White House KNEW Whistleblower Report was Coming

Have any of you bed wetters considered the possibility this whole shit show is manipulation?

Have any of you assholes realized that Epstein is no longer on anyone's mind, and that sick fucks both republicrat and democrook have partied with that piece of shit?

You do understand that media isn't there to inform you right? It's there to manipulate you. I don't care if it's Faux News, MSLSD, PBS, NBS, CBS, ABS or CNNBS.

It's all bullshit, it's all there to keep you focused on something other than reality.

The border is still not secure, political sociopaths are still doing corrupt shit and enriching themselves and Trump will still be the President in 2020, and most likely 2024 because he knows how to fight these fuckers.

Trump will still be the President in 2020, and most likely 2024

Ummm WHAT?!?!?

You can't constantly bring up the constitution if you have no grasp of it.
I constantly bring up the COTUS?

Last I looked I constantly insult and marginalize leftist sociopaths that hate the document and seek to undermine it in every way possible while cloaking themselves in it from time to time, but you don't see me "bring it up" constantly, and I don't see why you take issue with me suggesting Trump will likely win in 2020 and still be president until 2024....
Fake News and swamp democrats are running out of smear tactics. Let them waste time and tax payer yet again to help Trump get re-elected.
Of course they knew they couldn't stonewall once the IG told them he was going to testify. It wasn't coincidence that Moscow Mitch finally turned loose of the election security money the week before this broke. The Senate isn't removing Trump from office, but no one is lining up with Trump on actually asking for the Ukranian govt to help. Ron Johnson abandoned any mention of investigating Biden within hours of the partial transcript.

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