Who are the Israelis?

Poetic justice, and devaluation of Arab imperialism

After destroying the burial site of prophet Joseph A"H,
now they're taking that mosque apart for the stones...
...only to try prevent Jewish presence...

These are different days.

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Exodus politics | Leaven breaks Yemina's coalition | Abbas' party Islamic council announces resignation from Knesset

Coalition Member Mansour 'Abbas: Non-Muslims Must Stay Out of Temple Mount

Following the Islamic Shura Council's hearing, the RA'AM party announced the resignation
of its membership in the coalition and also in the Knesset until further notice - in protest
of the "Israeli aggression on the Al-Aqsa Mosque"


Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking. Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage, and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the
high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people, that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great - use it for these sacred purposes.".

Silver coin to fund the Temple for the nations

The coin contains 32 grams of pure silver and represents three times the amount of the Hebrew silver half-shekel that was donated by every Jewish male to finance the daily operation of the Temple.

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Israeli Cultural Revolution Pesah 5782 -
Revival of Prophetic Poetry

Rabbi Mosheh Elharary,
chief rabbi of the city of Shlomi.

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Narkis - 'Etz 'Arum (Naked Tree)

These are different days
I'm collecting things
I'm out the door
I'm on the path to You

I didn't leave anything didn't say to any person
I'm a naked tree I'm a path without exit
I'm on the path towards You

I'm air without words
I'm light without vessels
Waters that make thirsty for You

A lot of time has already passed
Maybe You come towards me
And everything shall change
I'm on the path to You

Narkis - I will Bring Him

We have already passed over the great sea
And where are You hiding when the desert closes on us?

You have promised us a country and we came towards You
And where are You going around when the horses are ready for war?

I will, I will bring Him the air of mountains
I will bring Him the laughter of children
I will bring Him fire and wine

Shall come, shall come my beloved
Heard shall be my cry
The day I call

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Israel storms Al-Aqsa, beats Palestinian worshipers to make way for Jewish settlers​

RE: Who Are the Israelis
SUBTOPIC: Respect to the Same Deity
โœโ†’ rylah, et al,

Poetic justice, and devaluation of Arab imperialism

After destroying the burial site of prophet Joseph A"H,
now they're taking that mosque apart for the stones...
...only to try prevent Jewish presence...

The more the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) perform this kind of desecration, the more the HoAP begins to act like and look like the DAESH. And the more the HoAP assumes the mimicked role of DAESH, the more they become an albatross around the Regional (Levant) Muslim states.

The uneducated HoAP seems to ignore the fact that the three major Levant religions (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) all have the God of Abraham in common. Thus the desecration of a Jewish Holy site is an act against and disrespecting the very same God of Abraham to whom the Muslims pray โ†’ as the Supreme Being.


Most Respectfully,

Israel storms Al-Aqsa, beats Palestinian worshipers to make way for Jewish settlers​

Islamic imperialists should get used to change and justice...
Enough time already passed to understand that Allah is Zionist.

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Israeli occupation forces brutally attack and detain a young women in Al Nasra.

Israeli occupation forces brutally attack and detain a young women in Al Nasra.

Muslims can easily prevent any violence.

Why didn't she join the Jewish worshipers in prayer?

They're nice, and should rejoice, THAT would be newsworthy.

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Israeli occupation forces assaulted women near the Dome of the Rock at Al Aqsa mosque, occupied Palestine, this morning.
The stubbornness at the sea | Rabbi Sherki

In the 'Avot D'Rabbi Natan' there's an interesting description in chapter 30, about the splitting of the Red sea. It's written that Egypt chased after Israel, and Israel stood on the sea shore - great distress.

Mosheh is praying, HaShem tells Mosheh not to pray - open the sea.
Mosheh opens the sea, You've seen this in Hollywood, amazing.
You see such a thing the breath stops.You understand that
You're before a major historic event.

According to Avot D'Rabbi Natan, Mosheh tells them 'rise up and pass', told him 'we won't pass'. Why? Because it's muddy...You see what's going on here, Egypt behind them, desert full of snakes and scorpions on their right and left. One option to escape is to enter now between the two walls - and they don't want, it's muddy.

