White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

What is amazing to me is that the WH is saying that it actually owns some of the debt.

NOW that is a first.

“Digging out of that economic downturn leading our economy to recovery and doing it all in fiscally responsible way will be a hallmark of the president’s legacy,” the spokesman said.

The Presidents legacy will be......wait for it.....BLAME BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.

it's what republicans do ,,,,shit in a hat an expect someone else to wear it
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.

White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

What is amazing to me is that the WH is saying that it actually owns some of the debt.

NOW that is a first.

“Digging out of that economic downturn leading our economy to recovery and doing it all in fiscally responsible way will be a hallmark of the president’s legacy,” the spokesman said.

The Presidents legacy will be......wait for it.....BLAME BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

Well, at minimum, Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander effected a 15 trillion dollar swing in the Gross debt.....
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.


You are an absolute imbecile....

As someone has pointed out, Scrub was bequeathed a surplus, and projected cumulative surpluses sufficient to wipe out the Debt Held by the Public.....he then proceeded to increase the growth rate federal spending by a factor greater than two..while cutting revenues, and establishing two sizable unfunded mandates....

The disaster he left in his wake remains unprecedented....

and I bet large that you enabled it all with two votes...
Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So specifically, what did Obama spend all that money on? He got his bail out, his stimulus and health care. But those don't add up to the total debt you attribute to Obama.

What was the rest of the spending on?
Obama debt good, Boooooosh debt bad

I've got an idea.....

Why don't you detail the Obama initiatives which you believe contributed to the growth of the debt......associate them with the cost, and then we can compare it to that of the disaster which preceded him.....
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.
Only $4 trillion was added to the deficit under Bush, and that was during 9/11/01, its aftermath, and 2 wars. In the 1st 6 years ONLY $2.5 trillion in debt was added - pretty incredible. In the last 2 years $1.5 trillion was added - $1 trillion shy of what had been added over a 6 year period. What changed those last 2 years?

What changed was the LIBERALS took over all of Congress with a 5-seat shy of a Super Majority control of Congress...AND THE BUDGET AND SPENDING! Liberals talk about how the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years - they're right...and THEY CONTROLLED CONGRESS, THEY CONTROLLED THE BUDGET, AND THEY CONTROLLED SPENDING!

The 'horrible' economy Obama whine about was given to him by his fellow Democrats whose near Super Majority controlled Congress and spending Bush's last 2 years.
He didn't inherit it from Bush or the GOP.

Democrats kept that control until the end of Obama's 2nd year. Obama called Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding $4 (actually $2.5) trillion over 8 years...and then HE went on to add almost $7 trillion in only 4 years! Obama's deficits were OVER $1trillion EVERY YEAR his 1st 4 years!

His 1st spending bill was his failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-benefitting DNC-ONLY pork! In the end his pork-filled disaster cost tax payrs over $742,000 PER JOB he claimed to have created / saved!

And, again, what do Obama and liberals do? They do what they do best - dodge accountability and blame someone else...

"This is not MY 'Red Line'. It's THE WORLD'S 'Red Line'." What a gutless piece of pooh!
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