White supremacy as a placebo effect

Racial equality is an incredibly stupid idea.
Explain the disparities between countries conquered like Ireland, Finland in Europe vs countries not conquered like Liberia, or Ethiopia in Africa.[/QUOTE]

I think someone trying to explain to you ANYTHING....is an incredibly stupid idea. No one is going to have their opinions changed regardless of how much evidence someone brings to the table. I will admit that I have a closed mind in regards to the proposition that black innate inferiority to whites is why blacks perform below whites. Regardless what anyone presents, my mind will not open to it. In a similar, many of you will not open your minds to the idea that blacks are NOT inferior.

I don't post to convince people......but to expose people.[/QUOTE]

you post for self-gratification
Oh my, these feelings of superiority in Whites, and inferiority in Blacks must've defined all of Europe vs Africa too. Haha.

Come on now, instead of coming up with off the rocker theories, why not deal in reality, that Blacks are in fact inferior?

nope POLACKS are -------very inferior. Every "JOKE" bears a grain of truth----

Jews just make up stuff at random, truly some of the most disgusting vile beings to ever exist.

"make up stuff...." what stuff?

I've not met any Poles as dumb as your Jewish self, you can't even put together any factual evidence, you are like pure Chimp, just like Jillian, Derp, and Roudy you come off with odd Jewish Chimp spasms.

very erudite
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.
Racial equality is an incredibly stupid idea.
Explain the disparities between countries conquered like Ireland, Finland in Europe vs countries not conquered like Liberia, or Ethiopia in Africa.

I think someone trying to explain to you ANYTHING....is an incredibly stupid idea. No one is going to have their opinions changed regardless of how much evidence someone brings to the table. I will admit that I have a closed mind in regards to the proposition that black innate inferiority to whites is why blacks perform below whites. Regardless what anyone presents, my mind will not open to it. In a similar, many of you will not open your minds to the idea that blacks are NOT inferior.

I don't post to convince people......but to expose people.[/QUOTE]

you post for self-gratification[/QUOTE]

We all do. Everything everyone does is for a selfish reason.
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect in medicine. People have been given placebos for real health issues and told it would make them better and they got better. They got better because they believed. The power of belief is a growing field of managing health and wellness. It’s the power of positive thinking and self-affirmation.

An entity can only believe that they are superior, however, if the entity believes as strongly as or more strongly that another entity is inferior as corollary. The doctrine that props up the belief in white superiority is the same doctrine that props up the belief in black inferiority. The doctrine, which is mostly subliminal and subtle now, still works as a placebo for whites and a nocebo for blacks. In other words, living under white supremacy conditions whites to believe they are superior while it conditions blacks to believe they are inferior and the beliefs actualize into reality collectively.

The fact that so many whites believe that whites are superior to blacks, and since whites dominate numerically and economically, inequality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy born from white beliefs.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Blacks are unequal in this society because whites expect blacks to be inferior and treat blacks in a way, overall, that likely results in blacks performing inferior. Whites, as a collective, do not believe that blacks can perform on par with whites and thus whites feel any effort to invest in blacks to promote equality is a waste of time and money. Hence, no real such effort or investment is made in blacks. If so, it is designed to fail to prove its worthlessness.

White supremacy needs to promote the idea that everything is fair and that whites are winning because they are superior. Supremacy is discredited if it can be shown that the competition was not fair or that society “cheated” or has been tilted in the favor of whites (white privilege). So people who believe whites are superior NEED to discredit the claim that whites have some sort of privilege or that blacks had some sort of burden placed upon them that whites have not had placed upon them which they overcame but blacks could not (because they are inferior).

One of the reasons that whites look down so much on poor whites who they may see as "trash", is because they are not living up to the expectations of whiteness. They challenge the doctrine of white supremacy if they are living lower than many blacks or behaving in ways that are for the inferior races. Whites push themselves.....to be superior.....and thwarts equal opportunity for those they feel are inferior. In order to preserve their superiority, they have to work hard....and others have to be made to fail.

