White Privilege in American Society

Why is it that no one ever mentions Black Privilege?

Lot of blacks get away with crimes every day because they ended up with a black jury who wouldn't convict. How many times in society are rules overlooked or passes given because someone happens to be black? If I'm an attractive black female, I can compete in both the Miss America pageant and the Miss Black America pageant.

When it comes time to get a scholarship, blacks have a much easier time because there are countless scholarships available to them which aren't available to whites. The same could be said for home loans and job opportunities.
Start a black privilege thread and we can talk on it[emoji1] I'm speaking solely on white privilege.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.
Not to sound to harsh, but you are an indoctrinated pinhead. By all means tell me how society is built to only serve whites. And please refrain from what you have previously posted, your feelings are irrelevant.

This is the same nonsense that has been put forth by leftist ideology since Marx. Group A is doing better than group B therefore group A must be suppressing group B. I'll ask the same question I ask when I hear people speak of "institutional racism". What institution and how are they racist? Cue the crickets.

Read the US constitution some day, how is it racist? Those that wrote it certainly were. Since then we have gotten past "all men are created equal" meaning only white landowning males. How do those words now negatively impact any one?

Take it a step further, how in 2017 do you feel that "society" is structured for whites only? Historically, certainly non whites were discriminated against, in 2017 you're going to have to be a bit more specific,

I have no doubt you are thinking of young black men being killed by police. You need to understand that statistically that is nonsense. The fed govt tracks confrontations between civilians and police, every year there are slightly more confrontations between blacks and police than whites. And yet twice as many whites are killed by police every year. If you get into a confrontation with police you are statistically twice as likely to die if you are white.

Let me ask you a question, by race what is the highest earning demographic in the US? Whites right? Wrong Asian. Must be that Asian privilege.

You have fallen prey to leftwing ideology that cares nothing for reality.

If you really are interested in "white privilege" watch this. It's quite long but just obliterates the nonsense you are espousing.

1) I said society was made to favor whites not "to only serve whites" keyword being favor.

2) Institutional Racism can coincide with the theory of white privilege. It is not always noticeable nor refers to a specific institution. Also does not have laws making it so. It is how we as Americans are programmed.

3) "All men are created equal" Those words don't. But you proved one of my earlier statements..being that it was built upon and for the success of the white man.

4) As i stated earlier. . I never said only I said favor. In 2017 society favors every race..in different ways.. I'm however only talking about how it favors the white community. So no blacks this, Asians that, Mexicans or any other irrelevant ethnicity.

5) No. That is media at its finest and not at all related to my opinions. That however is a different discussion..

6) No. That is Asians working their asses off to accomplish individual goals. Their ability to prosper in America is from their strict culture and adaptation. This has nothing to do with privilege and is more so banter.

7) More banter.

8) Might watch this later..
What is white religion?[/QUOTE]

...What is the religious faith that America was founded upon?[/QUOTE]

Christianity is the "white religion"? Really? Last I checked, the founder of that faith was a Jewish man. And before Christianity, white people had all kinds of bonkers beliefs. We choose to become Christians. We didn't create Christianity.

And by the way, the oldest groups of Christians are still in the Middle East. By any measure, Christianity is not white in origin.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.
Not to sound to harsh, but you are an indoctrinated pinhead. By all means tell me how society is built to only serve whites. And please refrain from what you have previously posted, your feelings are irrelevant.

This is the same nonsense that has been put forth by leftist ideology since Marx. Group A is doing better than group B therefore group A must be suppressing group B. I'll ask the same question I ask when I hear people speak of "institutional racism". What institution and how are they racist? Cue the crickets.

Read the US constitution some day, how is it racist? Those that wrote it certainly were. Since then we have gotten past "all men are created equal" meaning only white landowning males. How do those words now negatively impact any one?

Take it a step further, how in 2017 do you feel that "society" is structured for whites only? Historically, certainly non whites were discriminated against, in 2017 you're going to have to be a bit more specific,

I have no doubt you are thinking of young black men being killed by police. You need to understand that statistically that is nonsense. The fed govt tracks confrontations between civilians and police, every year there are slightly more confrontations between blacks and police than whites. And yet twice as many whites are killed by police every year. If you get into a confrontation with police you are statistically twice as likely to die if you are white.

Let me ask you a question, by race what is the highest earning demographic in the US? Whites right? Wrong Asian. Must be that Asian privilege.

