Who are the 47% that pay no "income" taxes?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

CHART OF THE DAY: These Are The 47 Percent

By Brian Beutler | October 14, 2011

What's really going on here is that about 47 percent of households paid no federal income tax in 2009. Either they owed nothing, or they got as much back from the federal government as they paid -- or more.

This ignores payroll taxes, state and local taxes, gas taxes, excise taxes and much more. But to hear conservatives talk about it, you'd think these people's entire tax burden was $0.00. In April, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), citing similar data, claimed "According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, 49 percent of households are paying 100 percent of taxes coming in to the federal government." Notice the absence of the key qualifier, "income." And Grassley's far from alone.

Right now about one-third of the 47 percent are people who are too old to work, full time students, disability beneficiaries, long-term unemployed and other such despicable freeloaders. Because the 47 percent figure comes from using "households that file" as the denominator it includes people who have part time jobs and low paying jobs, Social Security and unemployment beneficiaries. The rest were people whose jobs paid little enough that, on net, they owed no income taxes. These people may have benefited from the stimulus' Making-Work-Pay tax credit, or saw their incomes drop enough during the recession to qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and so on.

More: CHART OF THE DAY: These Are The 47 Percent | TPMDC
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Is it just as siimple a concept that the wealthy also are incumbered by taxes, all the while accused of paying little to no taxes? Same for businesses and corporations?
Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.
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Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Bullshit, that isn't true...

Tax poor people: Republicans want the IRS to nail "lucky duckies." - Slate Magazine
This thread is about the 47% that get bashed for supposedly paying no taxes.

Most people say "no federal income taxes" and you know it.

Then lets just isolate the federal budget, minus SS, medicare, etc. Why should only 53% of the country have a stake in funding federal programs? shouldnt everyone contribute to it?
Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.

corporations also get tax credits.
This thread is about the 47% that get bashed for supposedly paying no taxes.

Attention Stupid the 47% figure is those that pay no income tax.

I realize your desperate for any distraction but this is fucking weak.
Im lost so somehow them paying state and sales taxes and whatnot that somehow makes it false the 47% essentially pay no federal income taxes?
Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.

corporations also get tax credits.

Do you have a point? You already know how I feel about Cooperate Taxes. Raise them all you want, but I promise you the people who will actually pay the Tax, are their Customers. You and me, not the Cooperation.
Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Bullshit, that isn't true...

Tax poor people: Republicans want the IRS to nail "lucky duckies." - Slate Magazine

ROLFMAO dude, so you think Slate Magazine is more Reliable than the Data the IRS releases?

Shut the fuck up you idiot.
Nobody is bashing the people, were bashing the Policy.

Just visit the IRS web site and look at Revenues from Federal Income Taxes(Not Fica and MC) it is there for everyone to see. 47% of everyone who filed taxes got all, or more back in their Return, than they paid in to Federal Income Taxes.

Mostly do to Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits.

Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.
Bullshit you are bashing the policy!! Its GOP tax cutting policy that created the 47%. The Bush tax cuts doubled the number who pay no income taxes and CON$ want to make that tax policy PERMANENT!!! So in reality CON$ support the policy and bash the people.

And the crap about FICA taxes is just more bullshit!!! FICA taxes are part of the general fund and they fund the US budget. That's why CON$ say Bush's deficit for 2007 was only $160 billion! If FICA was not financing the US budget the 2007 deficit would have been $500 billion. You CON$ can't have it both ways, as long as you CON$ claim Bush's deficit was $160 billion for 2007 you can't claim that FICA taxes do not fund the US budget!
Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.
The taxes for Medicare and FICA go into the same general fund budget as standard income taxes. They are a tax on one set of individuals and a transfer payment to another - just like most government spending.

Why wouldn't you count it?
Im lost so somehow them paying state and sales taxes and whatnot that somehow makes it false the 47% essentially pay no federal income taxes?

That might work if it was not for the fact that the Rich also pay State Income Taxes, and sales taxes, along with Federal Income taxes.

It's simple. Everyone pays FICA and MC at the same rate, to fund SS and MC. Everyone pays sales taxes, Not everyone pays Federal Income Tax, and not everyone Pays State income tax.

