‘White Only’ Pool Sign Discriminatory, Not Decorative Commission Rules

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The Ohio Civil Rights Commission dismissed a landlord’s claim today that a “white only” pool sign was simply an historical antique sign and ruled that it was discriminatory.

“At this point, it means that we believe that it’s probable that discrimination has occurred,” commission spokeswoman Brandi Martin told ABCNews.com. The five-member commission decided unanimously on the matter, upholding an earlier ruling.

In December, Cincinnati landlord Jamie Hein was accused of discriminating against an African-American girl with a “white only” sign at her swimming pool. Hein told ABCNews.com that the sign was an antique and a decoration.

“I’m not a bad person,” said Jamie Hein. “I don’t have any problem with race at all. It’s a historical sign.”

The sign in question reads, “Public Swimming Pool, White Only.” It is dated 1931 and from Alabama.

Now, the Commission will attempt to facilitate resolution between Hein and Michael Gunn, 40, the man who took issue with Hein’s sign and filed a discrimination charge with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. He was a tenant in one of Hein’s properties.

When Hein, 31, spoke exclusively to ABCNews.com in December, she was unapologetic about the racist origins of the sign that she displayed at the entrance to her pool. She said she collects antiques and was given the sign as a gift. She also said that even though the sign seems to indicate that the pool is public, the pool is on her private property and “everybody has to ask before getting in my pool.”

Gunn said that his family previously “had unrestricted access to the pool area,” which Hein disputed. She said everyone, including her own father, has to ask permission before swimming in her pool.

“We invited my daughter, who is African-American, to visit and swim in the pool for the Memorial Day weekend,” Gunn wrote in his complaint. “The owner, Jamie Hein, accused my daughter of making the pool ‘cloudy’ because she used chemicals in her hair. Days later, she posted a sign on the gate to the pool which reads, ‘Public Swimming Pool, White Only.’”

Hein said that the sign had nothing to do with Gunn’s daughter and that it was already up at the time of that party, but cannot be seen when the gate is open.

In his complaint, he wrote that he moved out of Hein’s property in June “in order to not expose my daughter to the sign and the humiliation of the message.”

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission found on Sept. 29 that Hein did violate the Ohio Civil Rights Act by posting the sign, but Hein has asked that the decision be reconsidered. The sign has since been stolen.

“I’ve never said anything to that child,” Hein said. “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”

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Story isn't clear, is this at someone's house? If so she has the right to put it up.

But when she says, "I'm not a bad person," she isn't fooling anyone.
Story isn't clear, is this at someone's house? If so she has the right to put it up.

But when she says, "I'm not a bad person," she isn't fooling anyone.

I don't disagree. I certainly would struggle to defend her actions. However, IF it's a private pool, then I kind of see the point that she has the right to display the sign... despite the fact that it is exceptionally offensive, and really fucking stupid to display it.

Having said that, I do like my racists out in the open. I like to know who they are so I can discriminate against them.
Story isn't clear, is this at someone's house? If so she has the right to put it up.

But when she says, "I'm not a bad person," she isn't fooling anyone.

I agree, it isn't clear. In fact, it's conspicuously hazy. The article seems to indicate that Heins is a landlord and that she owns the building rented by the aggrieved's family. If this is the case, and it says in their tenancy agreement that they have unrestricted access to the pool, then she's quite clearly in the wrong. And who would rent an apartment in property that has a swimming pool where you don't have unrestricted access, within reason?
This is obviously a pool for the use of the apartment community. Even if, stretching it, the sign was an antique and posted for the purpose of displaying an antique, the landlord's subsequent action in denying the girl access to the pool was discriminatory.
On the surface, it appears to be discrimination. An apartment complex does not have the right to discriminate in the use of it's facilities. Unless the rental contract specifically states the swimming pool is not part of the facilities.

In any case the woman is being a douche bag and knows exactly what that sign implies
The interesting thing is, Ron Paul says the complex should be allowed to do this but he said America now days would not do it.

Good call Ron Paul. Americans will not do the right thing in this type situation and it takes BIG GOVERNMENT to step in and stop all this bullshit. It is not 1955.

If this person had a problem with chemicals used in hair products, then put up a sign that says so. To put up a sign that says whites only in 2012 will be dealt with because we do not have a libertarian in the white house.

I would love to hear Ron Paul's take on this story, but honestly I know what he would say.
This is obviously a pool for the use of the apartment community. Even if, stretching it, the sign was an antique and posted for the purpose of displaying an antique, the landlord's subsequent action in denying the girl access to the pool was discriminatory.

It is not obvious unless you did not read the OP. It is not even obvious that apartments are involved at all, the story left me with the impression that she rents houses.
apartment complex pool......excuse was the hair product was bad for the pool
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist? :cool:
apartment complex pool......excuse was the hair product was bad for the pool
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist? :cool:

I hate to raise your ick factor.

A couple of years ago there was a near riot in a public pool in Los Angeles because the pool had to be closed for clearning. Those using it had not washed in who knows how long and the water became to filthy to use.

In another case, someone drowned in a pool that had become so filthy due to people not bathing first, that the body was not noticed for two days.

In both incidents the pools were located in primarily black areas. It's not the afro-sheen.
In another case, someone drowned in a pool that had become so filthy due to people not bathing first, that the body was not noticed for two days.

It was never suggested in any official account of that case that the body wasn't noticed because the water was too dirty to see a dead body in it.
apartment complex pool......excuse was the hair product was bad for the pool
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist? :cool:

I hate to raise your ick factor.

A couple of years ago there was a near riot in a public pool in Los Angeles because the pool had to be closed for clearning. Those using it had not washed in who knows how long and the water became to filthy to use.

In another case, someone drowned in a pool that had become so filthy due to people not bathing first, that the body was not noticed for two days.

In both incidents the pools were located in primarily black areas. It's not the afro-sheen.
Racist pig.
The sign in question reads, “Public Swimming Pool, White Only.” It is dated 1931 and from Alabama.

How quaint – a relic from the cultural zenith during the age of ‘states’ rights.’

“If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”

‘White rights.’ Classic.
apartment complex pool......excuse was the hair product was bad for the pool
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist? :cool:

I hate to raise your ick factor.

A couple of years ago there was a near riot in a public pool in Los Angeles because the pool had to be closed for clearning. Those using it had not washed in who knows how long and the water became to filthy to use.

In another case, someone drowned in a pool that had become so filthy due to people not bathing first, that the body was not noticed for two days.

In both incidents the pools were located in primarily black areas. It's not the afro-sheen.

Anyone who has ever owned a pool knows there are many more reasons why a pool gets out of control.......not cleaning often enough, not running the filter enough, improper chemicals, too many people using the pool on a hot day
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist?

I hate to raise your ick factor.

A couple of years ago there was a near riot in a public pool in Los Angeles because the pool had to be closed for clearning. Those using it had not washed in who knows how long and the water became to filthy to use.

In another case, someone drowned in a pool that had become so filthy due to people not bathing first, that the body was not noticed for two days.

In both incidents the pools were located in primarily black areas. It's not the afro-sheen.

Anyone who has ever owned a pool knows there are many more reasons why a pool gets out of control.......not cleaning often enough, not running the filter enough, improper chemicals, too many people using the pool on a hot day

Don't forget the afro 'slick'.

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