White supremacy as a placebo effect

BLAME BLAME BLAME someone else
stats are racist racist racist
Fucking loser :lol:

Of course I am a loser to you. I am black. Besides, you are not intelligent enough to construct a counter argument/dissent. Instead, just ad hominem obfuscation, deflection and misdirection. Your responses are just childish.
BLAME BLAME BLAME someone else
stats are racist racist racist
Fucking loser :lol:

Of course I am a loser to you. I am black. Besides, you are not intelligent enough to construct a counter argument/dissent. Instead, just ad hominem obfuscation, deflection and misdirection. Your responses are just childish.
Being black doesnt make you a loser. I told you you were insecure :badgrin:
Childish isnt blaming someone else for everything? LOL what a fucking joke. Good try at acting like an "intellectual" though :lol:
Childish isnt blaming someone else for everything? LOL what a fucking joke. Good try at acting like an "intellectual" though :lol:

There you go again with your hyperbole. Where is EVERYTHING being blamed on someone else? Of course you will say...."That is not what I meant". If that is not what you meant, you are a piss poor communicator. If that is what you meant, then you are a liar. Pick your poison.

You want to use emotional terms like BLAME. The reason being is that the term "blame" is devoid of validity or invalidity. Saying "You want to blame others", is not the same as saying that "Others are not to blame". Yeah.....I want to blame others and that is only wrong when others are not to blame. Unfortunately, history and the present shows plenty racism to blame. Its called cause and effect in scientific methodology. Its called "blaming" by sniveling defensive white folks.

Why don't you just take your mental ball and run away like you did last time, claiming the game is retarded.....because clearly your ball is deflated anyway. Playing with a deflated ball....is retarted.
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I am black.

You have proven that African Americans are NOT necessarily less intelligent than Caucasian Americans.

I have NO doubt whatsoever that many Caucasian Americans (of all ages) cannot write English as well as you.


I know that no one -- neither you nor I -- in a forum ever changes anyone else's mind.

A forum is simply a place for people to let off steam.

Have a nice day!
I am black.

You have proven that African Americans are NOT necessarily less intelligent than Caucasian Americans.

I have NO doubt whatsoever that many Caucasian Americans (of all ages) cannot write English as well as you.


I know that no one -- neither you nor I -- in a forum ever changes anyone else's mind.

A forum is simply a place for people to let off steam.

Have a nice day!

Laws changing do not change peoples minds and beliefs either and since the preponderance of this nations history shows clear evidence of the prevalence of racism in peoples mind......what should that tell us about today?

Have a better day.
BLAME BLAME BLAME someone else
stats are racist racist racist
Fucking loser :lol:

Of course I am a loser to you. I am black. Besides, you are not intelligent enough to construct a counter argument/dissent. Instead, just ad hominem obfuscation, deflection and misdirection. Your responses are just childish.
"Ise Been 'Dopted by Yo Boss's Son"

Your smug snobbery against unprivileged Whites comes from the fact that you are being used as a weapon by the guillotine-fodder hereditary ruling class. We must bypass you decoys and take the race-traitor upper class down. The prep schools, which have no right to exist, produce only Commies, Birchers, and RINOs. The only Whites who voted for Obama just because he is Black come from that cradle of class tyranny.

We owe you nothing; you have never been treated worse in America than untamed jungle-rot deserve. On the contrary, the African nations owe us for selling us defective merchandise.
I agree with the OP that it is presumptuous to assume that African Americans as a group are less intelligent than Caucasian Americans.

I disagree with the OP that Caucasian Americans in 2018 think that they are superior.


Since the 1960s, Caucasian Americans have been making amends for the past mistreatment of African Americans.

1. Affirmative action has brought millions of African Americans into the middle class.
2. An African American president was elected twice.
3. Thousands of African Americans hold important municipal and state government positions (elected and appointed).
4. Billions of taxpayer dollars go to support public schools in urban areas.
5. Television programs and motion pictures have African Americans in key roles.


In my opinion, Caucasian Americans are the best friend that African Americans have in contemporary America.i

Maybe you educate yourself and get a new opinion.
I'd hate to be anyone that just grew up with Red Team and Blue Team and White Team and Black Team. I don't even get an ideological substance, like do the blacks you meet vote 99% for Obama with vote error and that's an issue substantively?

Most the times blacks are in truly inferior Conditions, since pure slavery as an immigration status, to 1865, Changing not Improved to 1920's NAACP, the Civil Rights Movement.

I bet the De Facto racist voting clause , grandson of a Veteran , is in more than one state constitution because, only white southerners were in the civil war and they are finding clauses to remove who they wanted from voting.
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Most blacks and other non-whites are Democrats because THEY are racists themselves and seek to use and abuse pathetic white cucks in the Democratic Party to achieve their goals.

Non-whites are even more resistant to the Hippie orthodoxy than white Republicans are, but yet they still vote Democrat to push cultural Marxism and masochism on whites.
BLAME BLAME BLAME someone else
stats are racist racist racist
Fucking loser :lol:

Of course I am a loser to you. I am black. Besides, you are not intelligent enough to construct a counter argument/dissent. Instead, just ad hominem obfuscation, deflection and misdirection. Your responses are just childish.
"Ise Been 'Dopted by Yo Boss's Son"

Your smug snobbery against unprivileged Whites comes from the fact that you are being used as a weapon by the guillotine-fodder hereditary ruling class. We must bypass you decoys and take the race-traitor upper class down. The prep schools, which have no right to exist, produce only Commies, Birchers, and RINOs. The only Whites who voted for Obama just because he is Black come from that cradle of class tyranny.

We owe you nothing; you have never been treated worse in America than untamed jungle-rot deserve. On the contrary, the African nations owe us for selling us defective merchandise.
Some white kids from prep schools are normal, but they usually started out in public schools like I did.

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