Whitesplaning Racism

Except there are 48 threads here on page 1 and between 5-6,000 threads overall. I looked at 4,000 and saw there were at least 3,000 of them that denigrated blacks .

Lessee, I'm viewing on a 27" LED Apple Cinema monitor and count 20, not 48. I've never changed any settings. My ass you've counted and looked at 4,000 threads just on this forum------ Just that claim alone and your continued denigration of people based on being white alone shows what a racist you are. You probably count ONE POST in a thread bashing blacks as a black-bashing thread! Did it ever occur to you that YOU cause a lot of the black-bashing by whites just in response to your bashing them? If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd simply ignore people who are idiots and racist and move on to better things. But that would necessitate ignoring yourself.
I guarantee that many whites here will stop reading this after they see the word whites. These are the same people who will read volumes of racist lies about blacks without fail. Yet as they don't they'll be more than glad to post their opinions too stupid to understand they are doing exactly what the writer says.

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)
This is an excellent article, thank you for posting it

...when I’m talking about a racist act, I don’t have much interest in whether or not the person responsible is “a racist.”

If that sounds counterintuitive, then you could really use this clarification about addressing white supremacy: It’s not about identifying people as racists.

It’s also not about “bashing” white people – but you may interpret it that way if you’re feeling uncomfortable. And then you might whitesplain that people of color are “attacking” you for no reason.

When it comes to things like holding implicit biases and benefiting from white privilege, the question of whether or not someone is intentionally bigoted is completely irrelevant.

So you’re not under attack if a person of color is talking to you about race – not even if they’re calling you out for racism.

I remember one call-out in which writers of color let a white editor know how he’d contributed to racism in the publishing industry, and how he could do better.

Because it’s such a sensitive topic, many people interpret any mention of racism as a conflict – and this discussion was no different.

The editor’s friends immediately rallied to his defense, saying, “He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body!”

But nobody had even said this man was “a racist.” We simply pointed out that his actions had a harmful impact – and his being a good person wouldn’t make that impact vanish.

If you’re called out for racism and you take it as a personal attack on your character, you’re making the situation all about you – not the bigger picture of how all of us can take responsibility for our own role in white supremacy.

Your belief that someone “doesn’t have a racist bone in their body” can lead you to overlook the impact of what they’ve done and focus instead on their intentions.

In other words, you’re oversimplifying the issue, separating yourself from “the bad guys” and saying good people can’t possibly do something wrong.

Unfortunately, good people contribute to white supremacy every day – and if you can’t face the ways white supremacy influences your life, you’ll never be able to change it. That means you’ve got to stop focusing on your good nature and intentions, which has you prioritizing your feelings over people of color’s pain.​

Let me get this right:

If I say I never see the color of one's skin, that's racist?
Except there are 48 threads here on page 1 and between 5-6,000 threads overall. I looked at 4,000 and saw there were at least 3,000 of them that denigrated blacks .

Lessee, I'm viewing on a 27" LED Apple Cinema monitor and count 20, not 48. I've never changed any settings. My ass you've counted and looked at 4,000 threads just on this forum------ Just that claim alone and your continued denigration of people based on being white alone shows what a racist you are. You probably count ONE POST in a thread bashing blacks as a black-bashing thread! Did it ever occur to you that YOU cause a lot of the black-bashing by whites just in response to your bashing them? If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd simply ignore people who are idiots and racist and move on to better things. But that would necessitate ignoring yourself.
“The White Anti-Racist is an Oxymoron” (2003) by Kil Ja Kim argues that you cannot be white and against racism at the same time.

By “white” she does not mean having white skin. She means thinking of yourself as white and enjoying the benefits that come with it in America:

white people need to be willing to have their very social position, their very relationship of domination, their very authority, their very being…let go, perhaps even destroyed. I know this might sound scary, but that is really not my concern. I am not interested in making white people, even those so-called good-hearted anti-racist whites, comfortable about their position in struggles that shape my life in ways that it will never shape theirs.

