White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

That’s because white supremacists were slaughtered and beaten to a bloody fucking pulp, made absolutely terrified to resurface until 2016, and then with numbers paling in comparison to before. Murders are so low because your group of violent, radicalized inbreds is down to a handful of basement dwelling virgins.
links?proof? or is this unsubstantiated crap?

I'll take "unsubstantiated crap" for $200, Alex.
What happened to the Nazi’s? Confederacy? Afrikaaners? What’s the KKK doing these days?
we are talking in the US
as stated before--- [ you must not follow your own thread ] -I don't think blacks murdered 3000 every year in Germany/the US Old South/ etc ---:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
face it---you have NO proof!!!
More than you’ve had about anything. Your boy’s going to jail for the rest of his life. Might even be executed for the cause. You should schedule a conjugal visit with him. Ease his burdens until he’s fertilizer.

Where do you get the idea that the murderer is "your boy"?

Personally, I care as little about him as I do that stupid girl who ended up as roadkill.

Not my hill to die on.
The Confederates were primarily Democrats.
Yeah, this just screams "Democrats"...

What he did was horrific...of course it was murder...both sides sought blood on that tragic day...
links?proof? or is this unsubstantiated crap?

I'll take "unsubstantiated crap" for $200, Alex.
What happened to the Nazi’s? Confederacy? Afrikaaners? What’s the KKK doing these days?
we are talking in the US
as stated before--- [ you must not follow your own thread ] -I don't think blacks murdered 3000 every year in Germany/the US Old South/ etc ---:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
face it---you have NO proof!!!
More than you’ve had about anything. Your boy’s going to jail for the rest of his life. Might even be executed for the cause. You should schedule a conjugal visit with him. Ease his burdens until he’s fertilizer.

Where do you get the idea that the murderer is "your boy"?

Personally, I care as little about him as I do that stupid girl who ended up as roadkill.

Not my hill to die on.
I know. I wouldn’t expect a simpleton without principles to have any hills to die on.
Of course the driver was wrong and certainly nobody wants people intentionally running over other people. But the verdict doesn't negate the leftist media's false narrative on the incident: The crowd of protesters were not "innocent people", they were a mob rioting in the streets who were only there for a confrontation, and that's exactly what they got.

The deceased was part of a violent lawless mob, a violent communist lawless mob, no less. She was instrumental in creating the conditions that lead to her own demise.

What can I say, except that shit happens when a violent lawless mob attacks people, like they did at Charlotteville. Sometimes collateral damage is going to happen.

Civil protest in America has a long and storied history.

Using your car as a murder weapon no so much.
The Confederates were primarily Democrats.

Positively schizophrenic. It's amazing your heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

Of course, that would require cognition...


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


And I like to make stupid posts about how those good old boys were racists and slave owners! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
Damn,the pro-Confederacy rheteric is heavy amongst some of these WeakWhyte meatheads.....:113:

The Confederates were primarily Democrats.
They were primarily right wing Christian terrorists.



All Democrats. Each and every one of them.

Maybe you should consider changing your political affiliation to the party of Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil Rights Act.

I'm just sayin'. Ya'll Democrats have quite a lot of blood on your hands. Blood that's not going to simply be washed off by being such a politically-correct good-time rock 'n roller doobie.
That’s because white supremacists were slaughtered and beaten to a bloody fucking pulp, made absolutely terrified to resurface until 2016, and then with numbers paling in comparison to before. Murders are so low because your group of violent, radicalized inbreds is down to a handful of basement dwelling virgins.
links?proof? or is this unsubstantiated crap?

I'll take "unsubstantiated crap" for $200, Alex.
What happened to the Nazi’s? Confederacy? Afrikaaners? What’s the KKK doing these days?
we are talking in the US
as stated before--- [ you must not follow your own thread ] -I don't think blacks murdered 3000 every year in Germany/the US Old South/ etc ---:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
face it---you have NO proof!!!
More than you’ve had about anything. Your boy’s going to jail for the rest of his life. Might even be executed for the cause. You should schedule a conjugal visit with him. Ease his burdens until he’s fertilizer.
just like your other posts--you are talking lies/crap
you see, you people talk crap
most white people do not like radicals/criminals/etc
seems like a LOT of blacks [ and you ] love criminals---criminals that murder/etc
you protests/burn/loot/riot FOR dangerous jackass criminals

I don't see protesting/burning/looting for this jackass --do you?
The Confederates were primarily Democrats.