The Middrash says that Mosheh prayed, that the mud dries up - and it dried.
Told them 'rise up and pass', told him 'we won't pass, it's not smooth'.
Mosheh prayed and the sea became smooth, told them 'rise up, pass'
Told him 'correct, but it's not grainy, we'll slip over, it's too straight'.
Prayed and it became grainy, told them 'rise up and pass'...

There, I've counted fifteen requests of Israel, including that there's a roof to protect, that there are drinks for children, and fruits. And only after all that agreed to pass.

The question asked - is this story true?
I assume that it is, because we're talking about Jews...

And therefore there's sort of problem, because You're now in the middle of a major event, and in a real danger, and You're dealing with nuisance. Probably, in order to go through major events - You must deal with nuisance. Without it You're floating, flying, correct?

This is what Rabbi Kook saying here - "a halt, there must be, between the comprehensive perception and the gray reality" - even in a great hour.

Do You want a proof? Today also it is the same way -we experience events, which are greater in value than the exodus of Egypt - and we fight over inconsequential nuisances.


Who would believe? | Happy and uplifting Aliyah to the Temple Mount during Passover despite obstacles

I was privileged to make ascend in a large group, to pray and recite the Passover hymn on the Temple Mount โ€ข True, there was evidence of Muslim vandalism โ€ข There were some difficulties โ€ข Compared to previous years, this is a big improvement โ€ข We will soon be able to make a pilgrimage to the Temple Mount.

The stubbornness at the sea | Rabbi Sherki

In the 'Avot D'Rabbi Natan' there's an interesting description in chapter 30, about the splitting of the Red sea. It's written that Egypt chased after Israel, and Israel stood on the sea shore - great distress.

Mosheh is praying, HaShem tells Mosheh not to pray - open the sea.
Mosheh opens the sea, You've seen this in Hollywood, amazing.
You see such a thing the breath stops.You understand that
You're before a major historic event.

According to Avot D'Rabbi Natan, Mosheh tells them 'rise up and pass', told him 'we won't pass'. Why? Because it's muddy...You see what's going on here, Egypt behind them, desert full of snakes and scorpions on their right and left. One option to escape is to enter now between the two walls - and they don't want, it's muddy.

The Middrash says that Mosheh prayed, that the mud dries up - and it dried.
Told them 'rise up and pass', told him 'we won't pass, it's not smooth'.
Mosheh prayed and the sea became smooth, told them 'rise up, pass'
Told him 'correct, but it's not grainy, we'll slip over, it's too straight'.
Prayed and it became grainy, told them 'rise up and pass'...

There, I've counted fifteen requests of Israel, including that there's a roof to protect, that there are drinks for children, and fruits. And only after all that agreed to pass.

The question asked - is this story true?
I assume that it is, because we're talking about Jews...

And therefore there's sort of problem, because You're now in the middle of a major event, and in a real danger, and You're dealing with nuisance. Probably, in order to go through major events - You must deal with nuisance. Without it You're floating, flying, correct?

This is what Rabbi Kook saying here - "a halt, there must be, between the comprehensive perception and the gray reality" - even in a great hour.

Do You want a proof? Today also it is the same way -we experience events, which are greater in value than the exodus of Egypt - and we fight over inconsequential nuisances.


Narkis and Miri Mesikah - Mosheh (Moses)

Life spread on the table
It doesn't interest us
You wanted to bring a message
But the wall is standing between us
Everything freezes standing in shadow

You would try more
This heart heard everything
Stubborn stubborn this heart
Wants to get out but the waters
As a wall and no one answers

You will be our eyes
So the heart already opens
Everything freezes standing in shadow
Return quickly

He remembers
We stood between walls of water
We saw everything happenning
Now everything stands in shadow
Return quickly, as once You would run an entire desert

Eventually we went out because of You
But You are the last one who didn't see the land
Turning into the ember of our life
You saw a country from afar

Now everything turned into a habit
The yearning already passed
What burned inside the heart remained in You
But for us everything is frozen standing in shadow

Quickly, You will be our eyes...
As once, You would run an entire desert

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