Which Mod moved my excellent thread to the Rubber Room?

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.
I challenge you to find one single post of antisemitism on this message board. Please quote it and show it here so the accused can then be asked if they are against all Jews and we will have our answer. thought crimes donā€™t countā€¦.

Iā€™ve had a few threads moved around. This type of complaining by you My friend is not necessary. Sometimes these things happen. Weā€™re not the moderators.

You are choosing to believe that there is so much ā€œantisemitismā€ going on when it is not the case. Do you think that there is a problem when it comes to antisemitism from your own fellow Americans, from your neighbors, your friend, your family? Thatā€™s just not the case most Americans are good people. We donā€™t have a racism problem against Black people or white people, or Jews or Muslims in this country from Americans in general.

When I see one or even a dozen posters make blatantly anti-Muslim Comments I donā€™t go to complain about it on the Feedback section. Because I know the great majority of Americans are not bigotedā€¦.You should have the same attitude toward Judaism and Jews.
I challenge you to find one single post of antisemitism on this message board. Please quote it and show it here so the accused can then be asked if they are against all Jews and we will have our answer. thought crimes donā€™t countā€¦.

Iā€™ve had a few threads moved around. This type of complaining by you My friend is not necessary. Sometimes these things happen. Weā€™re not the moderators.

You are choosing to believe that there is so much ā€œantisemitismā€ going on when it is not the case. Do you think that there is a problem when it comes to antisemitism from your own fellow Americans, from your neighbors, your friend, your family? Thatā€™s just not the case most Americans are good people. We donā€™t have a racism problem against Black people or white people, or Jews or Muslims in this country from Americans in general.

When I see one or even a dozen posters make blatantly anti-Muslim Comments I donā€™t go to complain about it on the Feedback section. Because I know the great majority of Americans are not bigotedā€¦.You should have the same attitude toward Judaism and Jews.
The news is making people mentally unwell. They internalize all of the bad things happening all over the world, and it gives them the impression that everything is falling apart. Yes, the world can seem that way when you only pay attention to the negativity.
I challenge you to find one single post of antisemitism on this message board. Please quote. thought crimes donā€™t count.

Iā€™ve had a few threads moved around. This type of complaining by you My friend is not necessary. Sometimes these things happen. Weā€™re not the moderators.

You are choosing to believe that there is so much antisemitism going on what is not the case. Do you think that there is a problem when it comes to antisemitism from your own fellow Americans, from your neighbors, your friend, your family. Thatā€™s just not the case most Americans are good people. We donā€™t have a racism problem against Black people or white people, or Jews or Muslims in this country from Americans in general.

When I see 12 or even a dozen posters, make blatantly anti-is la Abbott Comments I donā€™t go to complain about it on the Feedback section. Because I know the great majority of Americans are not big at it. You should have the same attitude toward Judaism and Jews.
Sorry, youā€˜re too biased to give me feedback.
So far, we have ONLY leftists responding, and predictable, they are downplaying antisemitism.
I will wait for a response from a mod: again, why is MY thread on an excellent topic attracting a lot of interest, banished due to expressing an opinion about the tolerance of antisemitism when other posters are free to blather their opinions all over the forum?
The news is making people mentally unwell. They internalize all of the bad things happening all over the world, and it gives them the impression that everything is falling apart. Yes, the world can seem that way when you only pay attention to the negativity.
This is part of the narrative from some of the American government officials. Itā€™s part of fear mongering and atrocity propaganda. Trying to create a bogeyman. And itā€™s often Done to try and take away our rights and create surveillance programs.

Watching the news too much is certainly unhealthy. So itā€™s good thing to get outside more and stay away from the mass media.

Whether itā€™s the attempt to instill the idea to Americans that ā€œif youā€™re black, itā€™s not safe to travel to Floridaā€, which is what NAACP try to argue. They literally issued a travel warning to black Americans to be safe if they travel to Floridaā€¦

ā€¦.And thatā€™s a disgraceful argument by the naacp . Itā€™s the same thing when the governor of New York tried to claim thereā€™s some sort of a antisemitism problem in America.

Greenwald also interviewed a Jewish supporter of Israel, Iā€™m talking a big-time supporter of Israel even she said Jews are safe in America.
How many have had it moved for expressing an opinion?
We are all providing our opinions Here it is a discussion forum. And as you can see, thereā€™s been numerous examples of threads being moved around, locked up, or even deleted.

Itā€™s not like your thread was locked up. It was moved to the rubber room and thatā€™s actually happened to me a few times.
How many have had it moved for expressing an opinion?
It ain't that big of a deal. This internet forum is a dictatorship anyway. They all are. The mods owe us nothing. This is their forum and we are their guests.
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.
Facts according to Democrats are called Russian misinformation.

Leftist Fraud shoved down our throats by the mainstream media are considered facts until proven otherwise, and summarily dismissed as conspiracies by Democrats.
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.
They "want" your OP to contain your own original thoughts, but I guess, not always
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.
Did you provide a link to the story? If you didn't, then you were in violation of the rules about Clean Start.
I got an anonymous notice that my thread about the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews to the rally, AFTER the Jews had contracted for the service, was sent to the Rubber Room because I made an ā€œunfounded statementā€ that news of such horrific bigotry would have had a different response had the minority been blacks.

Since WHEN is an ā€œunfounded statementā€ - otherwise known as expressing oneā€™s opinion? - grounds to slap the OP around by banishing the entire thread to the Rubber Room simply because the mod disagrees? We have many posters, who wonā€™t be named, who come up with all sorts of claims of racist actions, and what whites ā€œthink,ā€ etc., etc., all of which are opinions.

Have we declined so greatly that posters can express their opinions, for purposes of discussion, but that if a Jew does it, a biased mod will punish her by sending the thread to the Rubber Room? Virtually every thread contains opinions.

I would venture to say you are going to get bounced soon.
This is nothing new. This game of leftists in charge will never change until spine comes into the scene, and imho? There is not enough spine in America, let alone USMB... for that.

All one has to do is look at who is defending the move in this thread.

This is nothing new. This game of leftists in charge, will never change until spine comes into the scene and imho? There is not enough spine in America for that.
So are we supposed to quietly accept the bias? Allow ourselves to be treated more harshly and not bring it up?
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