You have fallen prey to leftwing ideology that cares nothing for reality.

If you really are interested in "white privilege" watch this. It's quite long but just obliterates the nonsense you are espousing.

1) I said society was made to favor whites not "to only serve whites" keyword being favor.

2) Institutional Racism can coincide with the theory of white privilege. It is not always noticeable nor refers to a specific institution. Also does not have laws making it so. It is how we as Americans are programmed.

3) "All men are created equal" Those words don't. But you proved one of my earlier statements..being that it was built upon and for the success of the white man.

4) As i stated earlier. . I never said only I said favor. In 2017 society favors every race..in different ways.. I'm however only talking about how it favors the white community. So no blacks this, Asians that, Mexicans or any other irrelevant ethnicity.

5) No. That is media at its finest and not at all related to my opinions. That however is a different discussion..

6) No. That is Asians working their asses off to accomplish individual goals. Their ability to prosper in America is from their strict culture and adaptation. This has nothing to do with privilege and is more so banter.

7) More banter.

8) Might watch this later..

1. Name the currently in effect, and currently enforced law, that if I break it, nothing happens (or very little), and if a black man breaks it, they go to prison (or whatever).

2. Name the institutional racism.

3. Funny because it was on the very basis of those words that people opposed slavery.

4. Great. Name the system that favors whites over Asians, and provide proof.

5. Whatever.

6. Really, so you claim we have white privilege, and when confronted with a minority group that is magically able to surpass whites, which should be possible given all of our special privileges, and institutional racism....... well that's just because they have a work ethic?

Is it possible that all differences between races could be attributed to cultural differences? Rather than some mythical, undefinable, magic advantage that no one can quantify or prove from real world experience?
Why is it that no one ever mentions Black Privilege?

Lot of blacks get away with crimes every day because they ended up with a black jury who wouldn't convict. How many times in society are rules overlooked or passes given because someone happens to be black? If I'm an attractive black female, I can compete in both the Miss America pageant and the Miss Black America pageant.

When it comes time to get a scholarship, blacks have a much easier time because there are countless scholarships available to them which aren't available to whites. The same could be said for home loans and job opportunities.
Start a black privilege thread and we can talk on it[emoji1] I'm speaking solely on white privilege.

I may start a thread but I am asking this question in your thread. Why is it difficult for you to answer? You see, when you get right down to it, everyone enjoys some privilege. Life can't be made fair for everyone. What "white privilege" and "black lives matter" boils down to are people who are upset that life can't be made fair for everyone.
Why is it that no one ever mentions Black Privilege?

Lot of blacks get away with crimes every day because they ended up with a black jury who wouldn't convict. How many times in society are rules overlooked or passes given because someone happens to be black? If I'm an attractive black female, I can compete in both the Miss America pageant and the Miss Black America pageant.

When it comes time to get a scholarship, blacks have a much easier time because there are countless scholarships available to them which aren't available to whites. The same could be said for home loans and job opportunities.
Start a black privilege thread and we can talk on it[emoji1] I'm speaking solely on white privilege.

I may start a thread but I am asking this question in your thread. Why is it difficult for you to answer? You see, when you get right down to it, everyone enjoys some privilege. Life can't be made fair for everyone. What "white privilege" and "black lives matter" boils down to are people who are upset that life can't be made fair for everyone.
I've said many times that everyone experiences some form of privilege. And you are right. Why is that a problem? We are supposed to be presented with fair opportunity. That's what America is supposed to be. Wether or not one would use their opportunities to benefit from is a different story.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.
Not to sound to harsh, but you are an indoctrinated pinhead. By all means tell me how society is built to only serve whites. And please refrain from what you have previously posted, your feelings are irrelevant.

This is the same nonsense that has been put forth by leftist ideology since Marx. Group A is doing better than group B therefore group A must be suppressing group B. I'll ask the same question I ask when I hear people speak of "institutional racism". What institution and how are they racist? Cue the crickets.

Read the US constitution some day, how is it racist? Those that wrote it certainly were. Since then we have gotten past "all men are created equal" meaning only white landowning males. How do those words now negatively impact any one?