Poor whites, in turn, often cling to their "whiteness" and the accomplishments of their race so that they can feel superior over blacks, since they are in no better position than blacks and maybe even worse.

More to come.
So then believing in God means he is real then.
nope POLACKS are -------very inferior. Every "JOKE" bears a grain of truth----

Jews just make up stuff at random, truly some of the most disgusting vile beings to ever exist.

seems you do the same.

makes you equal, IMO

There's no way to explain away Africa's condition without equating in inferiority.

It can't be genocide, it can't be colonization, it can't be Socialism, it can't be corruption, these factors all held more true in mid 20th century - late 20th century China, and most of Eastern Europe than in Africa.

Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect in medicine. People have been given placebos for real health issues and told it would make them better and they got better. They got better because they believed. The power of belief is a growing field of managing health and wellness. It’s the power of positive thinking and self-affirmation.

An entity can only believe that they are superior, however, if the entity believes as strongly as or more strongly that another entity is inferior as corollary. The doctrine that props up the belief in white superiority is the same doctrine that props up the belief in black inferiority. The doctrine, which is mostly subliminal and subtle now, still works as a placebo for whites and a nocebo for blacks. In other words, living under white supremacy conditions whites to believe they are superior while it conditions blacks to believe they are inferior and the beliefs actualize into reality collectively.

The fact that so many whites believe that whites are superior to blacks, and since whites dominate numerically and economically, inequality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy born from white beliefs.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Blacks are unequal in this society because whites expect blacks to be inferior and treat blacks in a way, overall, that likely results in blacks performing inferior. Whites, as a collective, do not believe that blacks can perform on par with whites and thus whites feel any effort to invest in blacks to promote equality is a waste of time and money. Hence, no real such effort or investment is made in blacks. If so, it is designed to fail to prove its worthlessness.

White supremacy needs to promote the idea that everything is fair and that whites are winning because they are superior. Supremacy is discredited if it can be shown that the competition was not fair or that society “cheated” or has been tilted in the favor of whites (white privilege). So people who believe whites are superior NEED to discredit the claim that whites have some sort of privilege or that blacks had some sort of burden placed upon them that whites have not had placed upon them which they overcame but blacks could not (because they are inferior).

One of the reasons that whites look down so much on poor whites who they may see as "trash", is because they are not living up to the expectations of whiteness. They challenge the doctrine of white supremacy if they are living lower than many blacks or behaving in ways that are for the inferior races. Whites push themselves.....to be superior.....and thwarts equal opportunity for those they feel are inferior. In order to preserve their superiority, they have to work hard....and others have to be made to fail.

Poor whites, in turn, often cling to their "whiteness" and the accomplishments of their race so that they can feel superior over blacks, since they are in no better position than blacks and maybe even worse.

More to come.
So then believing in God means he is real then.

Obviously if you don't believe in God.....then YOU WILL NEVER KNOW, because that is the cornerstone to manifest the entity.
Jews just make up stuff at random, truly some of the most disgusting vile beings to ever exist.

seems you do the same.

makes you equal, IMO

There's no way to explain away Africa's condition without equating in inferiority.

It can't be genocide, it can't be colonization, it can't be Socialism, it can't be corruption, these factors all held more true in mid 20th century - late 20th century China, and most of Eastern Europe than in Africa.

Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.
seems you do the same.

makes you equal, IMO

There's no way to explain away Africa's condition without equating in inferiority.

It can't be genocide, it can't be colonization, it can't be Socialism, it can't be corruption, these factors all held more true in mid 20th century - late 20th century China, and most of Eastern Europe than in Africa.

Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.

1. A person does not have to say something to believe it.
2. Anorexics think they are too fat.
3. Hyperbole is a form of fallacy.
4. The use of fallacy is the last breath of a slain dissent and or a dishonest/ignorant mentality.

The thing about history is that it is well recorded the last 400 years...and the internet is a good source. Thus...show me rhetoric from the 60/70 that blames everything since human history on white racism.
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There's no way to explain away Africa's condition without equating in inferiority.

