CDZ Which is the greater "existential" threat: Global Warming or Nuclear Power?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.
Nuclear Power is not, nor has it ever been, an existential threat.

Even the worst nuclear accident in history, Chernobyl, has the highest attributable death rate of 50 person (officially 32).

There would have to be 6,400 Chernobyl-sized nuclear accidents every year to match the number of drowning deaths globally.

China loses, on average, 5,000 coal miners a year. Which makes Nuclear Power among the safest practical power generation methods we have.
Nuclear war is much more a threat to mankind than global warming, thanks to the psychopaths running the world.
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.

KKKalifornia will learn soon, if the demand for electricity hadn't plummeted due to COVID shutdown Kali wouldn't have been able to buy power from neighboring states.

Dodged a bullet for now.

They will miss Base Load San Onofre and Diablo Canyon.
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.

Which is the greater "existential" threat: Global Warming or Nuclear Power?
The Greatest existential threat is the Eco-Terrorists. Anytime an alternate solution to carbon based fuels and their emissions is proposed, eco-nut jobs find a way to have a problem with it too.
Nuclear, while low in emissions, still produces emissions during the Uranium refining process and with it's waste heat it expels for cooling, not to mention the conundrum of what to do with the Nuclear waste.
Hydroelectric power is clean.....renewable.....and produces zero carbon emissions. But the econuts created such and uproar over damming rivers and disturbing wildlife that power companies all but abandoned it.
Wind is another wonderful alternative, but again, we can't kill a few birds or clutter up our scenic view just to save the whole planet.
If half the money currently being spent on solar went to perfect Hydro and wind, we wouldn't need anything else.
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.
Probably global warming. Humanity, being as clever as it is, split the atom, and since then has basically only used nuclear fission for the purpose of threatening humanity with annihilation. It has not used nuclear fission to provide the masses with relatively clean, and cheap energy. We don’t sufficiently exploit nuclear energy.
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.

KKKalifornia will learn soon, if the demand for electricity hadn't plummeted due to COVID shutdown Kali wouldn't have been able to buy power from neighboring states.

Dodged a bullet for now.

They will miss Base Load San Onofre and Diablo Canyon.

So will the ENTIRE COUNTRY of Germany.. Dismantled ALL nuclear power in a fit of "virtue signaling".. They just announced last week that they're STILL gonna mine coal and run coal plants thru 2036..

Their STUPIDITY leaves them no other choice but to actually KILL people and cripple their economy... And that's after all the hype and bloom went out of solar/wind investments.
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.
Nuclear power by far since the globe is warming normally and when all the ice caps melt surfing will be better
One thing that undermines the Global Warming/Climate Change argument is that it proponents are steadfastly opposed to the most obvious, available and economical way to reduce carbon emissions to build more nuclear power plants. Unless and until they start seriously considering this alternative energy source, their credibility on this "existential" issue is zero.

KKKalifornia will learn soon, if the demand for electricity hadn't plummeted due to COVID shutdown Kali wouldn't have been able to buy power from neighboring states.

Dodged a bullet for now.

They will miss Base Load San Onofre and Diablo Canyon.

So will the ENTIRE COUNTRY of Germany.. Dismantled ALL nuclear power in a fit of "virtue signaling".. They just announced last week that they're STILL gonna mine coal and run coal plants thru 2036..

Their STUPIDITY leaves them no other choice but to actually KILL people and cripple their economy... And that's after all the hype and bloom went out of solar/wind investments.
So you believe that nuclear power is smart


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