Positively schizophrenic. It's amazing your heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

Of course, that would require cognition...


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


And I like to make stupid posts about how those good old boys were racists and slave owners! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!

So Chinese clothing manufacturers have a market for their clothes.

Ho hum. Don't care.
links?proof? or is this unsubstantiated crap?

I'll take "unsubstantiated crap" for $200, Alex.
What happened to the Nazi’s? Confederacy? Afrikaaners? What’s the KKK doing these days?
we are talking in the US
as stated before--- [ you must not follow your own thread ] -I don't think blacks murdered 3000 every year in Germany/the US Old South/ etc ---:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
face it---you have NO proof!!!
More than you’ve had about anything. Your boy’s going to jail for the rest of his life. Might even be executed for the cause. You should schedule a conjugal visit with him. Ease his burdens until he’s fertilizer.

Where do you get the idea that the murderer is "your boy"?

Personally, I care as little about him as I do that stupid girl who ended up as roadkill.

Not my hill to die on.
...he has no proof/links/etc to back up anything he says in our argument--so he resorts to MORE crap/lies/stupid shit
links?proof? or is this unsubstantiated crap?

I'll take "unsubstantiated crap" for $200, Alex.
What happened to the Nazi’s? Confederacy? Afrikaaners? What’s the KKK doing these days?
we are talking in the US
as stated before--- [ you must not follow your own thread ] -I don't think blacks murdered 3000 every year in Germany/the US Old South/ etc ---:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
face it---you have NO proof!!!
More than you’ve had about anything. Your boy’s going to jail for the rest of his life. Might even be executed for the cause. You should schedule a conjugal visit with him. Ease his burdens until he’s fertilizer.
just like your other posts--you are talking lies/crap
you see, you people talk crap
most white people do not like radicals/criminals/etc
seems like a LOT of blacks [ and you ] love criminals---criminals that murder/etc
you protests/burn/loot/riot FOR dangerous jackass criminals

I don't see protesting/burning/looting for this jackass --do you?
Because you’re weak and pathetic. You don’t have the numbers, and your people’s resurgence was over almost before it began :itsok:
Damn,the pro-Confederacy rheteric is heavy amongst some of these WeakWhyte meatheads.....:113:

The Confederates were primarily Democrats.
They were primarily right wing Christian terrorists.



All Democrats. Each and every one of them.

Maybe you should consider changing your political affiliation to the party of Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil Rights Act.

I'm just sayin'. Ya'll Democrats have quite a lot of blood on your hands. Blood that's not going to simply be washed off by being such a politically-correct good-time rock 'n roller doobie.
Actually, the Klan also deeply infected the GOP. They hijacked the party to such an extent in the 20s that the party leaders seriously considered starting a whole new party. They almost surrendered.

But, as I was saying, you tards heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance because you truly have no cognition. You are nothing but empty-headed parrots, willfully blind to the blatantly obvious contradictions right in front of your stupid little faces.

Oh, look! Here come some more racist Democratic Confederates!


What he did was horrific...of course it was murder...both sides sought blood on that tragic day...
Man, Stalin slaughtered millions of his own countrymen, but let’s be real guys, both sides were looking for blood
That's a ridiculous comparison...Stalin's countrymen didn't show up without a permit and start swinging clubs at Stalin's guys...
And they ended up getting slaughtered. Meanwhile how many of yours marched at this years’ Unite the Right rally? Nipped that right in the bud.
Fat, white, liberal protester chick killed by car while blocking street.
At most, a case of involuntary manslaughter.

Republicans must be incredibly sad.:dance::TH_WAY~113::yes_text12::mm::hyper::happy-1::dance::banana::5_1_12024:
...as stated before YOU/blacks/dumbasses are the ones that are sad when dangerous jackasses criminals are shot/etc
..you protest FOR criminals !!!!!????
not whites/not Republicans
YOU dumbasses protest for criminals
.....as stated numerous times on USMB , I'm glad when dangerous jackass criminals are in jail--white/black/purple/green/etc

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