White girl singing Rihanna is a ‘microaggression’


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2013
Microinsanity is what it actually is.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a ‘microaggression’

A student enrolled in a University of Oklahoma’s human relations theory class sent Fox News’s Todd Starnes some information about the course which, unfortunately, is sadly all-too common these days.

The student (who wished to remain anonymous) was told “as a white woman it’s insulting and a microaggression for [her] to cover or sing a Rihanna song because [she’s] not from Barbados.”

“I was literally told to go sing the Star-Spangled Banner,” she added.

One assignment included a 100-question checklist to determine the amount of privilege one possesses.

From Starnes’ article:

For example, you’ve got privilege if “a stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.”

Straight, white guys who have a job, vacation in Cabo, and go to church on Sunday are “very privileged.” Atheists, Muslims and anyone who works at a fast-food joint would be considered under-privileged.

The student who reached out to me wants to work in human resources – and the class is mandatory.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a 'microaggression' - The College Fix
Microinsanity is what it actually is.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a ‘microaggression’

A student enrolled in a University of Oklahoma’s human relations theory class sent Fox News’s Todd Starnes some information about the course which, unfortunately, is sadly all-too common these days.

The student (who wished to remain anonymous) was told “as a white woman it’s insulting and a microaggression for [her] to cover or sing a Rihanna song because [she’s] not from Barbados.”

“I was literally told to go sing the Star-Spangled Banner,” she added.

One assignment included a 100-question checklist to determine the amount of privilege one possesses.

From Starnes’ article:

For example, you’ve got privilege if “a stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.”

Straight, white guys who have a job, vacation in Cabo, and go to church on Sunday are “very privileged.” Atheists, Muslims and anyone who works at a fast-food joint would be considered under-privileged.

The student who reached out to me wants to work in human resources – and the class is mandatory.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a 'microaggression' - The College Fix

I like the "related" story in that screed

RELATED: To fight ‘oppression,’ campus posters tell Christian students to check their privilege

Seems like paranoia has taken complete control of you people
Yes. If you are white you can't sing a black person's song. It's theirs. They created it. You can't steal it.

We invented football and basketball....so I expect black folks to return the favor and stop stealing our culture.
Microinsanity is what it actually is.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a ‘microaggression’

A student enrolled in a University of Oklahoma’s human relations theory class sent Fox News’s Todd Starnes some information about the course which, unfortunately, is sadly all-too common these days.

The student (who wished to remain anonymous) was told “as a white woman it’s insulting and a microaggression for [her] to cover or sing a Rihanna song because [she’s] not from Barbados.”

“I was literally told to go sing the Star-Spangled Banner,” she added.

One assignment included a 100-question checklist to determine the amount of privilege one possesses.

From Starnes’ article:

For example, you’ve got privilege if “a stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.”

Straight, white guys who have a job, vacation in Cabo, and go to church on Sunday are “very privileged.” Atheists, Muslims and anyone who works at a fast-food joint would be considered under-privileged.

The student who reached out to me wants to work in human resources – and the class is mandatory.

U. of Oklahoma course: A white girl singing Rihanna is a 'microaggression' - The College Fix
Funny, yet sad at the same time.

Just another predictable example of the divisive nature of PC/Identity Politics.

One of so many examples, many more examples on the way.
Well, maybe they would have a point if a bunch of white folks wanted to sing this little number:

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Well shit... I guess I should delete all the "black" songs on my karaoke list :/ I like singing a lot of hers now that I look at my list; Umbrella, Unfaithful, Te Amo, Wait Your Turn...

Uhm, does this mean I'm not allowed to sing Aretha and Whitney anymore too? :(

Oh crap... What about Regina Bell?!? She did Baby, Come to Me I /love/ singing that one.

No way... fuck em I'll be a "racist," I'm not giving up singing songs that make me feel good.
Here's the thing -- race is becoming increasingly irrelevant in modern-day America, and that is a threat to the race-baiting left, and is a particular threat to the Democratic Party, which traditionally has its power base in racial and ethnic groups in big cities like New York, Detroit, and Chicago, but also in the Southern states, between black and white.

Just today I saw some ridiculous restaurant commercial for a hamburger that's folded up inside a quaesidilla. This kind of ethnic mixing of food is becoming the latest craze, and it is this kind of ethnic mixing that is throwing the leftists into a kanipshin.

Kanipshin: a Yiddish word for "to throw a fit or an anger tantrum."

