White America Has Lost Its Mind

Playing the card from the bottom of the deck are you?

Sweetie, you were the one who first used the race card. If it's ok for you to play it, it's ok for me to play it.

What is this?? The 1st grade??? You're not going to play with anybody that plays with me?? Grow up!!! You're boring everybody to death telling that same story over and over. All you're doing is PROVING that any man not married to you has indeed dodged a bullet. You're just a shrew!! Look at your own behavior and admit what role you played in our nasty exchange. Do something productive for a change and try and learn not to be such a mouthy bitch. Especially to those that have different political views from you.
so no American bombs killed any babies in the ME. Or or those babies not worth anything because they are brown?
Playing the card from the bottom of the deck are you?

Sweetie, you were the one who first used the race card. If it's ok for you to play it, it's ok for me to play it.

What is this?? The 1st grade??? You're not going to play with anybody that plays with me?? Grow up!!! You're boring everybody to death telling that same story over and over. All you're doing is PROVING that any man not married to you has indeed dodged a bullet. You're just a shrew!! Look at your own behavior and admit what role you played in our nasty exchange. Do something productive for a change and try and learn not to be such a mouthy bitch. Especially to those that have different political views from you.

Stop making shit up, fatso. You're a fucking moronic bitch. You ugly.... and I mean that from the inside out.
I'm sick of insecure, guilt complex ridden, racism denying whites accuse blacks of keeping racism alive when we've been the ones trying to ignore it and pretending it doesn't exist the most. I personally am tired of having to smile and or do silly things around white people just to make them not feel threatened, scared or uncomfortable around me because of their irrational fear of black men. I don't do that anymore, the minute any white person does that I confront them on that and it is that fear of getting exposed as having racists thoughts about blacks that drives whites crazy.

Despite all the racism, bigotry and discrimination we've suffered in America black people have been the most forgiving to white people. I remember my father telling me stories of all black stores in the South going out of business because after the Civil Rights act blacks, ironically, started flocking to white stores that only recently rejected giving them service, which if you ask me makes no damn sense whatsoever. Yet when we as blacks start pointing out systematic racism and discrimination all of the "forgiving" things we've done and still do is naught because by pointing out that racism is still very real to a bunch of racially insecure whites who don't like to hear about it we're keeping "racism alive," no thats not what we're doing, we're making people face up to the reality that they're in denial about.
it's this denial and indifference to racism mostly from the right that irks me. Pretend that blacks don't think for themselves, pretend that seeing actual instances of racism is PLAYING the victim, and claim that all groups that are for AA's are racist, then say "hey, why don't black ppl vote more republican?"

do you really have to ask that question? Shit on an entire race of ppl then expect to be in their good graces? Really? Blacks are responsible for racism just like women are responsible for rape. Get outta here with that bull.
Well if I have pulled any chains and/or offended anybody, I do apologize because that was not my intent. I would like to have the conversation about those factors that I and many others, including some impressive black historians, have identified as the real roots of racism that continue to be manifested in our society. And those who blame white people and Republicans or some combination like that I sincerely believe are not seeing the big picture. But whatever.

I have a few friends who continue to nurse prejudices and personal affronts and I'm not likely to change their minds either. I have other friends of various skins hues and ethnic groups, including black sisters and brothers, that know that the race baiting and misconceptions about most white people and "Republicans" are nurtured by those who want to keep racism alive and well for whatever purposes. I wish their voices could be louder and heard more. But they are also often held in contempt and accused of all manner of ugly stereotypes by those who don't wish to hear them.

I still prefer to treat all people alike and refuse to buy into the victimization or indignation as a positive thing. But I don't think I have anythng else to add and will withdraw from the thread at this time and leave it for those who do not agree with my point of view.
Well if I have pulled any chains and/or offended anybody, I do apologize because that was not my intent. I would like to have the conversation about those factors that I and many others, including some impressive black historians, have identified as the real roots of racism that continue to be manifested in our society. And those who blame white people and Republicans or some combination like that I sincerely believe are not seeing the big picture. But whatever.

I have a few friends who continue to nurse prejudices and personal affronts and I'm not likely to change their minds either. I have other friends of various skins hues and ethnic groups, including black sisters and brothers, that know that the race baiting and misconceptions about most white people and "Republicans" are nurtured by those who want to keep racism alive and well for whatever purposes. I wish their voices could be louder and heard more. But they are also often held in contempt and accused of all manner of ugly stereotypes by those who don't wish to hear them.