Being white creates a conflict of interest that leads to white paternalism: whites who think they know what is best for people of colour.

Kim has seen it. So has bell hooks. So has Malcolm X:

So if we need white allies in this country, we don’t need those kind who compromise. We don’t need those kind who encourage us to be polite, responsible, you know. We don’t need those kind who give us that kind of advice. We don’t need those kind who tell us how to be patient. No, if we want some white allies, we need the kind that John Brown was, or we don’t need you.

John Brown led a slave uprising on the eve of the civil war: he died fighting for the freedom of black people.

Becoming anti-racist means giving up a white identity and standing with people of colour, not with white people. Come what may. It means not to lead people of colour but to follow. It means leaving the white club for good.

Kim breaks it down like this:

  1. Don’t call us, we’ll call you. If we need your resources, we will contact you. But don’t show up, flaunt your power in our faces and then get angry when we resent the fact that you have so many resources we don’t and that we are not grateful for this arrangement. And don’t get mad because you can’t make decisions in the process. Why do you need to?
  2. Stop speaking for us. We can talk for ourselves.
  3. Stop trying to point out internal contradictions in our communities, we know what they are, we are struggling around them, and I really don’t know how white people can be helpful to non-whites to clear these up.
  4. Don’t ever say some shit to me about how you feel silenced, marginalized, discriminated against, or put in your place as a white person. Period.
  5. Stop calling me sister. I will tell you when you are family.
  6. Start thinking of what it would mean, in terms of actual structured social arrangements, for whiteness and white identity – even the white anti-racist kind (because there really is no redeemable or reformed white identity) – to be destroyed.
White Anti Racists Open Letter By Tamara Nopper
Another racist idiot.

Besides yourself?
Look at any of IM2's posts. He doesn't want to discuss race, he wants to tell white people that he knows everything there is to know about blacks or whites. No matter what you say about your experiences, if you are white, you are racist. Nothing any white person says means anything to him, only his opinions and experiences count. If whites have a different opinion, experience or view of things, we are racist. We are told that whites today are responsible for reparations to blacks. Total bullshit.

And when I said that white people are done with being lectured to like that

he and Katestevie had a fit that I dared speak for White People.

As though anyone wants to be lectured like they are ill mannered children.

Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.
LoL, the cross burning will be extra bright tonight.....

Says th
Look at any of IM2's posts. He doesn't want to discuss race, he wants to tell white people that he knows everything there is to know about blacks or whites. No matter what you say about your experiences, if you are white, you are racist. Nothing any white person says means anything to him, only his opinions and experiences count. If whites have a different opinion, experience or view of things, we are racist. We are told that whites today are responsible for reparations to blacks. Total bullshit.

And when I said that white people are done with being lectured to like that

he and Katestevie had a fit that I dared speak for White People.

As though anyone wants to be lectured like they are ill mannered children.

Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.

1. Yes, you are a RACIST NUT. And anyone who is so hypersensitive to being called a racist in a race relations forum is a joke.

2. No, you do not speak for the majority of white people. For over 40 years I worked with mostly white people, socialized with quite a few and there are even some in my family, and have seen very few that surpass your level of arrogant ignorance. If you are so done with being "lectured", maybe you should use your ignore feature, because you tend to get in return what you put out there.

3.Trump winning the "white" vote has nothing do with this forum. What is he going to do? Save you from being "insulted in a vile manner?.....ROFLMAO

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. That you think it is unreasonable to not want to be called a vile slur, by an asshole, for no reason, makes you the joke.

3. On this, I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done being lectured like we are ill mannered children, by morons.

4. I mentioned Trump's victory in a point about the majority of whites. It was not in reference to this forum. Obviously.

1. If you object to being referred to as a racist, then use your ignore feature. Then your fragile little feelings would be spared the trauma.
Or....stop being a racist asshole

2. You get "lectured", because you attempt to lecture others and act like a know it all.

3. No you DO NOT speak for anyone else by default just because you are of the same race, saying you do is an ignorant statement. For the most part everyone here is an adult and does not need a self appointed spokesperson.