Also, the commercial featured five young people, two boys and a three girls or three boys and two girls, of different races and there was no attempt to make a quota out of it, they weren't even all definitely one race or another, and increasingly that is what young people in America look like. One kid looked half-Asian and half-Mexican, and one kid looked half-black and half-something else. There wasn't even a way to figure it out in the limited time I had to watch the commercial.

My son has all kinds of friends, mostly white, but there are some that are different shades of brown and I have no idea what race they are and I don't think they care either. My son's generation doesn't care about race that much, and they also don't care that much about all the other distinctions that get older people uptight.

My brother married a Filipina, and has three half-Filipina/half-white daughters. All three are very beautiful in a way all Filipina and all white girls are not. My sister married an Arab, and has a half-Arab son. His race is not easily surmised by looking at him. No one in my mostly white family cares. We are conservative Republicans mostly. We are not America's racists.

When I was in law school, I noticed that the left-wing students had themselves organized by race. There was the Black Student Union, the Asian Student Union, the Latino Student Union, and then there was the Women's Student Union. To the left it was all about race, and the conservatives didn't join those clubs and weren't welcome there.

There was a day and an age when different races and ethnic groups hated each other, and there was violence. Kids of different races and ethnicities had territories, and a kid on the wrong block would get beat up. Democrats got their power brokering agreements between the different groups, forming alliances.

But the races and ethnic groups no longer hate each other as they once did. In fact, the whole issue has become completely irrelevant, especially in the western states like Nevada and California.

And that's doing a wrecking ball job on everything the Democrats stand for, which is a divided America, especially divided by race.

So Democrats/liberals are trying to reverse racial progress as furiously as they can. With BLM they are angering blacks and turning them against police and white people in general. And at the campus, liberal professors are encouraging black students to "re-segregate" themselves from whites.

Because that is the meaning of "micro-aggression." Micro-aggression is blacks living as a minority among whites. Micro-aggression is what happens when the races put aside their differences and integrate. And up to now, the left has told us that integration is good.

Now, the left has realized that integration is very, very, bad, for them. Once blacks are among whites, and have put aside their differences, they can no longer be leveraged with racially divisive hate tactics. Blacks among whites make white friends and no longer can be turned against them.

So integration, and the racial harmonizing of America, which is happening whether the left likes it or not, is an unmitigated disaster for the left.
And this white male privilege thing, in 20 years, it's not even going to be an issue.

All the smartest kids going to college are girls, and AA is not doing this. My son and his male friends are mostly NOT going to college because they can get good paying jobs without incurring the student loan debt.

My son has computer skills that he gained playing computer games. He's been playing computer games since he was five-years-old. Now he's working as tech support for a video game company.

His friend, and roommate, is getting a union job paying 30 dollars an hour, working to put together convention displays. His other friend is an actor, and has paying gigs because this is the entertainment capital of the world.

So the girls are going to college. My daughter got a teaching credential but now she's working in the make-up industry. My other daughter is going to college to learn accounting. My sister is majoring in math.

There is no white male privilege with my son's generation. All his non-white friends have the same opportunities he does. The girls go to college more than the boys. Everything the liberals are complaining about is rapidly becoming obsolete.
Interesting theory. I can see the psych behind it.... The left is always going to have the so-called "moral" conflicts to drum support out of though so idk if they fear becoming obsolete... maybe given that outsider Sanders is putting a serious damper on their typical monopoly?
My Mom always told me to wear clean underwear, but I don't even wear underwear, it's my microaggression against Mom's..
Everything you read on the internet is nonsense, and most people without kids don't know what's going on. I have two daughters, a son, three sisters, and a brother in the millenial generation, and they are all white.

But the next generation, three nieces and a nephew, are half-white, and guess what? Not even my ultra-conservative Republican 74-year-old father gives a flying fig. Why? Because conservative Republicans aren't the racists, liberal Democrats are the racists.

Do you think my Dad cared when my brother told us he was marrying a Fillipina woman? I cared because she was an illegal alien, and I was worried she would be deported, but my Dad was satisfied because people from the Phillipines are extremely devout Catholics.

Do you know who my Dad didn't want me to marry? My half-Irish girlfriend, because she wasn't Catholic. My Dad didn't give two figs that she was Irish even though he married my Irish mother, because
my mother was Catholic.

Without telling my Dad, my sister married an Arab. The fact that he was an Arab was not even an issue with my Dad. The problem was he was Muslim was the problem, not a race, a religion. Like I said, my Dad is Catholic and wants us all to marry Catholics, he doesn't care what race we marry, as proven by my Dad's acceptance of my brother's wife.

And the fact that my father wants his children to marry Catholics doesn't make him a bigot, so don't even start down that road, guno. Your Mom wants you to marry a Jewess, I'm sure.

