White Liberal Privilege: Bruce Springsteen DWI charges dismissed


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Must be nice to be a rich white liberal.

He was driving recklessly, and:

"SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes," the officer said in the statement, adding he "was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes."
Springsteen, according to the officer, took 45 steps during the "walk and turn" test "instead of the instructed 18."

Must be nice to be a rich white liberal.

He was driving recklessly, and:

"SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes," the officer said in the statement, adding he "was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes."
Springsteen, according to the officer, took 45 steps during the "walk and turn" test "instead of the instructed 18."

He got off because he is a flaming liberal and a good friend of Obama
"SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes," the officer said in the statement, adding he "was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes."
Springsteen, according to the officer, took 45 steps during the "walk and turn" test "instead of the instructed 18."
Must be nice to be a rich white liberal.

He was driving recklessly, and:

"SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes," the officer said in the statement, adding he "was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes."
Springsteen, according to the officer, took 45 steps during the "walk and turn" test "instead of the instructed 18."

Did he win a Nobel Peace prize along with it or do you have to blow up a country like Libya to win that?
Must be nice to be a rich white liberal.

He was driving recklessly, and:

"SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes," the officer said in the statement, adding he "was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes."
Springsteen, according to the officer, took 45 steps during the "walk and turn" test "instead of the instructed 18."


The thread premise is a lie.

The case has nothing to do with Springsteen’s political beliefs.

In addition to the breathalyzer test being below the legal limit, the field sobriety test is not appropriate for persons over 60:

“In Seplowitz's experience, most people, impaired or not, have trouble with the second and third tests, and for people who are 65 or older -- Springsteen is 71 -- NHTSA recommends that those tests are unreliable because at that age balance might not be an accurate way to gauge whether you've been drinking.”

This thread is yet another example of how dishonest conservatives truly are.
My understanding is he blew like a .02 or something well below the legal limit, so I am not surprised the DUI was dropped. I have no idea about the reckless or how he was driving.

But frankly, I wouldn't want to be the NJ State Trooper that pulled over the Boss in NJ and arrested him. I could careless about his political views, he's the Boss when it comes to music.

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