I know this is hard for some but the fact is expanding drilling into environmentally sensative areas will not lower gas prices.
Not now and not for the foreseeable future. The drilling issue is again a distraction from the fact that we have allowed our dependence on oil to jepordize our security.
The future will belong to whoever first converts to an all electric society/economy. Fossil fuels are a relic from the past, championed by those who love to have us anti up everyday as we fill our gas tanks.
Photovotaics and wind generation are off the shelf technologies just waiting for us to use.
Had we not followed the direction of Bush and Cheney for the last eight years we could have been well on our way to a clean and sustainable future of cheap and abundant energy.
The money spent in Iraq could have been invested in this future, instead it was wasted trying to hold onto the past. That past only enriches the rich while impovershing our whole nation.
Not now and not for the foreseeable future. The drilling issue is again a distraction from the fact that we have allowed our dependence on oil to jepordize our security.
The future will belong to whoever first converts to an all electric society/economy. Fossil fuels are a relic from the past, championed by those who love to have us anti up everyday as we fill our gas tanks.
Photovotaics and wind generation are off the shelf technologies just waiting for us to use.
Had we not followed the direction of Bush and Cheney for the last eight years we could have been well on our way to a clean and sustainable future of cheap and abundant energy.
The money spent in Iraq could have been invested in this future, instead it was wasted trying to hold onto the past. That past only enriches the rich while impovershing our whole nation.