But now, my sister has left her Muslim husband and her half-white/half-Arab (actually Arabs ARE white so really this is silly) son is going to Catholic school and has almost forgotten how to be a Muslim. I had to tell him he wasn't allowed to eat ham at Easter, which he celebrated with us because really he's a Catholic now, but we tell him he's a Muslim so his Dad doesn't find out what's going on.

The point of all this is that racist liberals like guno are constantly posting threads crowing that white males are dying out and that this revolutionary change is sweeping through America and that angry white males are "angry" because they are losing their "white privilege."

It's all a bunch of hogwash. My white male father does not see his half-white grandchildren as some sort of existential threat to his "power" and does not look warily out of his window worrying that crowds of "POCs" (people of color) will come mobbing down the street to take away his privileged white middle-class lifestyle (a four-bedroom house, a mortgage, a broken down cross-over minivan). The whole thing is a mythology created by Democrats to make them and their supporters feel good that the changing of America's racial make-up will somehow ensure them permanent power in our nation as a one party state.

My half-Filipina nieces will probably grow up to be conservative Republicans like their father. My children, I don't know, they're white but all three are more liberal than me. Race does not define political party or whether someone is liberal or conservative, and that will become even more so as families become more mixed, like our family is now mixed.

As for me, my own children, two of them are still without permanent relationships, so I have no idea who they will marry, if they marry. My middle daughter has a white boyfriend, but he is a liberal Democrat, and frankly, I'd prefer it if he was a black Republican.
The reason I'm sharing all this is because it's becoming increasingly obvious that the liberals on this forum, and in the media in general, are feeding us a line of bullshit and they think we're just going to keep lapping it up because we don't have alternative information.

What's happening on the campuses now is a rear-guard action in a war the Democrats have already lost. They are trying to undo centuries of racial progress and they are trying to do it quickly before the balance of power goes even further against them. Race is their biggest issue, it always has been, since the days of the ante-bellum South and Tammany Hall.

But now they see, with horror, that the future of America will not really need the concept of race anymore, or ethnicity. We will continue to take in immigrants, but they will also join the "melting pot" that is uniquely American.

Other countries don't have the "melting pot", which is why their ethnic and religious divisions never end. Our country, however, is not about race, ethnicity, or religion, it is about a common culture that is uniquely ours. It is comprised of common consent to be ruled by a Constitutional form of government, Hollywood movies and TV shows, sports, religion, and shared values like the Ten Commandments (which even atheists agree are mostly a good idea).

Foreigners sometimes think American culture is "decadent." They misunderstand. Our Puritan forefathers gave us a Protestant work ethic that most other Western nations don't have. In Europe and South America, the wealthy are not expected to work if they don't want to. In the United States, even billionaires put in a full-work week, and many work much longer hours than most Americans.

The last time the race issue was leaning heavily against the Democrats was when the Republican Party was founded, on the principle that using other men's unwilling labor to enrich one's self was immoral. When Abraham Lincoln was elected, the Democrats saw a threat to their racist power base, slavery, so they rebelled, tearing this nation apart. 700,000 men had to die in that terrible war, and even now, the South is still recovering from that war. But the South remains as it was, with heavy concentrations of blacks and whites living side-by-side, in uneasy truce. And the large cities of the North have also had blacks relocate there during industrialization, but now, with de-industrialization, these black city populations have become largely unemployed.

This situation suits Democrats, and they would like it to continue. But it won't. The younger generation, and I am saying this as the father and brother of six of them, are less concerned with race than previous generations, and this will continue as the races mix more with time. There is no longer any stigma to inter-racial dating or inter-racial marriage between blacks and whites, so it will accelerate over time.

If blacks choose not to mix with the other races, they will be left behind because all other races will mix, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, whites, whatever, among my son's generation, no one cares.

What they are trying to do at the college campuses is reverse what my son's generation are doing, and really turn the clock back to an older age when people of different races hated each other, and their kids beat each other up after school.

And that's what this "micro-aggression" is all about, to make black kids feel uncomfortable around white kids. To make them feel like they don't belong. To isolate their music and tell whites they aren't allowed to join in. It's a tragic wrong, and once again, it's Democrats stirring up racial hatred where it need not be.

The fact is, the races can get along just fine. To do that however, we're going to have to rid ourselves of the divisive voices of the Democrats. We can ask the Democrats nicely to stop stirring up hate and division. If the Democrats don't stop, we can ask them nicely to go away. If the Democrats don't go away nicely, we will have to make them go away.

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