White House Checking IDs of High School Students


You are so lacking in a basic ability to apply logic that it's pretty clear you never correctly identified the "one of these things is not like the other" bits on Sesame Street.
One must be engaged in some activity for which the police are able to question anyone.

Read the law, moron.

Actually, all the officer has to do is make lawful contact. You don't have to be do anything.

Yes, LAWFUL contact, which prohibits racial profiling of people doing nothing which warrants LAWFUL contact.
So let me get this straight:

It's okay for the White House to require that High School Students provide ID information (Social Security #s and citizen status) to the Secret Service on the pretext that this is necessary to protect the President, but it's somehow not copacetic for police officers in AZ to check the green cards of immigrants caught speeding?

The White House appears to be laying the groundwork for President Barack Obama to shake the hand of each senior at Kalamazoo Central High School’s commencement ceremony next month.

Seniors are being asked to provide their birthdates, Social Security numbers and citizen status to the Secret Service so background checks could be performed. Such a check is required for anyone who gets within an arm’s length of the president, students were told at their senior breakfast Friday.

Of the fact that the White House is requesting information on all the graduating seniors, K-Central Principal Von Washingon Jr. told the students, “I’ll let you figure out what that means,” said senior Simon Boehme, who was at the breakfast.

“Everyone is excited that we might have the opportunity to shake the president’s hand,” Boehme said....

Obama may personally greet each graduate: Kalamazoo Central seniors to fill out paperwork for Secret Service | - MLive.com

Our federal government engages in more controls and security for shaking the President's hand than it does in protecting our borders. Unfrellingbelievable. But it does put their priorities in high relief.

I'm fairly certain that the ACLU headquarters requires the same. And I believe they search bags as well. Oh the hypocrisy.

Probably for the same reason abortion clinics check bags. I will give you a hint, it has to do with right wing wackos.
The underlying principle is the same: for national security purposes, the government has the right to check IDs.
Yes, LAWFUL contact, which prohibits racial profiling of people doing nothing which warrants LAWFUL contact.

You do in fact realize that a officer can walk up to you at any time and ask you for your identification, correct?
One must be engaged in some activity for which the police are able to question anyone.

Read the law, moron.

Actually, all the officer has to do is make lawful contact. You don't have to be do anything.

Yes, LAWFUL contact, which prohibits racial profiling of people doing nothing which warrants LAWFUL contact.

INterviewing someone because they are a witness to a crime is lawful contact. ;)

YOu think a lot of illegals are going to report crimes now?
The kids are providing it as a condition of the Privilege of shaking the President's hand.

Driving a car is a privilege, a condition of which is providing ID if one is stopped for a traffic violation. Attacking AZ for such ID checks while accepting the practice of the Secret Service investigating High School Students is quite hypocritical.

So, if I am hearing you correctly, the AZ law ONLY requires drivers of vehicles provide their ID when stopped for a traffic violation.
Yes, LAWFUL contact, which prohibits racial profiling of people doing nothing which warrants LAWFUL contact.

You do in fact realize that a officer can walk up to you at any time and ask you for your identification, correct?

or if you have a flat tire and he stops to help you, he then could use "reasonable cause" to ask for your ID. So if you look hispanic don't get a flat tire when a cop is around.
It depends upon the state and the circumstances, bub.
Since when do officers not check for identification when they pull someone over for speeding, etc? The whole, license and registration spiel.

I would think every precaution is taken to protect the President and I would hope every one is taken. If these students do not wish to meet the President, don't give the information. Quite simple really.

Hey stupid, learn to fucking read! "Green cards" were specifically mentioned.
Yes, LAWFUL contact, which prohibits racial profiling of people doing nothing which warrants LAWFUL contact.

You do in fact realize that a officer can walk up to you at any time and ask you for your identification, correct?

or if you have a flat tire and he stops to help you, he then could use "reasonable cause" to ask for your ID. So if you look hispanic don't get a flat tire when a cop is around.

Only if he has reasonable suspicion that a crime has is in process, has been committed, or is about to be committed. There must be "reasonable suspicion".
I mentioned High School students because they are the ones whose ID the Secret Service is checking.

That's the fact.

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