I still prefer to treat all people alike and refuse to buy into the victimization or indignation as a positive thing. But I don't think I have anythng else to add and will withdraw from the thread at this time and leave it for those who do not agree with my point of view.

When will you get it through your skull that blacks and organizations that fight against racism are *NOT* playing the victimization card? I seriously don't know what the hell makes you and others even suggest such a thing, if blacks profited from playing the victimization card the same way Glenn Beck and the Tea Baggers are profiting from the white victimization card blacks would be rich like Glenn Beck.
While there are certain elements in black culture who maintain that dialect and discourage their kids from having ambition and learning to speak standard English, it's absurd to attribute that to all blacks, just as it's absurd to attribute rednecks and hillbillies to all whites.

What's kind of funny is Ebonics has a much more logical grammatical structure than English. I suppose the reason was that it was a manufactured language, that enabled slaves, who spoke many different tribal dialects, to communicate, rather than a language that evolved through happenstance. Sort of like an early version of Espraranto. It gets funnier when ignorant people like Rush Limbaugh use it to mock black people.

Imagine that. In a new society, ie the slave milieu, a people who were prohibited by law any education, were capable of manufacturing a language, that in many ways is superior to the underlying language that it was derived. It has an elegance of simplicity and consistency in things like tense.

But yeah, I know very few black people who can't speak American English, even though they feel more comfortable with the native form that they grew up with. Then again, I've noticed over the past 50 years that regional accents have slowly been evolving to midwestern. I think that's the result of TV.
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Well if I have pulled any chains and/or offended anybody, I do apologize because that was not my intent. I would like to have the conversation about those factors that I and many others, including some impressive black historians, have identified as the real roots of racism that continue to be manifested in our society. And those who blame white people and Republicans or some combination like that I sincerely believe are not seeing the big picture. But whatever.

I have a few friends who continue to nurse prejudices and personal affronts and I'm not likely to change their minds either. I have other friends of various skins hues and ethnic groups, including black sisters and brothers, that know that the race baiting and misconceptions about most white people and "Republicans" are nurtured by those who want to keep racism alive and well for whatever purposes. I wish their voices could be louder and heard more. But they are also often held in contempt and accused of all manner of ugly stereotypes by those who don't wish to hear them.

I still prefer to treat all people alike and refuse to buy into the victimization or indignation as a positive thing. But I don't think I have anythng else to add and will withdraw from the thread at this time and leave it for those who do not agree with my point of view.
Well if I have pulled any chains and/or offended anybody, I do apologize because that was not my intent. I would like to have the conversation about those factors that I and many others, including some impressive black historians, have identified as the real roots of racism that continue to be manifested in our society. And those who blame white people and Republicans or some combination like that I sincerely believe are not seeing the big picture. But whatever.

I have a few friends who continue to nurse prejudices and personal affronts and I'm not likely to change their minds either. I have other friends of various skins hues and ethnic groups, including black sisters and brothers, that know that the race baiting and misconceptions about most white people and "Republicans" are nurtured by those who want to keep racism alive and well for whatever purposes. I wish their voices could be louder and heard more. But they are also often held in contempt and accused of all manner of ugly stereotypes by those who don't wish to hear them.

I still prefer to treat all people alike and refuse to buy into the victimization or indignation as a positive thing. But I don't think I have anythng else to add and will withdraw from the thread at this time and leave it for those who do not agree with my point of view.

When will you get it through your skull that blacks and organizations that fight against racism are *NOT* playing the victimization card? I seriously don't know what the hell makes you and others even suggest such a thing, if blacks profited from playing the victimization card the same way Glenn Beck and the Tea Baggers are profiting from the white victimization card blacks would be rich like Glenn Beck.

The way I see it, is that none of us can ever really walk in another person's shoes. So, I can never truly understand what it's like to be black in America - any more than you can truly understand what it's like to be a blond haired, blue eyed female. I know I get pretty fucking pissed when people judge me on my looks - so I can reasonably assume it must be at least as annoying as that.

But.... There has to come a time when we - as Americans - say 'this far and no further'. And draw a line under the stupidity of the past and move forward. I can't fix things for black people - I would if I could. No one can. We can - however - work together to make it better for everyone, regardless of race, color or creed.
But.... There has to come a time when we - as Americans - say 'this far and no further'. And draw a line under the stupidity of the past and move forward. I can't fix things for black people - I would if I could. No one can. We can - however - work together to make it better for everyone, regardless of race, color or creed.