4. I understand why Trump was elected...so whats your point?
  • Thanks
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And when I said that white people are done with being lectured to like that

he and Katestevie had a fit that I dared speak for White People.

As though anyone wants to be lectured like they are ill mannered children.

Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.
LoL, the cross burning will be extra bright tonight.....

Says th
And when I said that white people are done with being lectured to like that

he and Katestevie had a fit that I dared speak for White People.

As though anyone wants to be lectured like they are ill mannered children.

Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.

1. Yes, you are a RACIST NUT. And anyone who is so hypersensitive to being called a racist in a race relations forum is a joke.

2. No, you do not speak for the majority of white people. For over 40 years I worked with mostly white people, socialized with quite a few and there are even some in my family, and have seen very few that surpass your level of arrogant ignorance. If you are so done with being "lectured", maybe you should use your ignore feature, because you tend to get in return what you put out there.

3.Trump winning the "white" vote has nothing do with this forum. What is he going to do? Save you from being "insulted in a vile manner?.....ROFLMAO

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. That you think it is unreasonable to not want to be called a vile slur, by an asshole, for no reason, makes you the joke.

3. On this, I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done being lectured like we are ill mannered children, by morons.

4. I mentioned Trump's victory in a point about the majority of whites. It was not in reference to this forum. Obviously.

1. If you object to being referred to as a racist, then use your ignore feature. Then your fragile little feelings would be spared the trauma.
Or....stop being a racist asshole

2. You get "lectured", because you attempt to lecture others and act like a know it all.

3. No you DO NOT speak for anyone else by default just because you are of the same race, saying you do is an ignorant statement. For the most part everyone here is an adult and does not need a self appointed spokesperson.

4. I understand why Trump was elected...so whats your point?

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. The "Lecture" I was referring to was in the context of what passes for the NATIONAL discussion on race. It is pathetic that you either forgot, or pretended to forget that.

3. I did not claim I spoke for them "based on race." I speak for us, because it is apparent from a number of polls and events in recent history, that the majority of whites agree with me on this issue. THe "based on race" was from the voices in your head, which are not my problem.

4. I mentioned Trump winning the majority of the white vote in support of my point that Whites as a group, are tired of being lectured by morons, about race, like they are ill mannered children.
Except there are 48 threads here on page 1 and between 5-6,000 threads overall. I looked at 4,000 and saw there were at least 3,000 of them that denigrated blacks .

Lessee, I'm viewing on a 27" LED Apple Cinema monitor and count 20, not 48. I've never changed any settings. My ass you've counted and looked at 4,000 threads just on this forum------ Just that claim alone and your continued denigration of people based on being white alone shows what a racist you are. You probably count ONE POST in a thread bashing blacks as a black-bashing thread! Did it ever occur to you that YOU cause a lot of the black-bashing by whites just in response to your bashing them? If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd simply ignore people who are idiots and racist and move on to better things. But that would necessitate ignoring yourself.

Showing threads 1 to 55 of 7,030. Now that's on the bottom of the first page of this section I see. I've bashed no one just for being white. The black bashing is not being done because of anything I've said. I was a member here for at least a year before I posted. Anybody opposing the racists or any white person standing up for blacks was denigrated and trolled. I first started posting in the politics section and got racially trolled that's how fucked up this place is. I saw what was going on. So keep crying about a racism you made up, changing the definition of racism in every post and live your miserable racist life. Because I'm not shutting up.
Well since I didn't make the comment you're asking the wrong man, bitch.

Do you plan violence against whites, due to your seething hatred and racism?

None of that exists within me. Opposing your racism isn't hate. And it's certainly not racism.


You are a hate filled racist.