Take it a step further, how in 2017 do you feel that "society" is structured for whites only? Historically, certainly non whites were discriminated against, in 2017 you're going to have to be a bit more specific,

I have no doubt you are thinking of young black men being killed by police. You need to understand that statistically that is nonsense. The fed govt tracks confrontations between civilians and police, every year there are slightly more confrontations between blacks and police than whites. And yet twice as many whites are killed by police every year. If you get into a confrontation with police you are statistically twice as likely to die if you are white.

Let me ask you a question, by race what is the highest earning demographic in the US? Whites right? Wrong Asian. Must be that Asian privilege.

You have fallen prey to leftwing ideology that cares nothing for reality.

If you really are interested in "white privilege" watch this. It's quite long but just obliterates the nonsense you are espousing.

1) I said society was made to favor whites not "to only serve whites" keyword being favor.

2) Institutional Racism can coincide with the theory of white privilege. It is not always noticeable nor refers to a specific institution. Also does not have laws making it so. It is how we as Americans are programmed.

3) "All men are created equal" Those words don't. But you proved one of my earlier statements..being that it was built upon and for the success of the white man.

4) As i stated earlier. . I never said only I said favor. In 2017 society favors every race..in different ways.. I'm however only talking about how it favors the white community. So no blacks this, Asians that, Mexicans or any other irrelevant ethnicity.

5) No. That is media at its finest and not at all related to my opinions. That however is a different discussion..

6) No. That is Asians working their asses off to accomplish individual goals. Their ability to prosper in America is from their strict culture and adaptation. This has nothing to do with privilege and is more so banter.

7) More banter.

8) Might watch this later..

1. Name the currently in effect, and currently enforced law, that if I break it, nothing happens (or very little), and if a black man breaks it, they go to prison (or whatever).

2. Name the institutional racism.

3. Funny because it was on the very basis of those words that people opposed slavery.

4. Great. Name the system that favors whites over Asians, and provide proof.

5. Whatever.

6. Really, so you claim we have white privilege, and when confronted with a minority group that is magically able to surpass whites, which should be possible given all of our special privileges, and institutional racism....... well that's just because they have a work ethic?

Is it possible that all differences between races could be attributed to cultural differences? Rather than some mythical, undefinable, magic advantage that no one can quantify or prove from real world experience?


Define institutional racism. And present this question in a different form.

Yea.. irony at its best. Still proves my statement.

"No blacks this Asians that..." you can't compare it to other races.


White privilege does not = superiority. If someone puts in tima and effort to accomplish something they can do it no matter what kind of hardships they may or may not face.

I can agree with that for the most part. But it wouldn't be all it would be part of the problem.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

You demonstrate quite clearly that your Prog Brainwashing worked as planned.

And unwittingly enough, you are actually advocating to reverse all Affirmative Action laws. That would be a good move, not that you'd understand why.
Elaborate for me.

Reread your OP, especially the last bit.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

You demonstrate quite clearly that your Prog Brainwashing worked as planned.

And unwittingly enough, you are actually advocating to reverse all Affirmative Action laws. That would be a good move, not that you'd understand why.
Elaborate for me.

Reread your OP, especially the last bit.
Use your words not mine..
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

You demonstrate quite clearly that your Prog Brainwashing worked as planned.

And unwittingly enough, you are actually advocating to reverse all Affirmative Action laws. That would be a good move, not that you'd understand why.
Elaborate for me.

Reread your OP, especially the last bit.
Use your words not mine..

Here's a little story about that: No.

If you cannot read and comprehend what you've posted, then that is your problem and not my responsibility.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

You demonstrate quite clearly that your Prog Brainwashing worked as planned.

And unwittingly enough, you are actually advocating to reverse all Affirmative Action laws. That would be a good move, not that you'd understand why.
Elaborate for me.

Reread your OP, especially the last bit.
Use your words not mine..

Here's a little story about that: No.

If you cannot read and comprehend what you've posted, then that is your problem and not my responsibility.

Are you capable of elaborating in your own words?... I understand what I wrote. I dont however understand what you are paticuraly saying...
You demonstrate quite clearly that your Prog Brainwashing worked as planned.

And unwittingly enough, you are actually advocating to reverse all Affirmative Action laws. That would be a good move, not that you'd understand why.
Elaborate for me.

Reread your OP, especially the last bit.
Use your words not mine..

Here's a little story about that: No.

If you cannot read and comprehend what you've posted, then that is your problem and not my responsibility.

