White supremacy as a placebo effect

Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived.
You would have a point if this was 70 years ago.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived.
You would have a point if this was 70 years ago.

How so....when WEALTH is inheritable? In other words, past oppression disproportional pooled wealth to whites and from blacks and the advantage was simply passed on through inheritance. Today black wealth is 15 times less than whites and it takes money to make money often.
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White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect in medicine. People have been given placebos for real health issues and told it would make them better and they got better. They got better because they believed. The power of belief is a growing field of managing health and wellness. It’s the power of positive thinking and self-affirmation.

An entity can only believe that they are superior, however, if the entity believes as strongly as or more strongly that another entity is inferior as corollary. The doctrine that props up the belief in white superiority is the same doctrine that props up the belief in black inferiority. The doctrine, which is mostly subliminal and subtle now, still works as a placebo for whites and a nocebo for blacks. In other words, living under white supremacy conditions whites to believe they are superior while it conditions blacks to believe they are inferior and the beliefs actualize into reality collectively.

The fact that so many whites believe that whites are superior to blacks, and since whites dominate numerically and economically, inequality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy born from white beliefs.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Blacks are unequal in this society because whites expect blacks to be inferior and treat blacks in a way, overall, that likely results in blacks performing inferior. Whites, as a collective, do not believe that blacks can perform on par with whites and thus whites feel any effort to invest in blacks to promote equality is a waste of time and money. Hence, no real such effort or investment is made in blacks. If so, it is designed to fail to prove its worthlessness.

White supremacy needs to promote the idea that everything is fair and that whites are winning because they are superior. Supremacy is discredited if it can be shown that the competition was not fair or that society “cheated” or has been tilted in the favor of whites (white privilege). So people who believe whites are superior NEED to discredit the claim that whites have some sort of privilege or that blacks had some sort of burden placed upon them that whites have not had placed upon them which they overcame but blacks could not (because they are inferior).

More to come.

give it up-------that sort of mental masturbation wore out way back in the 1960s
and, we still can't find nice girls for free; two thousand years later.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived.
You would have a point if this was 70 years ago.

How so....when WEALTH is inheritable? In other words, past oppression disproportional pooled wealth to whites and from blacks and the advantage was simply passed on through inheritance. Today black wealth is 15 times less than whites.
lol oh wow
We go from skin being the oppressor to money?
Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived.
You would have a point if this was 70 years ago.

How so....when WEALTH is inheritable? In other words, past oppression disproportional pooled wealth to whites and from blacks and the advantage was simply passed on through inheritance. Today black wealth is 15 times less than whites.
lol oh wow
We go from skin being the oppressor to money?

Skin does not oppress......just like guns don't kill people.....people kill people. Let me ask you, then? What are you proposing? Why are you posting? What are you trying to debunk? What am I not understanding? I am not looking to make you LOL.....I want you to teach and educate me on the TRUTH about black people.

FYI you don't have to type "LOL"....I can see your avatar.
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Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Seems to me whites are the ones with the insecurity. History shows us who is at fault. So explain to me these special rights blacks want. Because I'm black and all I see is that we ask to be treated the exact same as whites and I mean exactly the same.
Read your post. Insecurity.

Nah. You were asked to show me the special rights backs want. You can't therefore you want to try talking stupid.
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but if you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived.
You would have a point if this was 70 years ago.

How so....when WEALTH is inheritable? In other words, past oppression disproportional pooled wealth to whites and from blacks and the advantage was simply passed on through inheritance. Today black wealth is 15 times less than whites.
lol oh wow
We go from skin being the oppressor to money?
Have to keep it simple for the right wing.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Seems to me whites are the ones with the insecurity. History shows us who is at fault. So explain to me these special rights blacks want. Because I'm black and all I see is that we ask to be treated the exact same as whites and I mean exactly the same.
Read your post. Insecurity.

Nah. You were asked to show me the special rights backs want. You can't therefore you want to try talking stupid.
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.
Used to be, the BLM "SOTU" called for no police in black neighborhoods
Blacks wanted it to where a private property owner couldnt choose who he did business with. AKA institutional discrimination.
Cops dont deserve to defend their life from thugs
generational welfare(applies to whites too. Both groups are trash)
Want the special right to walk around in their underwear (hehe)
want white people convicted for saying ****** while they say it 100 times a day
Want the right to have their own television show while would burn down innocent peoples lives it whitey did it
Want to rid race blind college admissions
Wants employers to discriminate because of race but if the work place is disproportionately white, they will sue.
I can go on
Seems to me whites are the ones with the insecurity. History shows us who is at fault. So explain to me these special rights blacks want. Because I'm black and all I see is that we ask to be treated the exact same as whites and I mean exactly the same.
Read your post. Insecurity.

Nah. You were asked to show me the special rights backs want. You can't therefore you want to try talking stupid.
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Read your post. Insecurity.

Nah. You were asked to show me the special rights backs want. You can't therefore you want to try talking stupid.
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.
Nah. You were asked to show me the special rights backs want. You can't therefore you want to try talking stupid.
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question....if you do....then what does that say about you and your beliefs?
you say i was wrong and then blame someone else. You lost already.

I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.
I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.
the mostly nice guys had to walk halfway around the world, to try to escape it.
I've not lost anything. You can't explain the special rights you claim we want. I've blamed no one, but of you would like to discuss the documented long history of racist law and policy by whites, we can do that. But you would not be able to handle it because you don't have the mental strength to do so. You are just another pathetic white idiot the internet has given the freedom to mouth off.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.
Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things on racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
  • Thanks
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Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.
I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Parents experiences, Grand Parents experiences? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them. Those holes are either the result of ignorant moths and or prejudice moths, eating away at your mind.
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I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

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