Anyone reading you white hating OP can see that, even if deltazmebro is running interference for you. Beyond that, you have a reputation, both under this ID and under the Asclepais ID you used to post under as a rabbid and raging bigot and racist.

deltazmebro thinks your racism is cute and he wants to coddle you, but the rest of us see you as the racist scumbag that you are.
I don't know if IM2 and Asclepais are the same person or not, but Its kind of like clark kent and superman. They aren't usually at the same place together.

Well if you could the ip addresses you would understand that we aren't.

All you hate filled racists look the same...
I first started posting in the politics section and got racially trolled that's how fucked up this place is.

Why yes! This site IS racist! Why the very pages
of this forum are racist, they are BLACK ON WHITE!

Black text on white background------ it's RACIST I tell you,
RACIST! I demand restitution, and I'm holding my
breath until I GET IT!

Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.
LoL, the cross burning will be extra bright tonight.....

Says th
Ill mannered children? How about extreme right wing, racist nuts like you?

No, you don't speak for "normal" white people, nor do I speak for all black people.

That being said, feel free to repost anything that I have stated that sounds like a "lecture".....even to fringe loonies like you.

1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.

1. Yes, you are a RACIST NUT. And anyone who is so hypersensitive to being called a racist in a race relations forum is a joke.

2. No, you do not speak for the majority of white people. For over 40 years I worked with mostly white people, socialized with quite a few and there are even some in my family, and have seen very few that surpass your level of arrogant ignorance. If you are so done with being "lectured", maybe you should use your ignore feature, because you tend to get in return what you put out there.

3.Trump winning the "white" vote has nothing do with this forum. What is he going to do? Save you from being "insulted in a vile manner?.....ROFLMAO

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. That you think it is unreasonable to not want to be called a vile slur, by an asshole, for no reason, makes you the joke.

3. On this, I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done being lectured like we are ill mannered children, by morons.

4. I mentioned Trump's victory in a point about the majority of whites. It was not in reference to this forum. Obviously.

1. If you object to being referred to as a racist, then use your ignore feature. Then your fragile little feelings would be spared the trauma.
Or....stop being a racist asshole

2. You get "lectured", because you attempt to lecture others and act like a know it all.

3. No you DO NOT speak for anyone else by default just because you are of the same race, saying you do is an ignorant statement. For the most part everyone here is an adult and does not need a self appointed spokesperson.

4. I understand why Trump was elected...so whats your point?

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. The "Lecture" I was referring to was in the context of what passes for the NATIONAL discussion on race. It is pathetic that you either forgot, or pretended to forget that.

3. I did not claim I spoke for them "based on race." I speak for us, because it is apparent from a number of polls and events in recent history, that the majority of whites agree with me on this issue. THe "based on race" was from the voices in your head, which are not my problem.

4. I mentioned Trump winning the majority of the white vote in support of my point that Whites as a group, are tired of being lectured by morons, about race, like they are ill mannered children.

1. There is plenty to justify referring to you as a "racist nut". Sometimes being called what you REALLY are is difficult to accept. Your personal offense is not my problem.

2. Now you can add "liar" to "racist nut". . You have never defined your whining about being lectured ss a "national discussion" about race, and furthermore, your own quote on several occasions has been "I speak for the majority of white people". There are no "voices in anyones head" here except within the empty space between your ears.

3. As far as Trump goes, if you actually believe that he got the majority of the white vote "because whites as a group are tired of being lectured about race", then you are in an even further advanced state of being completely unhinged than the average definition of that condition.
1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.
LoL, the cross burning will be extra bright tonight.....

Says th
1. As nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a "racist nut", FUCK YOU, YOU RACE BAITING ASSHOLE.

2. And I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done with shit like that. DONE. It is only our moronic leadership, fearful of being called names by the vile media, that is still happy to play by your rules. There is a reason that Trump won the majority of the white vote.

3. Your post, right here, is a fine example of a lecture, though a small and mercifully short one.

1. Yes, you are a RACIST NUT. And anyone who is so hypersensitive to being called a racist in a race relations forum is a joke.