Are you capable of elaborating in your own words?... I understand what I wrote. I dont however understand what you are paticuraly saying...

Your OP is a bunch of snowflake babble contradictory nonsense.

Here's an exercise for you: reread the 2nd the the last paragraph and think about how it relates to your concept of White People Privilege.
Why is it that no one ever mentions Black Privilege?

Lot of blacks get away with crimes every day because they ended up with a black jury who wouldn't convict. How many times in society are rules overlooked or passes given because someone happens to be black? If I'm an attractive black female, I can compete in both the Miss America pageant and the Miss Black America pageant.

When it comes time to get a scholarship, blacks have a much easier time because there are countless scholarships available to them which aren't available to whites. The same could be said for home loans and job opportunities.
Start a black privilege thread and we can talk on it[emoji1] I'm speaking solely on white privilege.

I may start a thread but I am asking this question in your thread. Why is it difficult for you to answer? You see, when you get right down to it, everyone enjoys some privilege. Life can't be made fair for everyone. What "white privilege" and "black lives matter" boils down to are people who are upset that life can't be made fair for everyone.
I've said many times that everyone experiences some form of privilege. And you are right. Why is that a problem? We are supposed to be presented with fair opportunity. That's what America is supposed to be. Wether or not one would use their opportunities to benefit from is a different story.

Well we DO present fair opportunity, or as fair as it can be. We even have a dedicated unit of the Justice Department to ensure opportunities are fair to particular minorities. So I don't understand the point of all this... are we supposed to be perpetually miffed at white people for being white? How does that lead us to a colorbilnd society?
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.
Not to sound to harsh, but you are an indoctrinated pinhead. By all means tell me how society is built to only serve whites. And please refrain from what you have previously posted, your feelings are irrelevant.

This is the same nonsense that has been put forth by leftist ideology since Marx. Group A is doing better than group B therefore group A must be suppressing group B. I'll ask the same question I ask when I hear people speak of "institutional racism". What institution and how are they racist? Cue the crickets.

Read the US constitution some day, how is it racist? Those that wrote it certainly were. Since then we have gotten past "all men are created equal" meaning only white landowning males. How do those words now negatively impact any one?

Take it a step further, how in 2017 do you feel that "society" is structured for whites only? Historically, certainly non whites were discriminated against, in 2017 you're going to have to be a bit more specific,

I have no doubt you are thinking of young black men being killed by police. You need to understand that statistically that is nonsense. The fed govt tracks confrontations between civilians and police, every year there are slightly more confrontations between blacks and police than whites. And yet twice as many whites are killed by police every year. If you get into a confrontation with police you are statistically twice as likely to die if you are white.

Let me ask you a question, by race what is the highest earning demographic in the US? Whites right? Wrong Asian. Must be that Asian privilege.

You have fallen prey to leftwing ideology that cares nothing for reality.

If you really are interested in "white privilege" watch this. It's quite long but just obliterates the nonsense you are espousing.

1) I said society was made to favor whites not "to only serve whites" keyword being favor.

2) Institutional Racism can coincide with the theory of white privilege. It is not always noticeable nor refers to a specific institution. Also does not have laws making it so. It is how we as Americans are programmed.

3) "All men are created equal" Those words don't. But you proved one of my earlier statements..being that it was built upon and for the success of the white man.

4) As i stated earlier. . I never said only I said favor. In 2017 society favors every race..in different ways.. I'm however only talking about how it favors the white community. So no blacks this, Asians that, Mexicans or any other irrelevant ethnicity.

5) No. That is media at its finest and not at all related to my opinions. That however is a different discussion..

6) No. That is Asians working their asses off to accomplish individual goals. Their ability to prosper in America is from their strict culture and adaptation. This has nothing to do with privilege and is more so banter.

7) More banter.

8) Might watch this later..

1. Name the currently in effect, and currently enforced law, that if I break it, nothing happens (or very little), and if a black man breaks it, they go to prison (or whatever).

2. Name the institutional racism.

3. Funny because it was on the very basis of those words that people opposed slavery.

4. Great. Name the system that favors whites over Asians, and provide proof.

5. Whatever.

6. Really, so you claim we have white privilege, and when confronted with a minority group that is magically able to surpass whites, which should be possible given all of our special privileges, and institutional racism....... well that's just because they have a work ethic?

Is it possible that all differences between races could be attributed to cultural differences? Rather than some mythical, undefinable, magic advantage that no one can quantify or prove from real world experience?


