White House touts 16-cent reduction in BBQ costs


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Psaki on 16-cent BBQ tweet being compared to gas price spike: 'If you don't like hot dogs you may not care' | Fox News

Despite rising consumer prices, and Democrats' previous dismissal of GOP tax-cut-induced bonuses as 'crumbs',Gas prices hit almost $6.00 a gallon in Calif ,and thes stupid fucks are proud of 16 cents savings on bbc​

Psaki on 16-cent BBQ tweet being compared to gas price spike: 'If you don't like hot dogs you may not care' | Fox News

Despite rising consumer prices, and Democrats' previous dismissal of GOP tax-cut-induced bonuses as 'crumbs',Gas prices hit almost $6.00 a gallon in Calif ,and thes stupid fucks are proud of 16 cents savings on bbc​

Prices don't seem to be rising if the costs are falling. Math 101.
Dear Uncle Joe:

Thank you for saving this economy and making me 16 cents richer than I was last year. I would like my payment to be in pennies, if at all possible, so I can stay up tonight and count them over and over.

If that's not possible, I do have a Paypal account under rightwinger@paypal.com. That would be acceptable to me. Or Bitcoin.

Signed, Rightwinger

PS: If you do take ten percent off the top, I understand, seeing as how you are the "Big Guy." So you can keep the 1.6 cents for yourself, I don't mind.

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If Trump quoted a number of a million and the 24/7 fact checkers in Media Matters found out that the real number was more like 999,999,999, the media had a field day calling the (former) president a liar. The Biden administration gets away with whoppers because nobody fact checks and nobody in the mainstream media would ever disagree with a democrat administration.
Psaki on 16-cent BBQ tweet being compared to gas price spike: 'If you don't like hot dogs you may not care' | Fox News

Despite rising consumer prices, and Democrats' previous dismissal of GOP tax-cut-induced bonuses as 'crumbs',Gas prices hit almost $6.00 a gallon in Calif ,and thes stupid fucks are proud of 16 cents savings on bbc​

Charcoal bad for the planet. Are they trying to kill us with all this cheap cookin?
The pure stupidity is the GOP idiots thinking the president controls the prices..He doesn't when a GOP president is in office but for some reason he does when a DNC member is president..
If Trump quoted a number of a million and the 24/7 fact checkers in Media Matters found out that the real number was more like 999,999,999, the media had a field day calling the (former) president a liar. The Biden administration gets away with whoppers because nobody fact checks and nobody in the mainstream media would ever disagree with a democrat administration.

The WaPo did away with their fact-checking shortly after Traitor Joe©™ presumed the office.
it is quite obvious, the lack of any brains in the scum demonRAT party....not surprising
Meanwhile how much has your gasoline costs gone up?
How much has inflation eaten up?

Who is stupid enough to tout this as some sort of notable win?

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