White People only stickers in Texas.

Why exactly would white want to live around people that hate us and do bad things to us??

But stop complaining about discrimnation and police abuse to blacks right Matthew?

hahahaha...If whites when thru the shit blacks have had too...and judging from their reactions from minor things like Black History month or Affirmative Action I believe they would've committed mass suicide
You'd like think so. You need some kind of explanation to make your little world work.

And you're both back at the same time as well,what a coincedence. You're either dating or a pair of socks.

If you think that's true then you should report it.

I dont report people,thats for pussies. And funny you should suggest it,thats what asslips does.

No I insist, if you believe I'm someone else you should feel obliged to report the offense. Unless you just don't believe in the rules.

So both you and asslips use the offline shit. Hmmmm...
Not only that the grammar/spelling and syntax are identical. LOL
Not to mention the moronic claims.
I'm just reading to the end of this thread then the fucking fool will go on PI.
Just give a state or two to Blacks. Black governor, black police force, black congress person for those states, black fire department, black hospitals, black doctors and nurses, black schools, black teachers, black sports, black businesses, black everything. No whites allowed in either state. And if one is half black, they have to prove they are half or 1/4th or an 1/8 or 5/16 and then need to register for approval to live there by the blacks in charge. Blacks that think the whole thing is stupid need not apply.

They have places like that.....in Africa.
I'm not just talking about this thread, exploring the question of your level of racism is going to be a long process. It will undoubtedly require a sampling of many threads, during which we will review your comments and determine how your racism manifest itself, one remark at a time.

You strung two sentences together, I'm proud of you! You still haven't grasp what the thread is about. Though a zone 2 thread rather than the flame zone, you can't quite get the idea of posting on the topic.

It's cool, you're dumb as a dog turd, so what more can be expected?

Oh, have they found who put the "white only" stickers on the businesses? ACORN? Eric Holder? Al Sharpton? Someone offer you a fresh can of Easy-Off if you did it?

Always a pleasure reading your words of wisdom. I look forward to helping you explore the reasons for your racist hatred and bigotry.
The racists are falling over themselves to out do each other. Running ****** targets were for sale at a gun show in S. Dakota.

Racist Runnin N gger Targets Sold At South Dakota Gun Show

At least they're shooting paper.
Thats all they can shoot. They dont want to deal with the consequences of doing the real thing.
Uh..Asslipias is getting mad...
Hey, did your voice go up three octaves?....
You gonna get that "mad black guy look to scare the shit out of whitey" thing going?....
What's next, the internet tough guy threat?....Spare us...
Paper weight....Dude you couldn't win a fight against a garden gnome
You clowns make me laugh. It would be totally different if you like really would say it in person. :laugh:
You sound like the guy on the bus that got his black ass kicked by an old white man. :lol:

You sound like the lady on the bus who talks to herself.
The racists are falling over themselves to out do each other. Running ****** targets were for sale at a gun show in S. Dakota.

Racist Runnin N gger Targets Sold At South Dakota Gun Show

At least they're shooting paper.
Thats all they can shoot. They dont want to deal with the consequences of doing the real thing.
Uh..Asslipias is getting mad...
Hey, did your voice go up three octaves?....
You gonna get that "mad black guy look to scare the shit out of whitey" thing going?....
What's next, the internet tough guy threat?....Spare us...
Paper weight....Dude you couldn't win a fight against a garden gnome
You clowns make me laugh. It would be totally different if you like really would say it in person. :laugh:
Dude...No problem....Do you really think you are the first person to have caved into silly anger on a message board..You keyboard commandos are a hoot.
Just take what's coming to you and shut up.
Those stickers look professionally designed and produced.

The tee potty slime is indeed very racist. There's probably a lot of cross over membership between kkk/white supremacy slime because slime gravitates to slime.

Notice they were placed during the night, in the dark - exactly when bed bugs, cockroaches and racists come out of hiding.

My guess it is liberal democrats, they usually try to look professional in trying to besmirch Republicans.

You guys are all so fucking stupid you don't need any help with that.

Hey Liminal, looks like I was right on the money.

Good call from me.

Man are you looking fucking stupid.


You are a real ignorant idiot. I lived in a city where liberals were racist against people of color, it was disgusting, so before you ASSume anything, you might want to get the facts. That is unless you don't care about fact and are a partisan bull shitter.

Called JimH52 on this early on. It looks like little Jim looking like a dumb ass because he ASSumed.

Partisan bull shitter exposed again.

Is this the same Texas that murdered a sitting president, Texas? The same Texas that gave us George W. Bush Jr. Texas? The same Texas that threatened to annex itself from the Union Texas? The same Texas that drug a black man alive behind a truck Texas? The same Texas that has the dumbest Governor in U.S History, Texas and the same Texas that eff'd up the Eboli cases, Texas? Cause if it is......NEXT?, like what else is new!!!!


Is this the same Texas that murdered a sitting president, Texas? The same Texas that gave us George W. Bush Jr. Texas? The same Texas that threatened to annex itself from the Union Texas? The same Texas that drug a black man alive behind a truck Texas? The same Texas that has the dumbest Governor in U.S History, Texas and the same Texas that eff'd up the Eboli cases, Texas? Cause if it is......NEXT?, like what else is new!!!!

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Cheese with that whine?

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