My belief is that blacks should fix their own problems as best we could and that those who are responsible for creating the causes that led to the conditions that cause problems for blacks should eliminate those causes.
I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

You got to remember Foyfyre's intent, by eliminating the ethnic categories and referring to all people as just Americans there will be no way of tracking racist incidents and therefore Foxfyre's trying to play the colorblind card to only mask racism, no because she truly believes that everyone is all one color. Its the perfect way deny and cover up racism. The history of this country is such that organizations like the NAACP are needed to fight against racism against blacks.

Is that a fact.. Ok, can you provide an example where the NAACP stepped in and acted and an advocate for a victim of racism.

This entore notion of comparing Irish, Italian, etc to "blacks" is ludicrous...
Identifying a person by nationality is equivalent to acknowledging their heritage.
"Jewish" is a religous identifier.
Black or Afro-American is a "race" identifier.
Big difference.
To say that identifying a person or people as a "person" or "people" is "hiding racism" is asinine.
In fact it's so off the wall, such a characterization does not dignify a response.
it's this denial and indifference to racism mostly from the right that irks me. Pretend that blacks don't think for themselves, pretend that seeing actual instances of racism is PLAYING the victim, and claim that all groups that are for AA's are racist, then say "hey, why don't black ppl vote more republican?"

do you really have to ask that question? Shit on an entire race of ppl then expect to be in their good graces? Really? Blacks are responsible for racism just like women are responsible for rape. Get outta here with that bull.
At this time who or what is currently oppressing you? If so, explain the opppression.
Who in the GOP has "shit on you"? If so, give examples.
In what ways has the democrat party helped you personally? Give examples of how the democrat party has helped you.
Are you more or less well off finacially due to any political affiliations?
In your opinon has your race hindered or helped your career? If so give exmples of the help or hinderance.

Pretend? Ok perhaps we should look at voting patterns among blacks.
Fact, blacks vote democrat at about a 90% rate. Fact, blacks vote for black candiates at about a 98% rate.
This is just statistics. A local radio talk show host was flamed on the air by several black callers simply because she stated those statistics. The common thread was "you think black people cannot think for themselves" Or "you think blacks are all in lockstep"..Some of these callers were so angry that they had to be bleeped then dumped off the air because station policy dictates use of "colorful metaphors" is prohibited.
TO each one the host asked for which party did the caller vote in the last election. Every single one except one( who would not give his real name on the air) said they voted democrat. Ok, not a scientific sampling by any stretch. Not surprising either.
My reaction to racism is not indifference. I cannot stand racism. I work in people's homes and when I hear racial epithets, I cringe. I hate it. DO I get upset? No . I cannot. These people are customers and I cannot just walk.
I guess what you refer to as indifference is the constant and unwarranted plating of the race card. The race card is now a catch all. So much so that charges of racism are equivalent to the radom sound of a car alarm in a parking lot...
Here is an example... A few years ago a student at a major university was admonsished then cleared of racial discrimination. Here's the story. This student was studying while a group of girls were making noise and talking loudly very late at night. The student who did not see the girls shouted at them to be quiet. The student shouted "be quiet you water buffaloes". The group of girls were of differernt races ,some happened to be black. They charged that the use of Water Buffalo was racially insensitive because Water Buffaloes are indifgenous to Africa and the girls were offended because they were black.
The student was cleared.....Guess where he was from origianlly?....Nigeria....
The student charged was of Arab and Black parents.
SO here we have a group of hypersensitive girls who had nothing better to do that look for things to bother themselves with. And that is the problem. There are random people who just cannot go through their day without becoming offended over some perceived slight.
It's has gotten out of hand. People's skin has gotten far too thin.
Quite frankly I neither have the time nor the inclination to worry about such petty nonsense. I have things to do. I have business to take care of. I should allow this to consume me? I don't think so. If that's what is considered indiffernece, so be it.
Here's an idea. If someone insults you in that certain way, instead of getting yourself all angry , walk away. And say to yourself, I don;t have time for ignorant people. It costs nothing. ANd allows you to not lower yourself to the level of that idiot. Because whther or not you beat the shit out of an ignorant racist douchebag, he or she is STILL going to be an ignorant racist douchebag. And you could wind up in trouble when the ignorant racist douchebag files a civil suit against you because you decided to beat the shit out of him....
Ya know what. In perect world I would shove you aside and beat the shit out of the ignorant racist douchebag myslef....But we probably shouldn't do that.
This thread proved the OP right, because some white people in this thread have lost their minds indeed.

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