It can't be genocide, it can't be colonization, it can't be Socialism, it can't be corruption, these factors all held more true in mid 20th century - late 20th century China, and most of Eastern Europe than in Africa.

Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.

1. A person does not have to say something to believe it.
2. Anorexics think they are to fat.
3. Hyperbole is a form of fallacy.
4. The use of fallacy is the last breath of a slain dissent and or a dishonest/ignorant mentality.

The thing about history is that it is well recorded the last 400 years...and the internet is a good source. Thus...show me rhetoric from the 60/70 that blames everything since human history on white racism.

start your search by reading W. E. B. DU BOIS HIS social theories combined WHITE RACISM and WHITE CAPITALISM as the driving forces
in world history. then move on to the writers on the subject of black
oppression by such stoned out writers like ELDRIDGE CLEAVER (soul
on ice)
Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.

1. A person does not have to say something to believe it.
2. Anorexics think they are to fat.
3. Hyperbole is a form of fallacy.
4. The use of fallacy is the last breath of a slain dissent and or a dishonest/ignorant mentality.

The thing about history is that it is well recorded the last 400 years...and the internet is a good source. Thus...show me rhetoric from the 60/70 that blames everything since human history on white racism.

start your search by reading W. E. B. DU BOIS HIS social theories combined WHITE RACISM and WHITE CAPITALISM as the driving forces
in world history. then move on to the writers on the subject of black
oppression by such stoned out writers like ELDRIDGE CLEAVER (soul
on ice)

Well capitalism did not exit since the dawn of humankind, like you said 60 rhetoric blamed all world history on racism. That is what you have to demonstrate. Show where ALL of world history was blamed on white racism. Don’t show where a subset of human history was linked to white emperialist.
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Oh my, these feelings of superiority in Whites, and inferiority in Blacks must've defined all of Europe vs Africa too. Haha.

Come on now, instead of coming up with off the rocker theories, why not deal in reality, that Blacks are in fact inferior?

nope POLACKS are -------very inferior. Every "JOKE" bears a grain of truth----

Jews just make up stuff at random, truly some of the most disgusting vile beings to ever exist.

seems you do the same.

makes you equal, IMO

There's no way to explain away Africa's condition without equating in inferiority.

It can't be genocide, it can't be colonization, it can't be Socialism, it can't be corruption, these factors all held more true in mid 20th century - late 20th century China, and most of Eastern Europe than in Africa.

Great Britain and France nearly colonized the whole planet at one point and the US took over as emperor in their decline. So in other words, white people have been manipulating the fortunes of non whites the last 300 years, around the globe. They extracted much of the mineral wealth and resources from many non white nations and transferred the wealth to white nations. Now, if a nation wants to rise......it has to have favorable trade and investment with white nations. However, here is the thing. White nations see black people as inferior.....so they do not do direct foreign investments in Africa....like they do in Asia. China's boom is the result of trade with the US and direct foreign investment in China by US corporations. Mexico, has seen a lot of direct US investment in plants and productions. Where is the US auto Assembly plants in Africa? The west does not invest in Africa because the West thinks blacks are inferior and since the West took control of most of the worlds resources and wealth......unless the West invest in your nation your nation is likely to remain poor.

There's plenty of White countries who were conquered in much the same condition, but which are much better shape, Ireland, Finland, Czech rep, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, the list goes on, and on of these countries put in bad positions but have, or are rebounding in a much better position than African countries, including ones not colonized like Liberia, or Ethiopia which are both poor, and backwards by even African standards.

I think you anti-Racists have no concept of reality.

You are barking up the wrong tree, talking about White supremacy, while White countries are all being destroyed by Multiculturalism, and White Liberals at the brink of collapse.

Your left wing side are disgusting, and should be treated as vermin who are complacent in destroying White people piece, by piece.
Racial equality is an incredibly stupid idea.
Explain the disparities between countries conquered like Ireland, Finland in Europe vs countries not conquered like Liberia, or Ethiopia in Africa.[/QUOTE]

I think someone trying to explain to you ANYTHING....is an incredibly stupid idea. No one is going to have their opinions changed regardless of how much evidence someone brings to the table. I will admit that I have a closed mind in regards to the proposition that black innate inferiority to whites is why blacks perform below whites. Regardless what anyone presents, my mind will not open to it. In a similar, many of you will not open your minds to the idea that blacks are NOT inferior.

