who were murdered by PA Arab terrorist NIS 130 million. The decision was part of the sanctions against the Palestinian Authority, following their motion asking the UN General Assembly to require the International Court of Justice in The Hague to investigate Israel’s “occupation.”

Minister Smotrich stated: “We promised to correct, and today we are correcting an injustice. This is an important day for morality, the war on terror, and justice. There is no greater justice than offsetting the authority’s funds intended to support terrorism and transferring them to the families of the victims of terrorism. The Israeli government is changing its policy and today we are starting the correction. This will not comfort the families of the murdered, but there is justice here. I am happy to have had the privilege of leading this corrective process as one of my first actions as Minister of Finance.”

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Israel's Ben-Gvir orders removal of Palestinian flags

Legislation is pending that would make public displays of the Palestinian flag illegal. Meanwhile, the new National Security Minister has had his first meeting with the police commissioner.

To save homes in Israel: The Halachah College is launching a new project to guide young couples

The women behind the Tzurba M'Rabanan bride training course explain the goal - "Our project will preserve the Jewish home, and you can be part of this project."


In recent years, the importance of the right preparation for a full and happy married life has become more and more important. With the number of divorce cases in Israel on the one hand and the common problem of singleness on the other hand, married couples are in the midst of an intense world of careers, children and mortgages, also trying to maintain their relationship so that it does not freeze and disintegrate.

The Halachic College from Beit Tzurba M'Rabanan carved on its flag the mission to bring to the general public the great news of Judaism for a full and healthy life according to the Torah's path and from its halachic teachings. In the last year, a new and unique course was added to the basket of courses offered by the college - the course for bridal guides.

The purpose of the course is to create a quality group of women who wish to go through a significant process themselves, which includes the acquisition of practical tools for training brides, familiarization with various fields of knowledge related to the marital world, and enriching workshops on interpersonal communication, intimate communication, and the like. Rivka Namir, the instructor of the course, explains that it was the push and the request from the field for quality guidance for the couple that motivated her to create the course, and more importantly - to put the emphasis on the process that the women themselves go through on the way to becoming bridal guides.

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As Indian Cine-goers Brace For Expensive Showtime, Here's How Israel Can Help With Popcorn Law Tips

In a boost to cinema hall owners, the Supreme court said that cinema halls are fully entitled to set conditions for the sale of food and beverages. The Supreme Court has disappointed the public by maintaining the food monopoly of cinema hall owners who sell at unreasonable rates. Why do most of the critics now think that Israel's 'Popcorn Bill' could be a solution to the problem?


Why is the World Obsessed with Israel and the Jews? - A Deeper Look

Anyone objective cannot deny that there is a disproportionate focus on Israel and a double standard applied to the world's only Jewish state. Ollie takes a deeper, mystical look at the world's obsession with the Jewish people.

What a liar. The UN had nothing to do with the creation of Israel.

Israel's Ben-Gvir orders removal of Palestinian flags

Legislation is pending that would make public displays of the Palestinian flag illegal. Meanwhile, the new National Security Minister has had his first meeting with the police commissioner.

The no votes are about 3 to 1 to the yes vote.

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