2. No, you do not speak for the majority of white people. For over 40 years I worked with mostly white people, socialized with quite a few and there are even some in my family, and have seen very few that surpass your level of arrogant ignorance. If you are so done with being "lectured", maybe you should use your ignore feature, because you tend to get in return what you put out there.

3.Trump winning the "white" vote has nothing do with this forum. What is he going to do? Save you from being "insulted in a vile manner?.....ROFLMAO

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. That you think it is unreasonable to not want to be called a vile slur, by an asshole, for no reason, makes you the joke.

3. On this, I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done being lectured like we are ill mannered children, by morons.

4. I mentioned Trump's victory in a point about the majority of whites. It was not in reference to this forum. Obviously.

1. If you object to being referred to as a racist, then use your ignore feature. Then your fragile little feelings would be spared the trauma.
Or....stop being a racist asshole

2. You get "lectured", because you attempt to lecture others and act like a know it all.

3. No you DO NOT speak for anyone else by default just because you are of the same race, saying you do is an ignorant statement. For the most part everyone here is an adult and does not need a self appointed spokesperson.

4. I understand why Trump was elected...so whats your point?

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. The "Lecture" I was referring to was in the context of what passes for the NATIONAL discussion on race. It is pathetic that you either forgot, or pretended to forget that.

3. I did not claim I spoke for them "based on race." I speak for us, because it is apparent from a number of polls and events in recent history, that the majority of whites agree with me on this issue. THe "based on race" was from the voices in your head, which are not my problem.

4. I mentioned Trump winning the majority of the white vote in support of my point that Whites as a group, are tired of being lectured by morons, about race, like they are ill mannered children.

1. There is plenty to justify referring to you as a "racist nut". Sometimes being called what you REALLY are is difficult to accept. Your personal offense is not my problem.

2. Now you can add "liar" to "racist nut". . You have never defined your whining about being lectured ss a "national discussion" about race, and furthermore, your own quote on several occasions has been "I speak for the majority of white people". There are no "voices in anyones head" here except within the empty space between your ears.

3. As far as Trump goes, if you actually believe that he got the majority of the white vote "because whites as a group are tired of being lectured about race", then you are in an even further advanced state of being completely unhinged than the average definition of that condition.

1. Said the asshole race baiter that has never even tried to support his vile accusations.

2.a. Your characterization of my valid complaint about the state of public dialog in this country as "whining" is just you being an asshole.

2b. My use of "lecture" as being delivered to White America, instead of just myself was obvious, even IF I did not specify it at any point, which I'm pretty sure I did. Regardless if you were too stupid to figure it out, you know now.

2c My speaking for White America on this specific issue, in no way indicates that I am referring to lectures delivered just to me, as an individual. Indeed, that opposite is very heavily implied.

3. It is certainly part of it. We are done with your shit. And the more you try to play the same old game of blaming us for everything, and/or demanding ever more shit, the more you will piss us off.
Does the OP EVER post anything that does not revolve around hating whites?
You do NOT speak for any imaginary “White America.”

1. It's not imaginary.

2. POlls show that I do. On this issue at least. And that's all I was claiming.

It's complete bullshit

If you want to embrace ptbw and brokeloser, just do it already. You do NOT speak for any 'race' of people any more than im2 or asslipups does.

Polls show that, on this issue, I do.

Why are you surprised? You've seen how unbelievably arrogant and insulting lefties are, when they talk to white people about Race.
The word "whitesplain" (or any ____splain bullshit word) by itself is an attempt to dismiss ideas without the need to think or argue, while at the same time, it insults the target of such a word. Most of the time, the use of such a word indicates that the person using it is not at all interested in a discussion. I have no use for such people.

LoL, the cross burning will be extra bright tonight.....

Says th
1. Yes, you are a RACIST NUT. And anyone who is so hypersensitive to being called a racist in a race relations forum is a joke.

