While Trump is bringing in more money than ever, Republican politicians are not doing so well

While Trump is bringing in more money than ever, Republican politicians are not doing so well.
Trump is soliciting money for his defense from the same people Republican politicians are asking for funds for their election in 2022. Trump is bringing in more money than the Republicans running for office in 2022.
Typical Trump, it is all about him. He has billions, Trumpsters who are living pay check to pay check are sending him money for his "defense". The Republican party is pulling back because they do not have enough funds for all candidates but they are paying some of Trump's legal bills.
Trump is going to suck the Republican party dry along with the poor Trump minions.

I always believed Rump was a Clinton plant. He has single-handedly brought down the once proud GOP. They once stood for Conservatism and fiscal responsibility.

Now they neither stand for religion, conservatism or fiscal responsibility. Just a bunch of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging racist cultists. They will believe any lie the orange douche bag dishes. Sad.

So you don't think people should give money to your bitter political enemy. Wow, where did that come from? What a surprise ...

I always believed Rump was a Clinton plant. He has single-handedly brought down the once proud GOP. They once stood for Conservatism and fiscal responsibility.

Now they neither stand for religion, conservatism or fiscal responsibility. Just a bunch of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging racist cultists. They will believe any lie the orange douche bag dishes. Sad.

LOL, from the eight year old who thinks it's an insult to call someone "Rump." Funny stuff. Did you have a good nap today, little guy?
I always believed Rump was a Clinton plant. He has single-handedly brought down the once proud GOP. They once stood for Conservatism and fiscal responsibility.

Now they neither stand for religion, conservatism or fiscal responsibility. Just a bunch of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging racist cultists. They will believe any lie the orange douche bag dishes. Sad.
As it turns out, this is what the party has been for quite a while. This is the type of person they've wanted for quite a while.

To prove it, they're willing to tithe to him, even though they know he'll hoard the money to protect himself, even when they're contributing to a "non-profit" that doesn't even fucking exist.

TDS indeed. This is a group pathology. The world has seen it before.
LOL, from the eight year old who thinks it's an insult to call someone "Rump." Funny stuff. Did you have a good nap today, little guy?
Actually, I did. Thanks for asking.

How about your orange douchebag? Did Rump have a good nap or is he still hiding under his bed fearing another visit from the evil FBI?? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I did. Thanks for asking.

How about your orange douchebag? Did Rump have a good nap or is he still hiding under his bed fearing another visit from the evil FBI?? :auiqs.jpg:

Isn't it funny how the only people who think calling someone "rump" is an insult are eight year olds and Democrats. LOL.
Isn't it funny how the only people who think calling someone "rump" is an insult are eight year olds and Democrats. LOL.
So, the answer to my question is that Rump is still shivering and whining about the FBI visit? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
"Crushed on line"? What the hell does that mean? Is the fake issue that originated in the ultra left wing Daily Beast intended to give some hope to democrats who are sure to get crushed in the voting booth in a couple of months?
Best president in my lifetime.
Negative information is brought up about Donald Trump and the trained monkey's attack and defend their leader with a devotion and allegiance you only find in cults. The Trump defense playbook is followed to a tee.
Trained monkeys are a funny group but dangerous.
The operative word here is that despite all that the Left have tried and the billions
they've spent trying to get rid of Trump, Trump is more popular than ever and
98% of those he endorses win election, irregardless of what they spend.

Negative information is brought up about Donald Trump and the trained monkey's attack and defend their leader with a devotion and allegiance you only find in cults. The Trump defense playbook is followed to a tee.
Trained monkeys are a funny group but dangerous.
Would you make up your pathologically TDSed minds.

I thought Trump was broke since he is a terrible businessman, at least according to that Muslim hag Surada.
Negative information is brought up about Donald Trump and the trained monkey's attack and defend their leader with a devotion and allegiance you only find in cults. The Trump defense playbook is followed to a tee.
Trained monkeys are a funny group but dangerous.

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