White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

Facts can not be debated; they can only be understood.

President Reagan tripled the debt. President Clinton got it under control. President Bush exploded the debt by coupling massive tax cuts we couldn't afford with not one but TWO full wars he charged to the credit card, while also drastically expanding the federal gov't with Homeland Security, Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind.

President Obama did not create a yearly $1.5 trillion deficit. It was handed to him. And he has reduced those yearly $1.5 trillion deficits by two-thirds.

The facts of our modern history are not disputed by anyone but the willfully stupid RWNJ trolls who live on message boards to spread their ignorance. In our lifetimes, Republican Presidents explode the debt while Democratic Presidents are brought in to mop things up.

Bush was a mess.

Reagan's "tripling was something like 3.5 Trillion total.....it was recoverable.

And the economy boomed.

Bush threw away a huge opportunity.

It was "recoverable" because Poppy, and Clinton after him, paid the necessary political price for cleaning up the mess....

and relative to Real GDP and jobs, Reagan underperformed the guys on either side of him...

Please stop making me laugh.

There was very little mess to clean up.

The economy made some minor corrections.

You on the left and right forget that Clinton was popular but got his ass handed to him in 94. Congress in the hands of a conservative group worked with Clinton to do some good stuff.

they had the foundation due to some of what Reagan was able to do.

It's all dems.....

It's all the GOP.

That is what makes the OP so amazing. This WH finally acknowledges some hand in our deficit.

I know GWB was a moron and a spender.

Obama has not helped things much.
The career politicians and their federal government's accounts should be pistol whipped in their sleep..,
Incompetence is apparently a requirement...
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.

It'd probably help if the government had actually had a surplus since 1957.

Take it up with OMB


We really don't have to take it up with anyone. During a fiscal year, surpluses come from not spending money allocated to programs. If a program was slated to spend two billion, but only spent one billion, it would leave a "surplus" of money they didn't have in their pockets to spend in the first place.

In government speak, the words deficit and surplus really don't affect the national debt. Its the reason why every year that Clinton had a "surplus" the debt went up.

So, in reality, Clinton NEVER cut the debt, and since he didn't he could NEVER leave a surplus.

OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.

When do you stop lying? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Forget the reality that Obama was handed a trillion dollar deficit with a cratered economy ... your idiotic claim isn't even true.

Total combined debt from Washington to Bush....


Total debt increased under Obama (as of yesterday)...


Maybe 7.5T is more than 10.6T in conserva-la-la land -- but not here on planet Earth, it's not.
mea culpa....

The increase under Obama.....


Yeah, and he'll top 9 trillion on his watch before he's done. Might even hit 10 trillion.

The bulk of it was "spent forward" by the fiscal profligate who preceded Obama....

Not just by Bush, but by every president before him. And Obama will leave the next president to help pay for his legacy.

The sad thing is, it does not take an village. If everyone tends to their own house. But the career politicians and their federal government brainwashed bleeding heart drones to think so.

Let me ask you again....

Who is the most fiscally responsible POTUS for whom you have voted?
There has not been one, responsible that is.
I don't vote for career politicians.
They own the federal government and look at the shape it is in, for many, many decades now. It could not suck more...


In my voting lifetime, two POTUS have (or will) bequeath smaller deficits to their successor than those they inherited.....I voted for both...


If you ask the wrong questions, you'll get the wrong answers.

From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.

It'd probably help if the government had actually had a surplus since 1957.

Take it up with OMB


They, like you apparently don't understand what debt is. I do understand they have a vested interest in lying about it.

What's your excuse?
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.

When do you stop lying? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Forget the reality that Obama was handed a trillion dollar deficit with a cratered economy ... your idiotic claim isn't even true.

Total combined debt from Washington to Bush....


Total debt increased under Obama (as of yesterday)...


Maybe 7.5T is more than 10.6T in conserva-la-la land -- but not here on planet Earth, it's not.
mea culpa....

The increase under Obama.....


Yeah, and he'll top 9 trillion on his watch before he's done. Might even hit 10 trillion.
And it will still be less than all presidents combined from Washington to Bush.