I don't post to convince people......but to expose people.[/QUOTE]

You've obviously done very poor research, Black kids from wealthy families score lower SAT scores than Whites from lower end families, the IQ of Black Americans is well below countries like China, Hungary, Poland, Estonia etc. countries which are actually poorer than African Americans.

The truth is your side the egalitarians of race, are the ones who no matter how much evidence comes along, believe in the simple minded ideal of equality.
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.

Oh okay, Whites are racist monsters, but it's a good idea for more, and more non-Whites to live among the White racist monsters. Hahaha, OMG good joke.

The way you pathetic anti-Racists think is truly the pits.

If racial issues are a problem, than separatism is clearly what will solve it best.

But, the Globalist scums who brainwashed you to be anti-Racist, have also brainwashed you to be for Multiculturalism.
more BS ALL NATIONS including china----function on the concept of PROFIT-------and have been doing so for thousands of years. -----lots of people
consider Chinese people----NOT WHITE. At one time---ETHIOPIA was a
vibrant center of trade------most people do not consider Ethiopians to be "white"
The persons of INDIA-----are caucasion----according to the model used by
anthropologists--------in fact the BRAHMANS are said to have migrated from Europe and are "ARYAN" ---whatevah da fluck that means. India was, at times---a very vibrant center of trade. Today we are SUPPOSED to imagine that
HINDU INDIANS are "people of color"------even the Brahmans who are "Aryans"------------......................... Please note----your phrase "THE WEST THINKS" is utterly idiotic-----it makes no sense. Are Egyptians "white" in
your perverted model of the COSMOS

So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.

1. A person does not have to say something to believe it.
2. Anorexics think they are to fat.
3. Hyperbole is a form of fallacy.
4. The use of fallacy is the last breath of a slain dissent and or a dishonest/ignorant mentality.

The thing about history is that it is well recorded the last 400 years...and the internet is a good source. Thus...show me rhetoric from the 60/70 that blames everything since human history on white racism.

start your search by reading W. E. B. DU BOIS HIS social theories combined WHITE RACISM and WHITE CAPITALISM as the driving forces
in world history. then move on to the writers on the subject of black
oppression by such stoned out writers like ELDRIDGE CLEAVER (soul
on ice)

Well capitalism did not exit since the dawn of humankind, like you said 60 rhetoric blamed all world history on racism. That is what you have to demonstrate. Show where ALL of world history was blamed on white racism. Don’t show where a subset of human history was linked to white emperialist.

as has slavery-------try to awaken. For the theories of BLACK ANTHROPOLOGISTS and SOCIOLOGISTS----check out----to BEGIN---Du Bois-----and those that wrote their BS in the 1960s. It is my educated guess that
you have never heard of these people and rarely read a book
So cut to your premise. You are arguing that BLACKS are inferior or not? That is all I want to know. You are not going to convince me that blacks are inferior to whites....if that is your proposition and if you believe that then I am not going to convince you that blacks are not inferior.

are you addressing me? wrong person----I never suggested that blacks are
"inferior" to whites ----nor do I buy into the BS mental masturbators pushed
HEAVILY in the 60s and 70s that the HISTORY OF MANKIND is based on
"""WHITE RACISM""" ------a premise upon which lots of JERK-OFFS based
not only their life's "work" ----religion ------but even their doctoral theses.

1. A person does not have to say something to believe it.
2. Anorexics think they are to fat.
3. Hyperbole is a form of fallacy.
4. The use of fallacy is the last breath of a slain dissent and or a dishonest/ignorant mentality.