I already explained why many pay no Federal Incomes tax, When it comes to State Income tax, some states (Including my own) have versions of the Earned income Credit and child Credits, so many poorer people also pay No State Income Tax. Once all Credits, and Deductions are figured in.

Take my wifes sisters family.

Wife, Husband and 2 kids. Last year they paid a total of about 7k in Federal Income tax (not counting FICA and MC) but when they did their taxes, after the EIC and Child Tax Credits, Home Mortgage Deduction ETC. they got a 8500 dollar federal Income Tax Return. Meaning they actually got 1500 Dollars more back, than they paid in.

This is what it is like for the 47% they either make to little, or they have kids etc and get all sorts of Credits, and in the end pay 0 or less. I have been part of this 47% in the past my self.
This thread is about the 47% that get bashed for supposedly paying no taxes.

I was at one time homeless with no job and still had to come up with money for license fees, sales taxes on anything I may be able to scratch up a few dollars for and etc. etc. etc.

We all are taxed and some just have the stage and crony 'in your face' so called advisors bending their ear freakin political trumps to be burdensome and oppressive to the rest of us.
Your article Rails about Ignoring FICA and MC, which the 47% does pay. Why would you count Fica and MC? They are to fund specific Programs. It is Federal Income Tax withholding that funds the US budget, and it is Federal Income tax that the right is talking about when they say 47% pay 0 and the top 2 % pay 50%.
The taxes for Medicare and FICA go into the same general fund budget as standard income taxes. They are a tax on one set of individuals and a transfer payment to another - just like most government spending.

Why wouldn't you count it?

Because we all pay FICA and MC at the same rate, Rich or Poor. The only place you end up with 47% not paying anything at all, is with the Progressive Federal Income Tax. It's not a matter of Counting FICA and MC or not, because everyone pays those taxes. Fact's are Fact's 47% of Tax Payers paid no Federal Income Tax last year.

Besides FICA and MC are not SUPPOSE to be used to fund the General Budget.
The wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

The 10% of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70% of federal income taxes, according to the CBO. I am personally sick of the constant parsing of fact from fiction!
Im lost so somehow them paying state and sales taxes and whatnot that somehow makes it false the 47% essentially pay no federal income taxes?

That might work if it was not for the fact that the Rich also pay State Income Taxes, and sales taxes, along with Federal Income taxes.

It's simple. Everyone pays FICA and MC at the same rate, to fund SS and MC. Everyone pays sales taxes, Not everyone pays Federal Income Tax, and not everyone Pays State income tax.

I already explained why many pay no Federal Incomes tax, When it comes to State Income tax, some states (Including my own) have versions of the Earned income Credit and child Credits, so many poorer people also pay No State Income Tax. Once all Credits, and Deductions are figured in.

Take my wifes sisters family.

Wife, Husband and 2 kids. Last year they paid a total of about 7k in Federal Income tax (not counting FICA and MC) but when they did their taxes, after the EIC and Child Tax Credits, Home Mortgage Deduction ETC. they got a 8500 dollar federal Income Tax Return. Meaning they actually got 1500 Dollars more back, than they paid in.

This is what it is like for the 47% they either make to little, or they have kids etc and get all sorts of Credits, and in the end pay 0 or less. I have been part of this 47% in the past my self.
More CON$ervative bullshit. They pay the same rate up to the threshold, which is a little more than $100,000. Once you cross the threshold you pay no FICA tax, so the more you are over the threshold the lower your rate. Also capital gains are exempt from FICA taxes so the greater your capital gains the lower your rate.

You can always tell the CON$ who have never had a job in their life, they have no idea what the tax rates really are.
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It's simple. Everyone pays FICA and MC at the same rate, to fund SS and MC

No, they don't. First, people whose income is derived from capital gains pay zero. People who are self employed- and risking their own capital in their own venture - pay 15.3%. People who work for a living pay 7.65%....

But it get's worse! People who work pay 7.65% on the first 106K, then pay zero on each additional dollar. So someone making 10K pays 765. Someone making 100K pays 7650. Someone making 200,000,000,000 pays....765. It's a regressive tax by design.

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