The only president to increase the debt more than every president before him, combined.....

.... was Reagan. :ack-1:

Which of course is not correct. You've never bothered to actually look at this have you?

Lincoln increased the debt about 30x as much as every president prior to him. Not double, not triple...about 30 times as much. Did a pretty fair job of trampling the Constitution into the dust while he was at it.

FDR....more than 10x

Woodrow Wilson...about 6x

That took longer to type out than look up.
Libs always blame Bush for the economy / added deficit. Obama called Bush 'unpatriotic' for adding ($2.5 trillion over 6 years) $4 trillion over 8 years (w/Dem Super Majority Congress help).

If $4 trillion over 8 years makes him 'un-patriotic' then Obama's $6+ Trillion in only 4 must make him a 'traitor'.

Beginning with the take-over of Congress / spending the last 2 years Bush was in through theend of Obama's 2nd year Democrats spent like drunken sailors.
Couldn't think of anything to say so you did what libs do - parrot the party line, huh TW?
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.


You are an absolute imbecile....

As someone has pointed out, Scrub was bequeathed a surplus, and projected cumulative surpluses sufficient to wipe out the Debt Held by the Public.....he then proceeded to increase the growth rate federal spending by a factor greater than two..while cutting revenues, and establishing two sizable unfunded mandates....

The disaster he left in his wake remains unprecedented....

and I bet large that you enabled it all with two votes...

Might want to do some research on The Community Reinvestment ACT
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.
Hmm, the legislative branch got controlled by the gop under clinton... The economy improved
The legislative branch got controlled by the gop under Obama... and the economy improved

Can't deny that no matter how ya spin it.
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.

Obama signs bill to extend Bush-era tax cuts for two more years
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.
Didn't Obama run for president? Did he not run on, that he was gonna fix things? Did he not promise America that he would fix it? Then he wants to blame others because he fucked it all up? Fuck you, Obama after 7 years owns this mess, and supporters like yourself own it too.
The elected elitist in our Federal Government are for sure wonderful ROLE models, aren't they? they lie, cheat and steal, all the while telling you all is wonderful and how nothing is their fault. that saying: pass the buck is their motto now, and as we see some has no problem buying into that. it's become more than sick. Its that so many people still makes excuse for them.
Oh darn, ran across this:
Under Obama US Drops From 6th to 11th on Economic Freedom Index
But liberals love to tout the "success" of their economic policies.
Tiffany Gabbay

Liberals love to tout their economic policies' "success" despite the fact that the data do not support their narrative. Indeed, under President Obama, the US has plummeted on the Economic Freedom index to its worst score in history, according to a new study by the Heritage Foundation.

The US has fallen from 6th to 11th place in the economic freedom ranking, indicating that expanding government, welfare, healthcare, regulations, subsidies and more have taken a costly toll on the nation.
reports on some of the costly measures the US has suffered since 2009:

Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.
The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax-filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.
The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.
Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation.

all of it here:
Under Obama US Drops From 6th to 11th on Economic Freedom Index
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.
Didn't Obama run for president? Did he not run on, that he was gonna fix things? Did he not promise America that he would fix it? Then he wants to blame others because he fucked it all up? Fuck you, Obama after 7 years owns this mess, and supporters like yourself own it too.

And Obama cut the Deficit by two thirds... and brought unemployment to half (almost)

Your issue is that he didn't clean up a Bush/GOP mess quick enough... Our issue is that there was a mess in the first place and GOP did everything in there power to stop any bipart solutions...
Now I understand some GOP was willing for the sake of the country but Tea Psrtiers said fuck the country lets go for Obama... Well TP you lost...
The legislative branch got controlled by the gop under Obama... and the economy improved

Was it the laser focus on jobs that the republicans contributed?

Wait a minute. There was no laser focusing on jobs by republicans.

Must of been the repeal.of Obama care that was so.good for the economy.

Nope. That wasnt it.

What was it the republicans in congress DID to help fix their economic mess they left behind?
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.

You also hold Obama and Democrats accountable for nothing.

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