2. No, you do not speak for the majority of white people. For over 40 years I worked with mostly white people, socialized with quite a few and there are even some in my family, and have seen very few that surpass your level of arrogant ignorance. If you are so done with being "lectured", maybe you should use your ignore feature, because you tend to get in return what you put out there.

3.Trump winning the "white" vote has nothing do with this forum. What is he going to do? Save you from being "insulted in a vile manner?.....ROFLMAO

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. That you think it is unreasonable to not want to be called a vile slur, by an asshole, for no reason, makes you the joke.

3. On this, I do speak for the majority of white people. We are done being lectured like we are ill mannered children, by morons.

4. I mentioned Trump's victory in a point about the majority of whites. It was not in reference to this forum. Obviously.

1. If you object to being referred to as a racist, then use your ignore feature. Then your fragile little feelings would be spared the trauma.
Or....stop being a racist asshole

2. You get "lectured", because you attempt to lecture others and act like a know it all.

3. No you DO NOT speak for anyone else by default just because you are of the same race, saying you do is an ignorant statement. For the most part everyone here is an adult and does not need a self appointed spokesperson.

4. I understand why Trump was elected...so whats your point?

1. Nothing I have ever said, justifies you calling me a racist. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

2. The "Lecture" I was referring to was in the context of what passes for the NATIONAL discussion on race. It is pathetic that you either forgot, or pretended to forget that.

3. I did not claim I spoke for them "based on race." I speak for us, because it is apparent from a number of polls and events in recent history, that the majority of whites agree with me on this issue. THe "based on race" was from the voices in your head, which are not my problem.

4. I mentioned Trump winning the majority of the white vote in support of my point that Whites as a group, are tired of being lectured by morons, about race, like they are ill mannered children.

1. There is plenty to justify referring to you as a "racist nut". Sometimes being called what you REALLY are is difficult to accept. Your personal offense is not my problem.

2. Now you can add "liar" to "racist nut". . You have never defined your whining about being lectured ss a "national discussion" about race, and furthermore, your own quote on several occasions has been "I speak for the majority of white people". There are no "voices in anyones head" here except within the empty space between your ears.

3. As far as Trump goes, if you actually believe that he got the majority of the white vote "because whites as a group are tired of being lectured about race", then you are in an even further advanced state of being completely unhinged than the average definition of that condition.

1. Said the asshole race baiter that has never even tried to support his vile accusations.

2.a. Your characterization of my valid complaint about the state of public dialog in this country as "whining" is just you being an asshole.

2b. My use of "lecture" as being delivered to White America, instead of just myself was obvious, even IF I did not specify it at any point, which I'm pretty sure I did. Regardless if you were too stupid to figure it out, you know now.

2c My speaking for White America on this specific issue, in no way indicates that I am referring to lectures delivered just to me, as an individual. Indeed, that opposite is very heavily implied.

3. It is certainly part of it. We are done with your shit. And the more you try to play the same old game of blaming us for everything, and/or demanding ever more shit, the more you will piss us off.

1. Says the lying, racist nut, who is consumed with acting as a self appointed spokesperson for a "collective" that he claims is oppressed by a small minority.

2. Yes you do whine incessantly, you racist nut, but consistently fail to validate whay you whine about. You being identified as a racist nut is not an assault on the entire white population. Or even all of the white people in this forum. Its simply one asshole racist jerkoff being called what he is.

3. What "shit" is it that you claim to be done with? What are you being blamed for?
What is being demanded? The answer is nothing. You racist nut.

4. And who gives a shit about you being "pissed off"? The fact is no one does. In fact, it is humorous watching you throw tantrum after tantrum. It is obvious that what makes you a racist nut is a society that does not share your wish for an anti minority environment that would return this country back to the values of 1950. You view any success or recognition of anyone who is non
white as an insult to the white population, and believe it is your duty to act as a spokesperson on behalf of the white population, which is ludicrous. And makes you a RACIST NUT.
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