White leftist are the most racist


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
They talk about how wonderful blacks are but won’t associate with them .
When these frauds see a “ black man “ they cross the street
I have seen it hundreds of times
They’re the true racist of society
In answer to your question..the most racist hypocrites are celebs.
They say NO WALL, LET THEM IN, while being guarded by hired security.
We'll bail you out, antifa/blm, yet hide in their mansions so they don't get the same treatment the thugs just dished out after being bailed out.

Celebs. Biggest liars, pedos, racists, bigots on the planet.
well hell yes they are. They judge everyone by the color of their skin and what they look like. In their minds, the color of their skin and what they look like determines what they think. They will pick someone as their vice president based on skin color, yet I dont see any of those white liberals stepping down and letting a person of color taking their place.
They promote on campus SEGREGATION... their message is a message of hate, .. not Love.
Not by any stretch of the imagination. Going back to the original housing projects for black people,.... That was an exercise in segregation as well, it did not allow for them to integrate into society, and made it very hard for them to get jobs, made them dependent, made them more vulnerable to crime... and it caused white people to think of them as THOSE people living in housing projects. Yes, their idea of inclusiveness is really segregation. Any person of color who actually takes a different path in life fulfillment gets called ignorant or an uncle Tom.
I think that this is a very difficult topic, and there are NO easy answers.

As a teenager in the 1950s, I lived at a time when discrimination against people of color was simply a given.

At that time, more and more liberals felt that this was morally wrong. And I agree that it IS morally wrong.

They sincerely felt that all Americans should have equal rights.

On the other hand, they realized that -- for various reasons -- a certain ethnicity committed an unusually high amount of violent crime and that schools with a large percentage of that ethnicity were prone to disorder and lower academic standards.

Those liberals were (and still are) in a quandary: Do I send my kids to a public school? Do I enter that elevator if I am alone with him? Do I move to that neighborhood? Is she really qualified for the job?

So let's not be too hard on liberals. Most of them are good people. They mean well. In practice, however, they probably feel bad about their often being hypocrites. They talk the talk, but they cannot bring themselves to walk the walk.
Going back to the original housing projects for black people,.... That was an exercise in segregation as well, it did not allow for them to integrate into society, and made it very hard for them to get jobs, made them dependent, made them more vulnerable to crime...
...and don't forget, they banned adult males from living in those projects, thus creating generations of black kids with no father figure in their home.
They talk about how wonderful blacks are but won’t associate with them .
When these frauds see a “ black man “ they cross the street
I have seen it hundreds of times
They’re the true racist of society
In nyc the progressives would avoid them at all costs
They only accepted bourgeoisie progressive blacks to mingle ..
They'll tiptoe around nycha housing projects whi,e paying 4500 a month to live literally across the street from one

I got a shit load of stories about those retards .......derp

Retarded progressives can never put 2 and 2 together .... that policies promoted by both rudy and out of touch king mike and executed by the nypd made nyc safer for everyone ...

In large cities you need a police force ...common sense.....and fair policy that works

And I'm not the cops number one fan ...or a fan of thier militarization
But in large cities ya gotta be a little more draconian ..no way around it

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