Define institutional racism. And present this question in a different form.

Yea.. irony at its best. Still proves my statement.

"No blacks this Asians that..." you can't compare it to other races.


White privilege does not = superiority. If someone puts in tima and effort to accomplish something they can do it no matter what kind of hardships they may or may not face.

I can agree with that for the most part. But it wouldn't be all it would be part of the problem.

When you say white privileged... you are indicating a race, or something to that effect. If it is race based, then we should be able to compare it to other races.

If you can't compare it to other races, then it isn't race based, and thus it isn't 'white' anything.

Institutional racism, is a mythology designed to take what is normal in society, and declare it a nefarious plot by society to harm people.

My grand mother lived* in southern Ohio, out in the hills. A place filled with white poor people, paying low white taxes, to have a poor white school system.

Now a bunch of leftist would look at that, and never conclude that the reason the schools were poor, was because of institutional racism.

But do a color shift, and make all those poor black people, paying poor black taxes, to pay for a poor black school, and all of a sudden, it's magically institutional racism.

Another example, I met a guy whose father blew all his money on gambling, and whose mother was an alcoholic. They were of course poor. Very poor. They lived in a crappy neighborhood, with crappy old junker cars, in a crappy apartment.

Now a bunch of liberals would look at that, and never conclude institutional racism. But do the color shift, and magically this is another clear example of institutional racism.

There is no "institutional racism". At least not here. Institutional racism, if real, can be quantified. Jews living under Islamic rule, had to pay a tax, that no Muslim had to pay. That.... is institutional racism.
Cartoon logic. The current politically correct paradigm is ALL white people are guilty of racism or have benefited from it now...isn't that, either racial profiling or ethnic stereotyping? BUT that is OK, white people are always the bad guys. Shame on us for choosing to be born white. it's all our fault, the entirety of all the evil of the past can be laid at our feet because we were born at random, WHITE. And THAT empowers non whites failures. Racism...yeah, right.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

I think changing the way you view things is fine, and having the discussion is fine but I also believe its easy to fall into a trap of making it to simplistic. All whites and all blacks don't exactly fit perfectly into this mold as pertains to the discussion. Where people decide to go with this belief in white privilege is the problem. I have seen some people here say that until white people are bred out of existence there will always be racism and that somehow racism will magically disappear when they are gone. I have no doubt there are people with this mindset in academia and government. The US has had its failures, but that does not mean we need abandon the goals of what the countries framers set in place, which is the idea that we all have these certain rights as individuals. One we begin to divide ourselves so much into groups, then there becomes more hatred and vulcanization between groups. Has this existed before? sure, and those are the failures in our history, but some here would like to continue down that path, as if two wrongs can make something right.
I believe society here does give people who are white more benefit of the doubt in a LOT of cases, I'm not denying that, but I feel a lot of care needs to be taken by people in power when they try to implement corrections on society.
Because government has the tendency to be more punitive than anything else.I've seen some people go so far as to say there should be a tax on white people. (aka a form of reparations) But things like that, the way the feds like to view the population, requires society to be static and not fluid as it is in reality.
... You few rich white elitist with that necrotic guilt complex, .....

See, this is where you lose track of the thread topic and drift into trollville. The only adjective above that in any way applies to me is "white," so you can finally stop making yourself look foolish with absurdly inaccurate guesses. Your continued repetition of this false representation is not only trolling but spamming as well. Once again, get back to the thread topic. Got it?

Now that unpleasantness is out of the way (for the moment)...

All this "privilege" jive is just another way of using semantics to try and perpetuate the "race war" mentality that increasingly desperate assrash lefties need, and one-tooth sucking racist cowards enjoy being outraged over. Everyone involved in it is dancing to a pre-selected tune.
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... You few rich white elitist with that necrotic guilt complex, .....

See, this is where you lose track of the thread topic and drift into trollville. The only adjective above that in any way applies to me is "white," just so you can finally stop making yourself look foolish with absurdly inaccurate guesses. Your continued repetition of this false representation is not only trolling but spamming as well. Once again, get back to the thread topic. Got it?
Really? What Is white privilege? I am poor, and not seeing that privileged shit, I am struggling...It seems more like small bunch of rich white whinny kids with a guilt complex over generalizing and their self hatred fantasies.
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