The thing about history is that it is well recorded the last 400 years...and the internet is a good source. Thus...show me rhetoric from the 60/70 that blames everything since human history on white racism.

start your search by reading W. E. B. DU BOIS HIS social theories combined WHITE RACISM and WHITE CAPITALISM as the driving forces
in world history. then move on to the writers on the subject of black
oppression by such stoned out writers like ELDRIDGE CLEAVER (soul
on ice)

Well capitalism did not exit since the dawn of humankind, like you said 60 rhetoric blamed all world history on racism. That is what you have to demonstrate. Show where ALL of world history was blamed on white racism. Don’t show where a subset of human history was linked to white emperialist.

as has slavery-------try to awaken. For the theories of BLACK ANTHROPOLOGISTS and SOCIOLOGISTS----check out----to BEGIN---Du Bois-----and those that wrote their BS in the 1960s. It is my educated guess that
you have never heard of these people and rarely read a book

Not exactly, there was Mercantilism before Capitalism in the West, and while having many similarities to Capitalism, it was still different.
Perhaps a proto-Capitalism though.

Why are Jews like Jillian, Derp, Roudy, and yourself painfully dumb on this forum?
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.

I'd like to hear how Colonialism was based on White racism in the first place?
okay, they leave White countries, colonize non-White countries obviously for "Mega profits"
bring Black slaves in their backyards, rape them to have babies with, also for "Greed" and "Power" and then all of a sudden it must be "White Racism" gone wrong.

No, you're wrong, real White racists don't leave their White homelands to go live with other races, or bring Blacks in their backyards, and have kids with Black ladies.

That's the actions of the dirty elites, they wanted profits then, and now they're promoting Globalism for profits, they are cruel, and sadistic.
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.

I'd like to hear how Colonialism was based on White racism in the first place?
okay, they leave White countries, colonize non-White countries obviously for "Mega profits"
bring Black slaves in their backyards, rape them to have babies with, also for "Greed" and "Power" and then all of a sudden it must be "White Racism" gone wrong.

No, you're wrong, real White racists don't leave their White homelands to go live with other races, or bring Blacks in their backyards, and have kids with Black ladies.

That's the actions of the dirty elites, they wanted profits then, and now they're promoting Globalism for profits, they are cruel, and sadistic.

Of course when a person believes that the white race is superior to the black race.....regardless of the actions or whites upon blacks that were not offset by the actions of blacks upon whites, a racist will always dismiss any explanation for inequality as the result of racial inferiority.

You are a white supremacist. That is what you believe and there is nothing I can do to change that....and I am not trying to change your opinion....just expose you as a white supremacist who would never give blacks equal opportunity because you do not believe they merit it. Certainly if you are wrong in your theories of inferiority.....then your beliefs are responsible for incubating racial inequality.
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.

I'd like to hear how Colonialism was based on White racism in the first place?
okay, they leave White countries, colonize non-White countries obviously for "Mega profits"
bring Black slaves in their backyards, rape them to have babies with, also for "Greed" and "Power" and then all of a sudden it must be "White Racism" gone wrong.

No, you're wrong, real White racists don't leave their White homelands to go live with other races, or bring Blacks in their backyards, and have kids with Black ladies.

That's the actions of the dirty elites, they wanted profits then, and now they're promoting Globalism for profits, they are cruel, and sadistic.

Of course when a person believes that the white race is superior to the black race.....regardless of the actions or whites upon blacks that were not offset by the actions of blacks upon whites, a racist will always dismiss any explanation for inequality as the result of racial inferiority.

You are a white supremacist. That is what you believe and there is nothing I can do to change that....and I am not trying to change your opinion....just expose you as a white supremacist who would never give blacks equal opportunity because you do not believe they merit it. Certainly if you are wrong in your theories of inferiority.....then your beliefs are responsible for incubating racial inequality.

If America was based on White Supremacy, and according to you still is, how do you justify bringing in non-Whites?
You want these non-Whites to be abused, or what?

No, the elite is not White Supremacist, they are mostly Globalists now, they've been kicking, and screaming about Racism, Fascism, and Nazis for decades, this is the establishment, the very establishment that is replacing White people with Third-World riff-raffs.
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect...
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
'Discriminated against' Afro-Americans avg $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure, and only because of it.

Not placebo. Simple history.
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